how to create a variable in javascript

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showing results for - "how to create a variable in javascript"
17 Oct 2019
1//choose the best for your solution
2var myVariable = 22; //this can be a string or number. var is globally defined
4let myVariable = 22; //this can be a string or number. let is block scoped
6const myVariable = 22; //this can be a string or number. const is block scoped and can't be reassigned
28 Aug 2020
1var user_name = prompt("Please enter your name:", "Type here");
2alert("Hello " + user_name);
11 Mar 2019
1//choose the best for your solution
2var myVariable = 22; //this can be a string or number. var is globally defined
4let myVariable = 22; //this can be a string or number. let is block scoped
6const myVariable = 22; //this can be a string or number. const is block scoped and
04 Apr 2017
1var Number = 5;
2var String = "Hi!";
3var boolen1 = true;
4var boolen2 = false;
5var array = [11, "Hi!", true];
6var object = {age:11, speach:"Hi!", likes_Bananas:true};
18 Mar 2017
1//let and var are both editable variables and can be changed later on in your program;
2let dog = 'Woof';
3//dog is equal to the string 'Woof';
4dog = false;
5//You can changed the value of dog now because it was defined with let and not const;
7let cow = 'Moo';
8//cow is equal to the string 'Moo';
9cow = true;
10//You can change the value of cow later on because it is not defined with const;
12//const is used when declaring a variable that can't be changed later on -- const stands for constant;
13const pig = 'oink';
14//This assigns the string 'oink' to pig which can not be changed because it is defined with const;
15pig = 'snort';
16//Above throws an error
17//Good Job you now know how to declare variables using JavaScript!!!
16 Jan 2016
1// you an pass in strings or a number 
3var exampleVariable = 'Example string' // this is a normal string 
4var anotherExample = 839; 
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javascriptjs declaring variables 7bvar 7d in javascript inlisted variables jshow to create int in javascripti want to see how many variables are there in code javascriptwhy javascript variable declared with 7b 7djavascript define variablesvar declaration in javascriptvar html jsvariables in javescriptjavascript string 2b varjavascript get value of variablehow to declare an int in javascrptvar 3d 3dvarjavascript varriable valuevariable 3d variable javascriptvariable javascri 5bt 2bvar in javascriptjavascript create a variablejavascript variable in javascriptcreate a variaable javascripthow to redeclare a varible jsjs for variable 3d num 7bvariable 3d 22 y 22 2c variable 3d 22 z 22how to declare variablein javascriptuse to declare a variable is javascript 21 2b variable jswhat is variable in jswhat does var example 3d 7b 7d do in javascript 3fjavascript variable definejavascript reference variablehow to make a variable variable javascriptjs undeclare veriblejavascript variable 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3binitialise variable in jsjavascript variable syntaxvariable javascript definitionhow to use this variable jsdeclarar variable javascriptjs variable 3c 3ewhich of the following is the correct way to declare a variable in javascript 3f 28what is the correct way to declare a variable in javascript 29can we use java variable inside javascriptmake a variable in javascriptjavascirpt variableshow to add variables in javascriptinitializing variables in javascriptcreate a new variable type javascriptjavascript var variable 24 variables javascriptadd data in js variablejavascript html var stringways of defining variables in javascripthow to promisfy a variable in javascriptdefining variables in javascriptjavascript declare variablesdeclare variables javascriptdefine variable jsvariable define in javascriptwhat is a variable in javascriptstring var in javascriptvraiable sin jsjs ajout a une variablehow to declare a variable in javascript anjs varhow to get the value of a variable using javascripthow to variable javascriptdefine var in jsuse variables in javascriptcreate a variable declare string in javascriptwhich of the following are used to create variables in javascript 3fdeclaring variables in javascript using varhow to assign a value to a variable from html 24 on javascript on variableset variable value in javascriptjs use variablesassign value from javascriptdefine var jsunderstanding var in javascriptvariable examples in js 24 28variable 29 in javascriptwhat is a variable javascript 23var in javascriptvariables js definitionhow to write js with script and variablesget value of variable in javascriptjavascript variable in a variablejs varshow to declare a string in javascript 7b 7din variable in js 24 7bvar 7d in javascriptvar in jsjava skript variablesjavascript variables exampleshow to use a number var in jsvariables declaration in javascriptwrite variable in javascripthow to declare variable jshow declare a variable in javascriptsetting variale 24 28 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