how to convert py file to exe

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showing results for - "how to convert py file to exe"
02 Jul 2019
1#if you dont have pyinstaller so run the cmd (winkey + r and write cmd and enter)
2#now run the command bellow
4	pip install pyinstaller
6#now run this
8	pyinstaller -w file_name.pyw
9    #if you want the exe to be in one file without other folders 
10    #change the code to: pyinstaller -w --onefile file_name.pyw
13#change file_name to your file's name and if you aren't running the cmd in the
14#same directory so instead of the file's name write the all path
15#now you will have a directory named Build and in it you will find your exe file
16#note - if your pyw filw has dependents so they will be in the file so dont remove them
10 Jan 2021
1pip install pyinstaller
3cd FullPathOfFile in cmd console
4pyinstaller --onefile
5# a .exe file is created in the FullPathOfFile\dist
20 Sep 2019
1Install pip using
2	pip install pyinstaller
4in the directory of the source code file run
5	pyinstaller <file_name>.py
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