global in python

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showing results for - "global in python"
15 Jul 2018
7# allows you to modify a variable outside its class or function
11def test_function():
12  global x
13  x = 10
16print(f"x is equal to {x}") # returns x is equal to 10
07 Nov 2019
1globvar = 0
3def set_globvar_to_one():
4    global globvar    # Needed to modify global copy of globvar
5    globvar = 1
7def print_globvar():
8    print(globvar)     # No need for global declaration to read value of globvar
11print_globvar()       # Prints 1
08 Sep 2018
1a = 'this is a global variable'
2def yourFunction(arg):
3    #you need to declare a global variable, otherwise an error
4    global a
5    return a.split(' ')
29 Aug 2018
1#### A_FILE.PY
2a_global_variable = "Hello"
5##### B_FILE.PY
6import a_file
8output = a_file.a_global_variable
11------> Hello
04 Aug 2020
1c = 0 # global variable
3def add():
4    global c
5    c = c + 2 # increment by 2
6    print("Inside add():", c)
9print("In main:", c)
13 Nov 2016
2x = 5 #Any variable outside a function is already a global variable
4def GLOBAL():
5	global y #if a variable is inside a function, use the 'global' keyword to make it a global variable
6    y = 10 # now this variable (y) is global
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