showing results for - "google sign in in firebase react"
21 Mar 2017
1//add to your firebase.js file: google provider sign-in
2const googleProvider = new firebase.auth.GoogleAuthProvider();
3export { firebase, db, auth, functions, googleProvider }
6import { firebase, googleProvider, db } from '../components/firebase/firebase'
7import React, {useEffect} from "react";
8import { useHistory, Redirect } from 'react-router-dom'
10export const SignInWithGoogle = () => {
11    const history = useHistory();
12    useEffect(() => {
13        setTimeout(() => {
14            history.push('/dashboard');
15         }, 10000);
16       },[]);
18    return () => {
19        return firebase.auth().signInWithPopup(googleProvider)
20        .then(async result =>{
21            console.log(result.credential.accessToken)
22            const user = result.user
23            console.log(user)
24            localStorage.setItem('userid', user.uid)
25            localStorage.setItem('photoURL', user.photoURL)
26            //TODO if userid exists IN USERS db then use update IF NULL use set
27            await db.collection('users').doc(user.uid).update({
28               // id: user.uid,
29                name: user.displayName,
30                email:,
31                phone: user.phoneNumber,
32                photoURL: user.photoURL
33            })
34        })
35        .then(() => {
36            history.push('/dashboard');
37        })
38        .catch( err => {
39            console.log(err)
40        })       
41    }
44export const startLogout = () => {
45    return () => {
46        return firebase.auth().signOut()
47    }
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