how to check the last item in an array javascript

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showing results for - "how to check the last item in an array javascript"
10 Oct 2019
1var foods = ["kiwi","apple","banana"];
2var banana = foods[foods.length - 1]; // Getting last element
10 Apr 2017
1var heroes = ["Batman", "Superman", "Hulk"];
2var lastHero = heroes.pop(); // Returns last elment of the Array
3// lastHero = "Hulk"
02 Jun 2020
28 Jan 2018
1const colors = ['red', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue']
2const lastItem = colors[colors.length - 1]
29 Nov 2019
1int [] y={1,2,3,4,5};
2int c=(n.length-1);
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