get the current url javascript

Solutions on MaxInterview for get the current url javascript by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "get the current url javascript"
13 May 2017
1var currentUrl = window.location.href;
05 Jan 2020
1window.location.pathname; // Returns path only (/path/example.html)
2window.location.href;     // Returns full URL (
3window.location.origin;   // Returns base URL (
queries leading to this page
how to get current url in jshow to get url in html javascriptjavascript get the current urlrouting on window object javascriptjs current urlget the page url javascripthref get current urljavascript get current page past 2fjavascript get pathwindow location vthis page url jsjs current page get url in javascriptget page urlget url of website javascript 24 current urlget current url method how to find the current url pathname javascriptwindow location pathhow to get current url in javascriptjavascript save current urljavascript get url linkhow to get url from window object in jsget current link using javascripthow to get the address of current page jsgetting url from javascriptjavascript get addresshow to get url from client in javascriptwindow urlwindow locaiton hrefgetting the current url with javascriptget web url javascript 7e javascript get from urlget the url of a page in javascripturl of current page in javascriptjscript get urlcurrent page jshow to get the current url with javascript 3fhow to get page url jsjavascript 2bget 2burljavascript detect url copyjavascript get url path not entire urlget current url in javascriptget bas url javascriptget get current urlhow to get the page url in javascripthow to get url of the current page in javascriptget current url of window openget url domain name in jsread url using jswindow location href 3d window location hrefjs get actual domainget url using javascirptget current url from request object javascriptget page urm javascriptjs document current urljavascript get url domain 5cget current url javascriptjs read current urlhow to get the url of the page in javascriptjavascript check page urljavascript how to get website propertiesget url details in javascriptget url on javascriptes6 window url pathjavascript on load get urljs url paththis get current urljavascript get current url as a stringhow to get url in jsjs get current ulrhwo to get current href in javascriptget from url jsget web url jshow to find current url in javascriptget the url in htmlhow to get url in vanilla javascriptjs get current pagegethost javascrjs to get full url pathget the current page url in javascriptjavascript to get a current urlhow to get local domain in jshow to capture url from window locationwindow location href get current urlwindow path urlwindow location to current pageget page url javascriptfetch location urlget window url in jsjavascript url get 7e javascript location domainjavascript get full url on pageloadget current host in javascriptget host javascriptcurrent url 28 29full url in jsjs current web url getget current url javascripthowto use javascript to return the current routewindows location javascripthow to get current url get window hostname javascriptjs get html by urlget windows path after hostnamejavascript get url locationwindow location href actuve pagejavascript get url urljs get current page urlget page path javascriptjavascript get from urlwindow locationjavascript to get current urljavascript get url host window location save functionwindow locatiowindow location in javascriptcurrent urlhow to check the domain name of the url using javascriptget url of current pagejavascript get actual domainjavascript current pagejavscript get current urlget url from jscurrent url javascriptverify current url javascriptget page path jsjavascript get current url eventget current url with javascriptwindow location get urlget the page url in javascriptget url path in javascriptjavascript window location urlget url of site javascriptget js urlhow to get current url javascriptcurrent page url in javacriptget current url of website javascriptset url javascript js get from urlvue router get current viewjs get urlget current hostname javascriptjavascript get came from urlget curent urlget current url portion javascriptwindow location hrefget current page urlget current complete url javascriptget website url from htmlhow to get current url from javascriptfind element with current url in javascriptjavascript get current url domainwindow location domainjs get urlocation href completejs check get current urljavascript window pathnameget url jsdocument get urljavascript current urlhow to get url of page in javascriptget url from window javascriptjs get hostjavascript get page with urljavascritp get currrent urlhow to get the main url of a page in jsget current url javascripget url javasciprhow to get current url of page using javascripthow get document url javascriptcurrent url in javascriptjavascript check hostnamelocation href go to current pageget domain jshow to get current window url in javascriptget url of the page in javascriptjs get domain namewindow location javascriptwindow url 28 27 27 29 3bjs to get url of current pagewindow location fullhow to detect the current urlgeta url with javascriptjavascrtipt get current pathget url get javascriptwindow hrefhow to copy current url in jsget current site url javascriptget current url jalocation window get url being browsedhow to get current site url in javascriptjavascript check current urlget current url except the host namewidnow locationfind url jswindow urlget in url jsgetting the url in javascriptget current urljavascript javascript window location nameget current page in javascriptjascript get urlget current url location javascriptget url in javscriptset page url from javascriptjavascript get this urljs window locationhow to check current url in jswindow location href get only pagejavascript this urlhow to get the url from javascriptjs get the current urlwindow locationwindow location href in javascriptjavascript get host pathjavascript get 23 from urlwindow location href protocolget curent url jsjaavscript window locationjavascript get site nameget url on jsget url current page javascriptreturn current urljs current window locationobtaining complete url javascriptget specific path from routes angularfind url html jsget url jget host in jsget full url javascriptjs get location urlhow to get the domain url in javascriptget current link javascriptget the page path in javascripthow to get a url using javascriptactual url windowjs get url nameget current url from windowhow to get e url in javascriptget a url with javascriptjs get window pathwindow pathnamejavascript get the url of current pageget browser url in javascripthow to get the url javascriptget link jsget current url jscheck current url javascirptjavascript window location absolute urlget host url in javascriptjavacsirpt get urljavascript get current pathcurrent window locationtrack domain name using javascriptwindow location href return valuehtml current url pathhow to get current url of page javascrptjs get current location windowjavascript function to get current page urlwindow current urlget current url document javascriptjs url readget site url javascriptjs get hostnameget url 3fwindow object get page urljavascript current urihtml javascript get urljavascript url locationjs get current hostnamelocation javascript whats the url for the current windowcheck the current url javascriptget current url using domjs function to get the current window urlwindow pathname javascriptget current web page url in javascriptjs get current routejavascript function get urlprint window location href pagemodel appear at current window locationurl get javscripyjava script get current urlget current url object in javascriptjavascript get current url page nameget current website url javascripthow to get the current page url in javascirptjs location pathnameget url name only javascriptwindow location href from originalhow to get the current url values in javascriptgrab url in javascriptjs gett urlwindow location href without domainhow to get url injsjs urldocument location current pageget the url of page jsget specfic url in javascriptjava script get urhtml windows locationjavascript check current page pathwindow location 28 22index html 22 29 3bget domain url in javascriptjavascript location pathjs 2bget current urlfunction window location hrefget url from document javascriptget url vanilla jshow to url in jsjs get current urlget url of the current page javascriptget the hostname javascript urlget uri from url javascriptjs get website urlget url from a link in javascriptjs get url withget url html javascriptjavascript get current linkhow get current url in javascriptthis url javascriptjs get 22 23 22 from urlget page url in javascriptget the url in javascripthow to get a url locator using javascriptget current rout jshtml5 button location hostnamejs get url of current windowget current date javascriptget browser object javascripthtml windows page locationget location url javascripthow to get the url of current page jswindow location javascriptjavascript get the urlget url from link javascriptjavascript get page locationwindow current url javascripthow to get the url of current page in javascriptjs get current pathjs get url from windowjavascript current domainjavscript get urlhtml get current urljs ger urlhttp 3a 2f 2fwindow location host 2fhtml5 refer to current urljavascript to get the urllocation href pathname jqueryhow to get the current urlget website url in javascripthow to get url value in javascriptwindow location pathname with parametersget curent url with jswindow location jsget current window locationhoe to get the url of the page in jsjavascript get locationget page url in javascrphow to use js to check the current urljavascript get window locationget address javascripthtml print current urljavascerit full urlhttp get from address jshtml how to get current urljavascript url current pagejavascript program to get the website urljavascript read current urlhow to get url javascripttrack page url using javascriptwindows url in jsjs location currentget page url in jsmatch the response url in javascriptwindow location 3d 7burl 7dyjavascript take current urlwindow location functionhow to get current url location javascripthow to check current url js js get full urlcurrect urlget current current url jswindow location get hrefjavascript window location hostget hosename jshow to get url from jsget urlget url via javascriptget page url jdhow to get the url from a website javascriptgo to new url using windowhow can i get host url in javascriptget domain javasciptget path from windowtake current url javascriptjs get domain from pageget url for javascript codewindows location pathnamejavascript get dom of urlhow to get the url using dom jswindows locationget url location jscurrent url jkavascriptget browser url javascriptjavascript get uri from urlho to get the url using jshow to get current url with javascriptangular get current page html contentlocation protocol javascriptget current domain javscri c3 a8twindow location 3d urlget present url in jsget current url with jsget url javascript pathget url in javascriopthow to get url of a page in jsget url from window locationwindow location herfjavascript display urlhow to select current url with javascriptjavascript url get urijs get linkget url javascriptisymfony get the url string in controllernet url get full url jsget current page location javascriptmake a current on a hrefjavascript get site urlhref window locationjs site url functionsget current url nodejsjs get page urlget page js urlwindow href location htmlget current html from url javascriptget url using jsjavascript get document urlget path javascriptjs window location pathnamehow to find host name from url in javascripthow to get current website domain in jsjavascript window location host with portscript get urljs get host windowgetting current url from browser urlhit url using javascripthow to get the host and path from url javascriptget link in javascripthow to get the url used with javascriptjavascript get from urljavascript to know the own web addressget window url jslocation href pathnamejs get my urlget current url window jsjs get the current page urlget current url jsthe property returns the number of the internet host port 28of the current page 29access url javascriptjavascript get location full urlcheck current url javascriptjavascript get current hostname from urllocation other url js window location host url actualget full url jsset window location javascriptjavascript current path urljs find self urlhow to get url in javascriptget url js currentwindow location pathnameget pathnameget current url in jsif window location hrefjs get html from urljs current urihow to get current page url jsjavascript get html from urlwindow location in jsjavascript url to pathget current website url javasciprjavascript get html of urlhow get from get link in javascriptwindow href w3javascript find url of pagecurrenr url javascriptjavascript new url from current pagelocation url javascriptget current page url javascriptget url in jsjavascript get current hostget window url javascriptjavascript urlpatjhow to read url in jscurrent url with window objectjs get window location pathwindow location href 3bselect url in jswindow loacation pathnamejavascript get something from urltake url javascriptget url by javascriptget urls jsjs get url of current pagejavascript locationwindow location href go to urlget current hostname in reactjavascipt get url where page comes fromget image from url javascriptjavascript get complete current urlwindow location in jqueryhow to change the current url in javascriptjavascript get current url pageget url of current website javascriptwindow location hostnamegetting current url in javascriptjavascript get full urlwindow location hostname typejavascript location pathnamejs url getcurent path javascriptjavscript get current page urlhtml js get from urljavascript to extract current urljs get uri pathget the url of a webpage with javascriptreturn url jsget the adress windowget currenturl jswindos locationjs get url of pagewindow location jquerylocation pathname includesvar url 3d window location hrefhow get url jswindow location href routeget url in browser javascriptjavascript path urlhow to get website name in javascriptget current page url in javascriptget current hostname in javascriptwindow location get full current urlurl 3a window locationjavascript current url pathwindow path jsdinwod location pathnamewindow location href 28 22 22 29get url parameters javascripthow to get the url with jsjavascript get site domainget url by page jshow to get the current url in javascriptjavascript access current urlget current url with parameters javascriptjavascript window locationgetting urls from javascriptjs code for get the urlurl url javascriptwindow path javascriptselenium get url pythonget dom using a url in javascriptcurrent url in jswindow set location javascriptget html from url javascripthow to get url from javascriptjs get page locationurl get in javascriptget page url jsjavascript access current domain in javascriptcurrent website url geting in jsget curenturl javascriptjavascript get linkjquery get current contextjavascrip get url locationjavascript get current script urlwindow location 3dcheck www url path javascripthow to get the browser url in javascriptjavascript to get url in pagewindow href locationajvascript get full urljavascript getting uri how to get current url by javascriptvar url string 3d window location href 3bget url in jsjavascript get current urlstring get url jsjavascript get html from current urllocation javascript after domainget the current path javascriptget current url jqavascriphow to get url in javascripthpw to get url in jscheck the host in javascriptjs get window locationjavascript get hostget current url value in javascriptjavascript get current url hrefjavascript get current href valuehow to get location url in javascriptwindows locationjavascript grab the site urlread url javascriptcapture cureent url in javascriptcheck current web address jsdisplay current url javascripthow to get url of page by jsget the data from url in js load 28window location 2bjs host urlcheck whats the current url javascriptgot url from jsjs how to display current urlaccess windows url havascrptjs detect current urlcurrent location javascript document javscript get element urljs get url locationjs document get urlget method urlwindow location origin and hostname storing in jsretrieve current url javascriptwindow location href 3dhow get current url in jswhat is location protocol and location host in jqueryhow to get the url of your current page in javascriptjavascript window location domain before 2fcurrent page url in javascriptjavascript get currenty urlget the url in javascript locationjs get the page urlhow to use window locationget current windows url javascriptjs obtain current urljavacript get current urljs get url from websiteget url of a page window location vs document urljs current page urlhow to grab a url in javascriptjavascript call using current url in a functionjavascript get current server urlurl current jsjavascript to get urljavascript browser get urlwindow location href 3d linkjs get host name js get urlslocation href 3d location originhow to get get url with javascriptjs get actual linkjavascript get url of current pagejs to get current urlget full current url jsget urljsget url function in javascriptgrab url javascriptwindow location for getting urljs window current urlcurrentpage object javascriptgetting url javascripthow to get from url in javascripthow to get current link in javascriptget site host name jsget the url of the current page jscopy current webpage url button javascripthow to add php get current url in javascriptjavascript get entire urlhow to get html from url in javascriptjs access url in all browsershow to get url with javascriptget url of page in javascripthow get url in javascriptget current location url javascriptjaascript get urlhow to get url uri in javascriptsave current url to a variable javascriptwindow location path givesjavascript window location hreflocation javascript w3schoolsget current linkget url window location hrefhow to show url on page jsjsdom get current urlget url hostname javascriptjavascript urlwindow location get domainget url javascriptfetch the current urlcrunt url in javascriptwe can get the url in jsjavascipt get urlhow to get the current page url in javascripthow to grab url with javascript element from javascriptjavascript how to find the right request urlget uri javascriptwindow pathnamewindows urlhow to get current url in javascript 3fget previous window location pathname javascripthow to get your page url with jsjs get url that page is going tohow to access the current url without javascript 3fget document location from urlevery way to get the window location in javascriptwindow location urlhow to read current url using jsjavascript this locationwindow location pathname 3d with parameterswindow location with linkjavascript how to get current window urlhow to get the current url in javascript without locationcan javascript get url 3fget location hrefhow to know your current urlget the current url jswindowlocation routejavascript get url namejavascript get window urlget the url of the windowjs get current location urljavascript get current page urljavascript get current url from th current pagejs get website domainnuse window to get the current locationjavacript get domainget url browserscriptdom get current urlhow to current url in javascriptget current route in jsjavascript location host entire urljs get urkjavascript window get urlhow to get the url in consolejavascript get url from current pagejavascript window location hostget page urlhow to get current page location in jsget uril of pageget the url of the page jsget url document javascriptget host form url javasctipthost url in javascripthow to get current link javascriptblazor get urlurl 3d current page javascriptjavascript window location href current urlget url from javacriptjs get the urlhow to reterive the url using javascriptwindow location dom javascript for current urlget page path in jshow to get current page url in javascriptjs getting current urlwhat is window urlfind url javascriptjs get currenturluse javascript to get urlhow to get and set the url using javascriptlocation in javascripthow to look at the page url jsweb page location javascriptdocument location javascript examplejquery window locationjavascript set window location hrefget current url in javascrriptjs get complete urllocation jsurl get javascriptjavascript how to get current urljavascropt window location 24 get javascript with urlurl url javascripthow to change window location origin path using a tagwindows location jsget urls javascriptjavascript location pathurl in javascripthow to get url of webpage js 5djavascript server urlhow to get javascript from pathhttp host javascriptjavascript go to location href 22 2fjascrypt get urljs get domainjs get current domainget path of page javascriptget new url jsjavascript get website urlhow to get document url in javascripthow to get the current website a user is on in javascriptget in js urljavasxript get urljavascript get the browser current urlread uri from window locationget window hrefwindow location get allgetting the current url in javascriptget url jsget current link in javascripthow to get the current url using javascriptget from url javascriptget url and orjs locationhow to know the url of the current webpage in javascir 5btget current window urljavascritp get urljavascript get current url and portget url of browser jswindow location hosthow to get the url of the current page in javascriptwindow location pathget url name javascripthow to grab url in html jsjs window url pathwindow location hrefjavascript current location urlwindow url w3schoolget url from page javascriptjs parse current urldocument get current urlhow to get current url javascript 3fget current path of webpage jscurrent href javascripthow to javascript to get urlwindow location pathnamhow to get current window location javascripthow to get current url pure javascript javascript 3fget current domain javascriptjavascript get to urlget current route javascripthtml javascript take value from current urlget host in javascriptget window url in javascriptfind javascript urlget actual url jsserver path in javascriptjavascript get get from urljs get url for pagejavascript current pathhow to return current urlget 23 from url javascriptget current curl of page in javascriptdom how to get page domainread url from javascripthow to get the url in the jswindow location 3dget url from url javascriptjs get or take current url or urihow to set url in javascriptjavascript dom get urlget domain in jswindow get current urlhow to get current page url in jsprint current url jsjavascript document current urlknow url in javascriptget website url javascriptget html url javascriptget current url using jshow to get browser url in javascriptget current page locationjavascript get url actualwindows location hrefjs get a url pagewindow document location hrefwindow this url jsjs how to get urlget url path javascripthow to get url of site in javascriptget the current page jsurl in jshow to access the url with javascriptget the current url with javascript 3fhow to get data from the current page url in javascript in browsercurrent position javascript a hrefget current domain jshow to get the url in js window javascript get current locationhow to see window url javascriptjavascript get url pathjavascript get element urljquerywindow locationjs get current addressget current page url using javascripthow get name url jswindow location hrewindow location domaincurrent page url javascripthow to get url in javascript in phpjs get current url with parametersget current url express nodejsjs retrieve urllocation href domainjs get document urlhow t get the current url page in js 3fget current url javascript objectjavascript request url getjs page urlwindow location href 3d document locationhet url jsjavscript location readget actual page url jsget javascript urljs to get urlhow to get current domain javascriptjavascript location domainjavascript geturlhtml getting currentpage urlhow to get the current url in a variable in javascriptget the url from javascriptget url with javascriptjavascript get window hostnamehow to get the current url in jsget window locatino domainget location path javascriptjs full urlcheck href current in javascriptwindow location hjavascript test current urlis there a way to know the url of a page using javascriptget location of pageretrieve url from javascripthow to access url from javascriptwindow location href in htmljavascript get 23 urljavascript get hostnamewindow location current urljs get link urljs href location currenthow to get the id sent through window location href in next page through url javascriptusing javascript to grab url of current pagehow to get url method in javascriptgo to window location hostnameaccess current url in javascriptscript location urlgt url javascriptget main domain url in javascriptcurrent url with jsget the url path in javascriptjs document location self pagejavascript get current url locationget host url javascripthow to check the current url in javascripthow to get current url in javascript democapture full urlget element from url javascriptsee url of window in jsjavasript get urlhow to get location path urljavascript get links from urlwindow url get pathname from url javascriptget full url of current jsjavascript get data from current window urljs get current site donmainhow to get url using javascriptget domain name javascriptjavascript access urljavascript get page urljavascript check the current urljs get url current pagejavascript get current urljavascript to load uri from windowsjs get current ur 3bdom js get urljavascript get method from urljavascript to grab urlwindow location to urlget the current urljs get full urlget url current js window locationget url from browser javascriptget link javascriptget current location windowget window location jsjavascript window locationget url server javascriptjs get page sourceget counsciousfind url for javascriptjavascript get page namecurrent link jshow to retrive the current href of the browserjavascript get dom from urljavascript get full url of sitehow to get current url with jsjs window get urlprint current url using javascripthow to get the url of a website with javascriptjs to url 2fget location urljavascript know urljavascript output current urljquery lcation href after domainjs html locationhow to get current url in htmlget hostname javascripthow to get the url in javascriptget full url in javascriptjava script get hostnamewindow location href jsget the address jsger uri javascriptjavascript get current page linkhow to get the value of url in javascripthref 3dwindow locationjavascript get url from websitejs get server urlcurrent url in javascriptget current window url javascriptjavascript get currect url originwindow location hostget current host jshow to get current page url with javascriptcheck current url jsget current url domain javascriptget page url javascript mainhow to get url of the page in javascriptget variable from url javascriptwindow location href can js read urlcheck current url in javascriptjavascirpt get current page urlget currnt url pathjavascript get dom urlconsole log url javascriptget document url javascriptcurrent url locationjavascript request current urlget current url in conoslejs get based urlhow to find the current url in javascriptget current url path javascriptjavascript find current urluserscript get current urljavascript get current page past js get 23 from urlhow to get the url of page using javascriptjavascript site urlget current url javascrjs how to get the current full urlja get urlget current urljs get pathnot getting full url in jsjs how to get window urljavascript window urljavascrig get hostget url by jshow to use window hrefget page from url javascriptjavscript get url of current pagehow to check the current url of a website using javascriptwant to get the url of the document in javascript i should use urlget url window javascriptcurrent path url jsjavascript entire current path urlget current url using javascriptwindow location href not using current pathhow to get the current url for the windownode get urlgeturl javascripthow to get page url in javascriptjavascript get domain from window locationget current page url from javascriptwindow locationget current page url in jsjavascript how to get url of current pagegetting url in javascriptget current page javascriptget the current url in javascriptjs location hostnamejavascript reading url from browserglobal path in window location in javascriptget url in javascriptget current window location jsjs get cuurent urlhow to get url in javascript of current pagewindow location href current pagevariable get current url javascriptget value url javascriptwindow location in htmlwindow location host jqueryhtml window location pathhow to get the url of a webpage javascriptjavascript get url of browserjavascript 2b get current urlhow to get url of a link with jsjavascript read urldocument location pathnamejavascript return urltake current url in jsjavascript get current url 5cjavascript location pageget widow urlget current pathname in jswindow location getjavascript how to get the current urlread url in javascriptget current path javascripthow to get server url in javascriptjavascript current page urlcurrent urljavascripthow to use window location in javascripthow to get something from url jsjs read urlhow to check the url in javascriptjavascript current doamainhow to get the domain of a website using javascriptget url of current window javascriptget url in jsrequest get url namesjavascriptjavsacript current urlget current location javascript urlscript include get window locationget current href javascriptlocation url in javascriptjavascript how to get url from browserwindow location jsget this url javascripthow to print current url in javascripturl get full url hsjavascript page url getget url current javascriptwindows location in javascriptget current href location javascriptcurrent url jscriptprint current url javascriptbase location jshow to display the current url but another url data in javascriptprint location javascriptlocation href javascript intget the current url javascriptjavascript document get urlgrab url javascruptget site domain in jswindow location site namehow to get the url using javascriptvanilla js get json from urlwindow location get domainjavascript get url htmljs get url as htmlget link in jsget the whole url in javascriptconsole log window urljavascript get data from urlget actual url javascriptjavascript get html page from urlget the current url using javascriptjavascript get requesthow to get url in window javascirptjs check current urlcurrent url jsjavascript get current domainget host jscurrent window url in jsjs get this urlhow to get window location hrefget current page url in javasriptget url of page javascriptjavascript call current url in a functionwindow url javascripthow to get url of current page in javascriptjava script get urlto check current urlcurrent document url javascripthow to get url information in javascriptjavacsript get urljavascript current locationwindows location javascripthow to get the url of the current website jsdom window urlget hostname jswhat is a javascript domain urlhow to get the current website a user is looking at in javascriptjavascript window location hrefjavascript get current url window locationjavascript get script urlget current url pathwindow location domain namehow to get website url in javascripthow to grab the url in jsjavascript how to get current page urlhow get my curent urljjavascript get current urljs get url keywordhow to href to current url in jsjavascript go 28 29 on my urlget url pageget window locationwindow location href 3d this urlget url of current page javascriptget current urr jshtml get url of the page jsget dom from url javascriptget url location javascriptget current web url in javascripthow to get the server url in javascriptnavigate to host url javascripturl the page jsjavascript determine if determine the name of the current urljs window location hrefjavascript get http urlurl get full url jsjs get current url hosthow to find current page url in javascriptjs geturljavascript grab urlhow to get url of current page in javascript 5cread current url in javascriptget window urljavascript get current url portjs get current urihow to find current url in javascript w3schoolslocation urlhow to get current linknavigate to window location hostnameget current path jsjs get curent urlget url en jsjavascript currenturlwindow location urljavascript function to get current urllocation href to current pagecheck host in javascriptjavascript get url valuesurl link path in javascripthow to get current url using javascriptget the url jsget current url adresss javascriptwindow location load urljavascritp get current urljs current locationhow to detect current url in jswindow location href goes to current urlhow to read from url in javascripthow to grab url with javascriptbrowser url 28 22 22 29 javascripthow to know current urljavascript get te current urljavascript get current url pathjavascrpt get urljavascript get domain urlwindow location 3d 3d 3d 27 2f 27get the url of the current page in javascriptjavascript get the url of the current pageget path in javscriptjavascript get domain and path from urlreturn window location hrefhtml js get urljavascript get current website urljs get url linkhow to get domain javascriptcapture browser url for javascriptget current html urljavascript reference current urlhow to access current url javascripthow to get com in window ocationget url of page jscurrent url jsget current page javasriptget data from current url javascriptjavascript use current urlread url jsget url javascript browserscript window locationjavascript get document locationget the javascript from urljavascript get url of linkget current url in htmljs get url of current webpagees6 get current urljavascript get window location href within objectjs find urlget window path javascriptwindows ref javascript window href url with parametersjavascriot get urljavascript get domaingrab current url javascriptwindown location jsjavascriot get pathaccess current window urlhow to get the page url in jsjavascript get urljavascript set urlcheck url javascriptjavascript see urlwindow location set hosthow to get the current link in js uri scheme window location href 3d 22 22what is window url 3fget current url of page javascripthow to get the url of a page in jshow to find get url in javascript codejavascript page url window location pathnamejavascript code to get the current urlget url in java scriptget current urkget current link jsget current url htmljavascript get browser urlget url using domhow to get the current url of the page in javascriptwindow loation path nameget site link javascriptget current browser url in javascripthow to get javascript urlhow to check the page url in jsjavascript get complete urlcurrent page javascriptget current timestamp jshow to get full addres of page in javascriptget domain javascriptget server url jsjavascript get location urljs location get 2f window location href 3d 22path 3a 2f 2f 22 3bjavascript location host httpshow to get page hostnameget actual url in javascriptget url javascript locationget web page url javascriptget request to current site htmlget the url with javascriptjs get current url pathhow to read url in javascript javascript get url of websitecheck the url path on the request javascripthow i can get the current location url in javascripthow to get currenturl in jsget current url of browserhow to get window location in javascripthow to get current url jsjs get current host urlget url of current page in jsget current uriget the url javascriptget current full url javascriptdocument get current url javascripthow do i get the url javascriptjavascript get html from urlbrowser js how to get urlget page location jsjs location routejavascript function to show locationjavascript dom get urlget window location javascriptjavascript get url domget this url jswindow get urljs get url 23window location loadget current url windowhow to get url jsjavascript how to get urlcurrent window url javascriptget url with jsjavascript get pageget from url in javascriptjs find link with current urljavacript get urljavascript get url from browser js how to get current urlget url 3f in javascriptjs geturl 28 29how to get the url of page in javascriptget url 3f with jsread url address javascriptget cyrrebt url javascriptget the current url with htmlget html from urget url of current page jshow to get the current webpage in javascripthow to target url path in javascriptjavascript get actual urljs get window urljavascript get urluse url in javascript in htmlif 28window location hrefjavascript get url browser 7e javascript get current urlfind current url in javascriptapp get current url jsgetting urlwindow location 3dpathget url using javascriptget current pagejavascriptget current url from javascriptjavacript gethttpurlcurrent site url in javascriptjs window location urlget current webpage javascriptjavascript get current hrefjavascript get urjs get full current urljavascript to get current page urljavascript current url completejavascript get current parthhow to find url in javascriptwindos location linkcomplete url from window object javascriptjs how to get the current urlget url javascript examplehow get present url in javscriptget current page url jsjs get current url stringhow to get the site url in javascriptwindow location href absolute pathget domain name window locationhow to get the url of a website jsget window url wiindowjs getcurrent urldocument url pathjs get http urljs window locationhow to get th url in jsget a other page url javascriptjavascript get route urlget exact url of web pagejs get location url of window location hostnamejs window path namehow to check current url in javascriptget my current url javascripthow to get pathname using windowgot localatio jshow to get current path javascripthow to check page name in jsjs use window location to new htmlget document urljs get site locationjavascript get urihow to read the current url from javascriptget url from javascriptwindow location get urlget the current url javascript