how to add button react native app js

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showing results for - "how to add button react native app js"
20 Sep 2019
1import { Button } from 'react-native-elements';
2import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons/FontAwesome';
5  title="Solid Button"
9  title="Outline button"
10  type="outline"
14  title="Clear button"
15  type="clear"
19  icon={
20    <Icon
21      name="arrow-right"
22      size={15}
23      color="white"
24    />
25  }
26  title="Button with icon component"
30  icon={{
31    name: "arrow-right",
32    size: 15,
33    color: "white"
34  }}
35  title="Button with icon object"
39  icon={
40    <Icon
41      name="arrow-right"
42      size={15}
43      color="white"
44    />
45  }
46  iconRight
47  title="Button with right icon"
51  title="Loading button"
52  loading
24 Jul 2019
1var tapSpeed = React.createClass({
2  render: function() {
3    return (
4      <View style={styles.container}>
5        <Text style={styles.welcome}>
6          Tap me as fast as you can!
7        </Text>
8        <View style={styles.button}>
9        !
10        </View>
11      </View>
12    );
13  }
16var styles = StyleSheet.create({
17  container: {
18    flex: 1,
19    justifyContent: 'center',
20    alignItems: 'center',
21    backgroundColor: '#FFCCCC'
22  },
23  welcome: {
24    fontSize: 20,
25    textAlign: 'center',
26    margin: 10
27  },
28  button: {
29    textAlign: 'center',
30    color: '#ffffff',
31    marginBottom: 7,
32    border: 1px solid blue,
33    borderRadius: 2px
34  }
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