how to check for a substring in python

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showing results for - "how to check for a substring in python"
12 Jun 2019
1>>> str = "Messi is the best soccer player"
2>>> "soccer" in str
4>>> "football" in str
10 May 2019
1def find_string(string,sub_string):
2	return string.find(sub_string)
3#.find() also accounts for multiple occurence of the substring in the given string
28 Jun 2019
1type('hello world') == str
2# output: True
4type(10) == str
5# output: False
01 Jun 2019
1def is_value_in_string(value: str, the_string: str):
2    return value in the_string.lower()
10 Oct 2020
1string = "My favourite programming language is Python"
2substring = "Python"
4if substring in string:
5    print("Python is my favorite language")
6elif substring not in string:
7    print("Python is not my favourite language")
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pythonpython if any stringhow to check if a string includes text in pythoncontains function in pythonpython find character in a stringstr contains pythonpython check string in stringchar not in string pythoncheck if string has a certain character pythonpython 3 check if string contains substringcontains keyword in pythonconditional to see if character is not in string pythonpython string contains 5cpytjon check if substring is part of stringpython contiansstring contains in pythonpython value in stringcheck if a value is string pythoncheck python stirngsearch a string for a substring with pythonhow to check if a character is present in a string in pythonstring includes character pythonpython strig includeshow to check if an element is in a string pythonwhy does if string 3a work in pythoncheck if its a string pythonpython check if strin containshow to use contains pythonif type is string pythonpython contains on a stringcheck if character in string pythonstring includes pythonif text 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string contains char pythonpython string includes substringif is a string pythonpython check if character is a stringpython substring existchek whether text is substring of other pythonpython check if is in stringcheck on a substring in a string in pythonstr object contains pythoncheck if object is string pythonhow to use str contains in pythonpython check if a string has 27 27how to check if a string is within another string in pythonif any of the values in string python know if string has wh words in pythincontain in pythonhow do we check is it string in pythonhow to check if substring exists in string pythoncheck if string contrains something pythonstr contains pzthonhow to search in a string pythonif lletter in word pythonfind if substring exists pythoncheck if 2 strings have substring in pythonpython string inside stringpython check if exist substring in stringcheck if a given string is a substring of another pythonpython contains 28 29test if there is value in a string p 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to check in text wordcheck if the string is pythonpython if string in variablehow to check if string is in another string pythonstring contains a pattern pythoncheck if substring present in string pythonpytho find string not containsstring contains pytthonif string is part of string pythonpython if strin containspython check if is stringcheck if an item is a string pythonif statement check string pythonpython if statement check contain stringhow to check if substring is in string pytohnhow to check whether a variable is string or not in pythonhow to detect if a string has a word in it pythoncheck for substring in oythoncheck whether a string contains a substring pythonpython does contain string elementif string containts pythonfind string that contains substring pythonto check if a string contains a substring in pythonpython check if string contains a certain stringpython setting string contain substringcontains pythofind substring in string in pythonhwo to check contains in 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to check includes in pythonif string contains a word pythonincludes in pythoncheck for a avalid string in pythonincludes python stringpython if contains anycheck string for substring pythoncheck if string includes python python check if stringpython how to check if a string contains a letterpython check if input contains a specific wordcheck if it is substring pythoncheck if a string has a script pythonhow to find a string in a string pythonpython checking if a value is in a stringhow to check if a word contains a letter in pythonchecking substring in pythonpython test if part of string is in another stringpython use 7b in stringpython search string and if how to know if a value is a string in pythonpython string ocntainspytho string containspython 25 on stringshow to check for somthing in string in pythonpython if string hascheck if string contains string in array pythonstring contains pythpython assert if string is in another stringif string contains python decode predictionsif 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if string contains substring from list pythonpython include character in stringpython if work is stringhow to check if string contains specific character in pythonif substring exists in python ifpython find stringstring contains character pythonfinding substring in a string in pythonhow to use contains in pythonhow to check if particular substring is present or not in pythonhow to check if a substring exists in a string pythonpython text xontainpython how to chech if a string inside another stringhow to check if string contains characters pythoncheck if string contains string pythonre python test if string containspython check if the string containslpython str contaains charactercheck if string contains only one character pythoncheck if list of string sis in string pythoncheck if line contains word pythonhow to find in string in pythonpy check if string containspythin check if stringpython check if a character exists in stringpython contains characterpython check if string contains tpython check if any character in stringhow to check if a string contains a certain word in pythonpython to test if string in another stringcheck if string includes substring pythoncheck if string inside string python contains method pythoncheck if path contains string pythonpython how to check if something is in a stringpython contains sin stringpython if source containshow to find if a character is in a string pythoncheck if string contains character pythoncheck if substring sin string pythonpython test if string contains lettershow to check if letters in string pythonhow to find if a string exists pythoncheck if part of string find in list pythoncontains in string in pythonpython find a substring in a stringpython check if string containscheck a substr in pythonif anything in python stringpython 27 in stringpython check for in stringpythom if is stringpython check if a string contains a character 2f in string pythonhow to check if a string contains words of another string of another 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