how does asynchronous javascript work 3f

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showing results for - "how does asynchronous javascript work 3f"
28 Jul 2017
1console.log ('Starting');
2let image;
4fetch('coffee.jpg').then((response) => {
5  console.log('It worked :)')
6  return response.blob();
7}).then((myBlob) => {
8  let objectURL = URL.createObjectURL(myBlob);
9  image = document.createElement('img');
10  image.src = objectURL;
11  document.body.appendChild(image);
12}).catch((error) => {
13  console.log('There has been a problem with your fetch operation: ' + error.message);
16console.log ('All done!');
27 Jan 2019
1const printProcess = () => {
2    console.log('it will print 2nd');
3    var currentTime = new Date().getTime();
4    while (currentTime + 3000 >= new Date().getTime());
5    console.log('it will print after added 3 second with current time')
8console.log('it will print 1st ');
9printProcess(); //follow arrow funtion after 1st print
10console.log('it will print at the end');
11//Expected output below:
12// it will print 1st 
13// it will print 2nd
14// it will print after added 3 second with current time
15// it will print at the end
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