how to get list from comma separated string in python

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showing results for - "how to get list from comma separated string in python"
23 Jan 2021
1 string = input('Input')
2    >>> 1,2
3    print(cord.split(','))
4    >>>['1', '2']
10 Jan 2017
1lst = input().split(',')#can use any seperator value inside '' of split
2print (lst)
3#given input = hello,world
4#output: ['hello', 'world']
5#another example 
6lst = input().split(' ; ')#can use any seperator value inside '' of split
7print (lst)
8#given input = hello ; world ; hi there
9#output: ['hello', 'world', 'hi there']
21 Aug 2019
1##Write a Python program to input a string that is a list of words separated by commas. 
2##Construct  a dictionary that contains all these words as keys and their frequencies as values.
3##Then display  the words with their quantities.  
5lst = []
6d = dict()
7user = input ("enter a string ::-- ")
8lst = user.split(',')
9print("LIST ELEMENR ARE :: ",lst)
10l = len(lst)
11for i in range(l) :
12    c = 0
13    for j in range(l) :
14        if lst[i] == lst[j ]:
15            c += 1
16    d[lst[i]] = c
17print("dictionary is  :: ",d)
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