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showing results for - "handler in react"
12 Jun 2018
1import React, { Component } from "react";
3class Form extends Component {
4  constructor() {
5    super();
6    this.state = {
7      username: "",
8      qty: "",
9    };
10  }
12  ChangeHandler = (e) => {
13    this.setState({ [e.target.name]: e.target.value });
14  };
16  submitHandler = (e) => {
17    e.preventDefault();
18    console.log(this.state);
19  };
21  render() {
22    return (
23      <form onSubmit={this.submitHandler}>
24        <label htmlFor="username"> Name: </label>
25        <input type="text" name="username" id="username" onChange={this.ChangeHandler}/>
27        <label htmlFor="qty"> Quantity: </label>
28        <input type="text" name="qty" id="qty" onChange={this.ChangeHandler} />
30        <button> Submit </button>
31      </form>
32    );
33  }
36export default Form;
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