how to find and remove certain characters from text string in python

Solutions on MaxInterview for how to find and remove certain characters from text string in python by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "how to find and remove certain characters from text string in python"
03 Apr 2019
1for char in line:
2    if char in " ?.!/;:":
3        line.replace(char,'')
25 Oct 2019
1#you can use replace function to remove specific word.
2>>> message = 'you can use replace function'
3>>> message.replace('function', '')
4>>>'you can use replace '
20 May 2017
1a_string = "addbdcd"
3a_string = a_string.replace("d", "")
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of one character in string pythonremove remove all 27 out of string pythonhow to delete a character in pythonhow to remove a char from string pythonremoving letters from a string pythonpop a character from a string pythonremvoe characters in a string in pythonhow to remove elements from a string in pythonremove specific character from string pythonhow to strip only one same character in a string pythonhow to remove a character form a string pythonremove char at string pythonremove string after certain character python 3delete a word from string pythondelete chars from string pythondelete symbol in string pythonpython remove letters from stringto remove a character from string in pythonpython string remove set of charactersremove a certain thing from string in pythonremove sth from string pythondelete character from string pythinremoving specific characters from a string in pythonremove item from string pythonhow to remove a certain letter from a string pythonremove a word from a string pythonpython search string remove characters how to delete a letter to a string pythonhow to remove a letter from a string pythonhow to remove a character pythonhow to remove chars from a string pythonremove specific string pythondelete string pythonhow do you cut specific information in a string pythonstrip specific characters pythonhow to remove a specific string from a string pythonhow to remove letter from string in pythonremove text pythonremoving 5b 5d in a stringpythonpython delete specific character from stringremvoe certain letters in a string pythonhow to remove the characters from string in pythonhow to remove a specific part of a string in pythonremove certains letters from a word pythonpython if string contains a letter remove the letterremove a character from string pythondelete everything after a character in pythonstrip a character from a string pythondrop a specific string from an string pythonremove a part of string in pythonremove character from word in pythonhow to 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a string in pythonhow to deleate a specific lestter in astring in pyhtonpython list remove all specific characterhow to delete part of a string pythonpython remove a character from a string oncestring remove character pytohnpython delete certain characters from stringremove characters from list pythonhow to remove certian characters in a string pythonpython remove instances of char from stringeliminate characters from string pythonremove specific characters in a string pythondelete string ython remove certain char at start of string python3how to delete things from a str pythomremoving selected letter pythonhow to remove certain character from a string 27python 27remove text in string pythonremove text from text pythonremove char pythonremoving a particular character from a string in pythonstring remove characterpython how to remove character from stringhow to remove single char from string pythonpythom removes chars from stringremove certain word and symbol pythonhow to get rid of a 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pythonpython delete a specific data from stringhow to remove periods from a string pythonremove a char from a string pythonremove all characters from string pythonremove char from list objects pythonhow to delete a character from string pythonpython code to remove certain characters from a stringpython remove specific letter from stringdelete all char in string pythonpython eliminate character from stringpython string remove wordpython remove charhow to remove a charachter from a string in pythonreplace in python to remove all letters from stringremove and 28 29 from string pythondelete a specific word from sentence pythonremove a substring from a string python after a specific characterhow to remove charachters from string pythonpython string remove everything after specific charpython trim certain characters from stringdrop characters from string pythonhow to delete characters in a i 2fo file pythonhow to remove characters from text file in pythonpython remove certain characters at 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could i write a function in python to remove certain charachters in a stringremove some characters from a string pythondelete char from string in pythnonremove specific letters from a stringdelete elements of string pythonhow to remove a specific character from a string python oncehow to remove characters in a string pythonpython remove character from textdelete everything before a character in pythonhow to remove some characters from string in pythonremove a specific char from a string pythonhow to pop the character from string in pythonpython remove certain characters from stringdelete a element in string pythonremove particular pattern from string in pythonhow to remove certain characters in a string pythonpython filter out characters from stringremove certain elements from string pythonstrip certain characters from string pythonhow to remove letters from a string in pythonpython string remove specific charactersremove a word in a string pythonhow to remove specific characters in pythonhow to remove a character in python 22how to delete a character in python 22 remove starting characters from string python regexhow to remove characters in a list pythonremoving certain text from string pythondrop character from string pythonpython remove sign from stringpython remove part of a string from certain charremove some characters fro mstring pythonremove specific string using filter pythonpython remove all of one character from stringdelete character from string in pythonremove certain characters from a string pythonhow to remove specific character from a string pythonpy remove char from stringdelete char in string pythonpython fonction delete character from stringremove certain char python rehow top delete one chapther in string in pythonhow to remove string in pythonremove letter from string pythonpython filter character from stringhow to remove char from string in pythoj string python delete charactershow to remove certain character from the string in pythonhow to 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a certain chr for a string pythonpython remove control characters from stringhow to remove stuff from string after a character in pythonremove char in string pythonhow to delete a specific character from a string in pythonhow to remove a specific character from string pythohnpython remove specific characters from stringhow to remove string characters from string in pythonremove item in string pythonhow to delete specific letters from a string pythonremove a character from a string pandasremove from string python3how to find and remove certain characters from text string in pythonpython take certain characters from stringhow to remove a char from a string in pythondelete character in string pythonhow to remove one character from a string in pythonhow to remove character in stringpython delete character from remove specific characters in python stirngpython remove text from stringremvoe certain words in a string pythonremove character in string pythonremove all characters after a specific character in pythonpython remove chapython string remove charsstring remove character pythonpython how to remove all characters from a string that do not appear in another stringhow to remove character from string pythonpython stirng remove specific charpyhton remove letter from stringhow to remove a character from a strin gpythpnhow to remove a word from string pythonremove a char from string in pythonstring erase pythopython remove symbols from stringremove particular text from string pythonremove char in stringhow to delete letters in a string pythonstrip all things from string pythonremove char from string pytohndelete signs from string pythonremove character in pythonhow to remove specific character from string in pythonpython remove symbol from string hwow to strip a certain character from a string pythondelete element using translate in pythonremove letters from string pythonpython remove a character from a stringpython remove all letter from stringpython regex delete specific character from stringpython string delete char from stringhow to remove a specific character from python stringpython remove character from string by characterpython remove a charremove specific word in stringget rid of certain characters in string pythonpython remove word stringpython how to remove certain characters from a stringhow to remove a charetor in pythonremove characters that exist in string pythonremove specific words from string in pythonhow to delete some characters from a string in pythonhow to find and remove certain characters from text string in python