get the domain name in javascript

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showing results for - "get the domain name in javascript"
05 Aug 2018
1var url = window.location.href;
2var domain = url.replace('http://','').replace('https://','').split(/[/?#]/)[0];
19 Jul 2020
1const url = '';
2const domain = (new URL(url)).hostname.replace('www.','');
10 Aug 2017
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js regex get site namejs location get 2fgetting the current url after domain string javascripthtml window location pathbrowser javascript html get domain urljscript get request domainjavascript page ur 3bstring get domain jsjavascript get hosting domain name from urlget browser url jscurrent url javascriptwindow location get urljavascript get url host javascript domain uri javascript get host pathjavascript get url domain onlyjavascript show domain namjavascript match domain namehow to get the domain url in javascriptjava script detect current domain 27get domain name using jsjavascript get page namejavascript get domain with httpcheck for domain javascriptwindow host javascriptglobal path in window location in javascriptjavascript domain nameshow to get the domain in javascriptjavascript get hostname from url stringhttp 3a 2f 2fwindow location host 2fangular extract domain name fron url stringhow to extract domain with com from string using regex jvascriptget local domain jsjavascript domain uriwindow location pathname javascriptjs get current domain and prtwindow get domaindomain name checker jsget url hostname javascriptjavascript urltrack domain name using javascriptget domain javascript urljs get the domain namewindows location pathnameget url using javascriptget current host in javascriptjscript current domainhow to get current domain in javascripthow to access url from javascriptjavascript find domain name from urlget url domain javascriptget the full url in javascriptjavascript windows locationget the domain of the site javascriptmake domain name with javascripthow to get current domain in jsget name of domain jsget domain name in htmlparse out the domain name from a url javascripthow to extract domain name of url of current page in javascriptget domain name with javascriptjavascript get the url domainjavascript how to get document domainget domain name javascriptjs get the url domainjavascript get the current url pathhow to get domain name in jshow to get current path javascriptcurrent domain jsget the current host domaine jsjavascript get the domain name from urljavascript return domain name from stringget url using jshow to get and set the url using javascriptget url location jsjs get current site donmainjavascript window location hostjavascript domain namejavascript locationjavascript to get current domainget host domain javascripturl protocol 2b domain jshost url in javascriptjs get domain from url with httpextract domain link from url jsreact get url protocoljavascript window location absolute urljavascript get host domainjs curent domainwhat is a javascript domain urlget site domain jsset url javascript javascript get 23 from urlget domain javascriptget all string after hostnnamejavascript take domain namehow to get current url in jscurrent urlhow to get the domain from a webpage through jsjavascript parse url domain onlyget current host jsjs urljavascript how to get the domain namehow to get the domain name in javascriptget url domain name in jshow to get sub domain from jsget current domain name javascriptdomain url in jsget only domain from url javascriptjs regex for getting site domain from stringjs get turlwindow location server codejavascript determine domain namereact get domain from string urlhow to get just the domain and subdomain of a url jsjavascript get url domainjs get domain name from strinjs location routehow to find the website domain with jsget location path javascriptwhat is javascript domain urijavascript get domain and pathget host in javascriptget domain with jsdomain name in javascriptjavascript get just domain from urllocation javascript w3schoolsjavascript get page locationextract domain name from url javascripthow to get domain name from url javascriptget domain name in javascripotjsget domain name from string script window locationjs get domain from url stringjavascript get current site domainjavascript get domain name from string regexhow to get domain name with jsdomain name in javascripthow to check the domain name of the url using javascriptjs url object get domainusing javascript to extract a domain namejs get urljavascript location host httpsget domain javascriptyget domain name nodejshow to get domain name in javascripthow to get website domain using javascriptjavascript window location domain before 2fget hostname jsget the domain name from url javascriptget the current domain name in javascriptget domain name of a url jsregex get hostname withoud extensionhow to get domain with javascriptbase location jsjavascript get domain urljavascript get full url of siteget site domain javascriptjavascript get current hostpath from url in javascriptextract the domain name from a urljs get pathwindow location hostget the domain name in jsjavascript domain from urljs how to get the domain from a urlgetting current domain name in javascripthow to make a domain with javascriptjs window path namejavascript show domain with httpjs current urljs get the page urljavascript get current url domainhtml how to get current domain namereturn current url in javascriptcheck the host in javascriptwindow location href jsjs get url domainjs getting domain name from urljavascript get site domainset page url from javascriptjavascript document url and load itjavascript get hostnamehow to current url in javascriptjs new url get domain onlyget domain name from javascripthow to get domainname in javascriptjavascript get url infojs match domain namejavascript get host from url stringwindow location href vs window location hostnamejavascript get domain from url stringjs url get domainjs get current hostnamehow to know domain name of url javascriptrequest js find domainjavascript domainjs page url 23get host javascriptjavascript get current page past 2fhow to get only domain name from url in javascripthow to get domain from url in javascriptwindow location in jqueryget page path javascriptjavascript get domain and path from urldocument location in javascriptjs get location domainget domain in jshow to get host and port javascriptcheck domain name availability with jsjs get main domainjavsacript get wwwjs function check string is proper hostnamejavascript get current server urlthis url javascriptwindow location jsscript location urlhow to use window hrefurl in javascriptjs get actual domainget current domain with javascript functionget domain from string jsget current url javascrjs current domainget current domain javascriptget domain of url jsget the current host domain jsget domain from url string javascriptget domain name from url jsjavascript extract domain from urlget domain of path jsget domain url in javascriptjavascript get current url using protocol javascript get from urljs use window location to new htmlusing window location get domain name javascripthow to get the domain of a website using javascriptwindow location hostname 3bwindow location get domainjs extract domain from urlget domain name javascript urllocation pathname includesget domain of a website javascript stringjs get domain urljs get domain of urljs get current page urljavascript grab domain of urlget window locationhow to get the domain of the current website jsjavascript import is picking domain urlhow to get current domain name in jspage url javascriptget site page jscheck domain name or not javascriptwindow location href 3d document locationget domain name with http jshow to get location path urllocation href domainjavascript get current domain namehow to get a domain nameget domain only jsget domain path in javascriptget current domain name in javascriptget website domain jsjs get 23 from urlhow to fetch domain name programmatically in javascriptget current domainget domain name from url javascriptjavascript extract page from domainhow to get url javascriptextract domain jsget current href javascriptjavascript window location to get domain from urlget protocol and domain from url jsjavascript window locationgettting domain name jswindow location pathnameget current window locationhow to get domain name jsget current window location jshow to get domain from url stringlocation protocol javascriptwindos locationget current url after domain in jswindow get urlwindow set location javascripthow to get the current domain in javascriptjavascrtipt get current pathhow to get current domain javascriptjavascript read domainjs get domain not hostnamecheck for a domain name in a url with javascripthow to get url of the page in javascripthref 3dwindow locationjs get hostnamejavascrip get domainvar url string 3d window location href 3bget main domain url in javascriptjavascript url to domainwindow location pathnamget url domain javascript with domain namehow to get url in javascriptget http protocol javascriptget domain from windowhow to get domain in javascriptget the current url domain in javascripthow to find host name from url in javascripthow to get website name in javascriptget current pathname in jsget current domain in jsdocument location host and pathjavascript get domain name from urljavascript extract domain name from urljavascript get domainjavascript current domainget domain with javascripthow to get domain javascriptjavascript get current domaingerex get hostname jshow to get current website domain in jsget path of page javascriptjavascript get domain and page pathget current url in jswindow loacation javascrtipthow to detect domain name in jshow to get current domain name and port in javascriptdocument location javascript examplehow to get domain name with javascriptbrowser get domainjs get window domainjavascript to load uri from windowsget the domain name in javascriptwindows ref javascript window href url with parametersjs get current domain namejavascript get website domainlocation urlcurrent window url javascriptjavascript get text of the name of the urlget pathnamejavascript get window location pathwindow location href without domainsave website name javascriptjavascript get full domain urlhow to get url and domain in htmljavascript get current domain urlget local domain javascriptjavascript window top url pathjavascript current urljs get base domainhow to get window location in javascriptjavascript get window location href within objecthow to get host domain from javascripthow to get domain name from url in javascriptjs windows location hrefnavigate to host url javascriptjs get url host and domainjavascript 3a 24 get 28 27 2f 2fdomain name domain 27 29window location hostname typewindow location vjs get hostdomain get in js scriptjavascript get just hostjavascript to get urlwindow location urlextract the domain name from a url in javascriptget current domain ajvascripturl in jsjavascript get domain nameget domain name of current page javas cript without wwwjs get domain nameget a domain namehow to retrieve domain name in javascriptjs get domaine from current urljavascript get the domain part of the urljs domain from urlhow to extract domain with com from string using regexget domain name regex javascriptjavascript get url namehow to get url of page in javascriptjs window locationjavascript get the current domainget only domain name javascriptjs clean url domainif window location href javascriptget current url javasceriprserver path in javascriptget domain name in javascriptget domain of current page javascriptwindows location href vs windows location pathname 2b jsjavascript page domaindmain always be the last 2 parts of the stringjs location domain getjavascript get page domainjavascript get hostget the domain jsjavascript get domain without httjs site url functionsjavascript get pagejavscript url pathhow to get domain jsget the domain name from url string javascriptjavascript current url pathjavascript get actual domainhow to get domain of website jsjs get window urlget host jsjavascript check domain of urlget the url in jshow to get the host and path from url javascriptjavascript get domain name from stringget url domain of url javascripthow to get domain name javascripthow to write window location in htmlwindow js get page after domainjavascript get current website domainhow to get page domain javascripthow to set url in javascriptjs location urljavascript set window location hrefwindow urlhow to get domain out of stringrerex get hostname jsjavascript window location hostnamewindoe loaction pathjs window locationwindow location hostnamewindow location host jquerywindow location javascriptget url jsget only host name from the websiteget current domadin jsjs extract the domain name from a urlmatch string in domain name in javascriptjs find domainreturn url jsget the current domain name from string with javascriptjavascript get main domain from urljs get the current domainwindow location pathnamewindow object in javascript get pathwindow location href absolute pathget web domain in javascriptget the page url in javascriptjs get domain name from stringget url in jsjs extra host from urlget domain url jsget domain name from jswindow get current urljavascript get window hrefjavascript get current domain and pathhow to target url path in javascriptcheck domain name jstake first string in domain angularjs get domain name from urlget full domain javascriptjavascript check domain nameget domain of string in jsfrom current link get domain javascriptget location href javascriptgot localatio jsget current url domain javascriptget current domain in javascriptjava script get current domainjs get current domaincheck current domain javascriptjs get domain onlydom get current urlget page location jsjavascript window location namehow to get a certain domainname of a string in javascriptwindow location href 3d linkget domain and sous domain javascript get the domain using javascripthtml how to get current domain name 27js check current domainget windows path after hostnameextract hostname name from http request javascriptjavascript current page urlhow to get main domain name from url in javascriptget domain nameget the domain name jsfetch domain name from url typescriptwindow location in htmljavascript find full domain urljs get domainjavascript current doamainhtml document location 3d 27default aspjs access url 3bget site domain in jsjavascript get urlcheck domain in jsjavascript check domainjs get domain from urlget domain jsjavascript find domain from urlget domain with http in jsjavscript get urlget domain name inn jswindow location urljavascript get current page past javascript show domainjavascript get current pagegetting domain name jsjavascript get current site domain with httpget domain name in jsjavascript return domain name from urlwindow location functionget current domain ip javascriptget domain name javasget the domain name from url in javascriptget current hostname javascriptjavascript window get urllocation href pathname jqueryget current window url javascriptget domain in url in typescriptjavascript get domain of urljavascript current domain httpjavascript find and match a href in string domainnamewindow location domainjs take domaingetting current url in javascriptjavascript get base domainget page domain javascriptjavascript match url which has a tldjs current window locationhow to get only domain name in javascriptreturn domain javascript js domain namewindow locationhow do i get the domain name in jshow to get the javascript domain of my websiteprint domain name javascriptwindow path urlhow to get your domain name in javascriptget the domain name from link javascriptget domainname javascriptjavascript get domain from window locationget js org domainjavascript get host and domainjavacript 2b extract a domain from a urlget current path javascriptcheck domain url jsget current path of website window location javascriptjavascript parse url get domainget url javascriptwindow urljs get website domainnextract the domain name from a url javascriptget domain from string javascriptjavascript domain of a functiondomain name javascriptget the domain from url javascriptget domain from jsextract the domain name from a url jsjavascript get current only domainjs get domain from pageread current domain in javascripthow to get the id sent through window location href in next page through url javascriptjavascript location pagejquerywindow locationget domain name from url string javascriptjavascript this get urlget domain javascipthow to get the server name in javascriptget domain name url javascriptget current domain url javascriptjavascript how to get domain name from urlget the website domain in jscheck domain javascripthow to get full domain with javascripthow to pull a website from a string javascriptwindow location hcurrent page url javascriptget previous window location pathname javascriptjs get host nameextract hostname name from string javascripthow to get domain name with javscriptwindows location in javascripthow to get the browser url in javascripthow to extract a domain name from url javascriptjs get host windowjavascript get domain name in url regexget window location javascriptjs widnows locationjavascript regex get hostname from urlhow to get winows hrefget domain name from string javascriptjavasript get urlhow to read the current url from javascriptjavascript get domain from specific urljavascript get url from websitehow to split on a specific period in a root domain name in jsget window href jsget domain from href url javascriptget domain name jsextract domain name from url jsget domain from url javascriptjavascript location pathnamejs get domain of sitematch domain name javascriptjs get domain from stringretrieving domain name in javascriptget the page path in javascriptjavascript get hostname and rediretrouting on window object javascripturl get domain jsget domain from url jshow to get a website domain in jsjavascript 3a 24 get 28 27 2f 2fdomainname domain 27 29javascript to get domain name from urlget current url with javascriptget domain of an urljs domain namejavascript get page from urljavascript get current urlthe property returns the number of the internet host port 28of the current page 29javascript url pathextract domain from url jsurl to location jshow to get the current host domain using javascriptwindow href location htmlnode js get domain namejavascript url string get domainget url domain name in javascriptjavascript get method of current pagehow to get the domain url from jsdocument domain javascriptget domain type from string javascripthjs get domainget domain name using javascriptjavascript get domain from urlget domain from url in javascriptextract domain from url javascripthow to get domain name from string javascriptjs get server domainget a url with javascriptlocation href 3d location originwindow location href routehtml windows page locationhow to get the url name in javascriptjavascript get url after domainhow to check all domain and javascriptjs how to get the domain name from a urljs domain getget 23 from url javascriptjavascript use domainjavascript get window domainget domain name of current page javas criptjscript extract domain from current locationget the domain name in the url jsbest way to find the current domain name in javascripthtml show current domain namehow to get domain url with javascriptfind domain name jsjavascrig get hostjavascript get current location without domainjavascript how to get document domain pathhow to get local domain in jsget current domain javscri c3 a8tfunction domainname 28url 29 7b let http 3d 22http 3a 5c 2f 5c 2f 22 2c https 3d 22https 3a 5c 2f 5c 2f 22 2c www 3d 22www 22 3b let newurl 3d url replace 28https 2c 27 27 29 replace 28http 2c 27 27 29 replace 28www 2c 27 27 29 3b return newurl slice 280 2cnewurl indexof 28 22 22 29 29 3b 7djquery window locationreturn domain as string javascriptcurrent domain javascriptwindow href in jsget current domain jsget current url htmlreact get domain namehow to get domain name in nodejs get a urlget current url javascriptget domain from url javascript stringget domain in javascripthow to extract domain with com from a string input using regex jvascriptextract a domain name javascriptget current url domain jsvar url 3d window location hrefget the hostname javascript urlhow to get com in window ocationget domain of url javascriptget current browser url in javascriptget current url jsget the domain name in javascript