how to access both child event param and parent param in vue

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showing results for - "how to access both child event param and parent param in vue"
11 Sep 2018
2    <ul>
3        <product v-for="product in products"
4                 :product="product"
5                 @add="addToChart" />
6    </ul>
10const Product = {
11    props: ["product"],
12    render(h) {
13        return h("li", { on: { click: } }, this.product);
14    },
15    methods: {
16        click() {
17            this.$emit("add", { product: this.product, quantity: 42 });
18        }
19    }
22export default {
23    data() {
24        return {
25            products: ["Foo", "Bar"]
26        };
27    },
28    components: {
29        Product
30    },
31    methods: {
32        addToChart({ product, quantity }) {
33            console.log(product, quantity);
34        }
35    }
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data function in vue jsvuejs allow only one type of child elementvue declare global component as childvuejs return datavue value as a prop on vbutton valuepass props back to parent vue without v ovue ismethods in component vue jsvue export datamake compontent inside component vue give datavue component childvue access component internal datapass event from component to parent vuevue js call data from parent componentvue variable of child component vue js emit and bind to datachildren in vuehow to pass click event from parent to child in vuevuejs components propertyvuejs component data functiondata in vue jsfor in data vuejsvue render component from options objectvue component in component in componentcomponents vuevue pass event from parent to childvuejs action content keyvue component with child componentvuejs data return objectvue component display textvue eventvue js different ways of access componentvue js pass down data to componentvue data in componentvuejs data return 23pass 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in v bindvuejs component pass datavuejs child component datavue 24on datavuejs props data bindingvuejs child object as function returnvue use data in returnvue emit event parentadd data to vue componentvue pass bind to child componentbind v model to componentvue register component with parametersvue component methodsvue pass data to child componenthow to display a vue component on a pagepass data component vuejsvue return data from componentvue component as template rootcustom event vuejsset data component vuevue using reusable component passing new variable vue component pass data to child componenthow to v bind on text input using app js root variablesvue js pass data to child component and returnuse components in vuewhat is a parent component in vuevue return data from child componentevent binding vue childpass data child to parent vuejsvue component attributesv model vuejs compnentvuejs attribute value of parent of buttonhow to pass compoent name to 24emit in vuejsvue 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