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showing results for - "how to add text in javascript"
06 Jan 2021
1var paragraph = document.getElementById("p");
3paragraph.textContent += "This just got added";
03 Nov 2020
2 var h = document.createElement("H1")                // Create a <h1> element
4 var t = document.createTextNode("Hello World");     // Create a text node
6 h.appendChild(t);                                   // Append the text to <h1> 
14 Feb 2017
1var p = document.getElementById("p")
2p.innerText = p.innerText+" And this is addon."
05 Aug 2020
1<div id="mass">
2<p id="ph1">This is a paragraph.</p>
3<p id="ph2">This is another paragraph.</p>
7var head = document.createElement("h1");
8var node = document.createTextNode("New Heading.");
11var ele = document.getElementById("mass");
12var child = document.getElementById("ph1");
16Output : 
17New Heading.
18This is a paragraph.
19This is another paragraph.
15 Mar 2016
01 Mar 2018
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