showing results for - "google apps script lock service"
07 Sep 2019
1// BEGIN - start lock here
3var lock = LockService.getScriptLock();
4try {
5    lock.waitLock(30000); // wait 30 seconds for others' use of the code section and lock to stop and then proceed
6} catch (e) {
7    Logger.log('Could not obtain lock after 30 seconds.');
8    return HtmlService.createHtmlOutput("<b> Server Busy please try after some time <p>")
9    // In case this a server side code called asynchronously you return a error code and display the appropriate message on the client side
10    return "Error: Server busy try again later... Sorry :("
12// note:  if return is run in the catch block above the following will not run as the function will be exited
14//  Do lots of stuff - ie apply dynamic background colors based on previous entries colors, define the target range and set values, set data validations  
18// END - end lock here