how to do hashing in python

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showing results for - "how to do hashing in python"
19 Oct 2016
1# Hash Function 
2# SHA hash algorithms. 
4import hashlib 
6# initializing string 
7str = "TYCS"
9# encoding TYCS using encode() 
10# then sending to SHA1() 
11result = hashlib.sha1(str.encode()) 
13# printing the equivalent hexadecimal value. 
14print("The hexadecimal equivalent of SHA1 is : ") 
17# encoding TYCS using encode() 
18# then sending to SHA224() 
19result = hashlib.sha224(str.encode()) 
21# printing the equivalent hexadecimal value. 
22print("The hexadecimal equivalent of SHA224 is : ") 
25# encoding TYCS using encode() 
26# then sending to SHA256() 
27result = hashlib.sha256(str.encode()) 
29# printing the equivalent hexadecimal value. 
30print("The hexadecimal equivalent of SHA256 is : ") 
33# initializing string 
34str = "TYCS"
36# encoding TYCS using encode() 
37# then sending to SHA384() 
38result = hashlib.sha384(str.encode()) 
40# printing the equivalent hexadecimal value. 
41print("The hexadecimal equivalent of SHA384 is : ") 
44# initializing string 
45str = "TYCS" 
47# initializing string 
48str = "TYCS"
50# encoding TYCS using encode() 
51# then sending to SHA512() 
52result = hashlib.sha512(str.encode()) 
54# printing the equivalent hexadecimal value. 
55print("The hexadecimal equivalent of SHA512 is : ") 
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