how to get data from database using jquery ajax in asp net

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13 Apr 2017
1 function GetEmployeeUsingAjax() {
2        var EmpId = 2;
3        $.ajax({
4            type: 'GET',
5            url: '@Url.Action("GetAllUser")',
6            data: { "EmpId": EmpId },
7            dataType: 'json',
8            success: function (data) {
9                alert(data);
10                //$('#id').text(emp.employee.Id);
11                //$('#firstName').text(emp.employee.FirstName);
12                //$('#lastName').text(emp.employee.LastName);
13            },
14            error: function (emp) {
15                alert('error');
16            }
17        });
18    }
20       [HttpGet]
21        public JsonResult GetAllUser(int EmpId)
22        {
23        // your code
24       }
26 plus string.Format("Select * From Employee where empid = {0} ",EmpId)