how can we fetch data from api in using axios react

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showing results for - "how can we fetch data from api in using axios react"
07 Aug 2018
1import React, { Fragment, useState, useEffect } from 'react';
2import axios from 'axios';
4function App() {
5  const [data, setData] = useState({ hits: [] });
6  const [query, setQuery] = useState('redux');
8  useEffect(() => {
9    const fetchData = async () => {
10      const result = await axios(
11        '',
12      );
14      setData(;
15    };
17    fetchData();
18  }, []);
20  return (
21    <Fragment>
22      <input
23        type="text"
24        value={query}
25        onChange={event => setQuery(}
26      />
27      <ul>
28        { => (
29          <li key={item.objectID}>
30            <a href={item.url}>{item.title}</a>
31          </li>
32        ))}
33      </ul>
34    </Fragment>
35  );
38export default App;
17 May 2020
1const users = =>
2                    <div>
3                    <p>{}</p>
4                    <p>{}</p>
5                    <p>{}</p>
6                    <p>{}</p>
7                    <p>{}
9                    </div>
10                    )
14import React, {Component} from 'react'
15import axios from '../../axios'
17export default class users extends Component {
18    constructor(props) {
19        super(props);
20        this.state = {
21            Users: []
22        };
23    }
24    getUsersData() {
25        axios
26            .get(`/users`, {})
27            .then(res => {
28                const data =
29                console.log(data)
30                const users = =>
31                    <div>
32                    <p>{}</p>
33                    <p>{}</p>
34                    <p>{}</p>
35                    <p>{}</p>
36                    <p>{}</p>
37                    </div>
38                    )
40                    this.setState({
41                        users
42                    })
44            })
45            .catch((error) => {
46                console.log(error)
47            })
49    }
50    componentDidMount(){
51        this.getUsersData()
52    }
53    render() {
55        return (
56            <div>
57                {this.state.users}
58            </div>
59        )
60    }
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