how to get a random element from an array in python

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showing results for - "how to get a random element from an array in python"
07 Jun 2020
1import random
3#1.A single element
6#2.Multiple elements with replacement
7random.choices(list, k = 4)
9#3.Multiple elements without replacement
10random.sample(list, 4)
26 Jul 2018
1import random
2names=['Mark', 'Sam', 'Henry']
4#Set any array
7#Declare a variable as a random choice
10#Print the random choice
11#Or, if you want to arrange them in any order:
12for j in range(names):
13  print(random.choice(names))
25 Feb 2020
1random.choice(name of list)
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choose random from listpython select randomly from listpick random number from list pythonchoose random from python listhow to make a random picker in pythonpython get random list entrypython print from random listpick random index from list pythonhow to get random elements from a list in pythonchoose random element in listselect random element from list pythonpython random item from listchoose a random item from the listpython choose random list to print fromhow to make python choose a random variablehow to pick a random item from a list pythonhow to get random entry from listpython random string listpython return random element from list excludinghow to randomly choose from a list in pythonrandom in listhow to find something from array randomly in pythonformula for selecting random value from an array in pythonget a random item from list pythonpython random list element selectionselecting certain number of elements in list at randomtake random selection from list pythonpython random 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pythonnumpy random choice from listtake random elements from list pythonwhy does random choice return inthow to choose random value from list pythonpython random pick from a listpython pick random element from listchoose a random element from an list pythonpython select random from listpython randomize element in arrayprogram to choose a random number in a list pythonpic a random index in list pythonpython code select words from list randomly inside a classchose 4 items from lis trandom pythonhow to choose a random from list in pythonarray of random number pythonrandom selection from array pythonpython prints out a list randomly generatored how to set a varable to itpython return all elements in a list randomlyget a random value from list pythonhow to choose random from a list pythonrandom element selection python listhow to get a random number from an array pythonpick random values from list pythonrandomly select from listpick random elements from a listhow to pick a random element 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