how to host laravel project on local server

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showing results for - "how to host laravel project on local server"
24 May 2019
1Run all of those commands:
2composer install or php composer.phar install
3mv .env.example .env
4php artisan key:generate
5php artisan migrate
6php artisan db:seed to run seeders, if any.
7php artisan serve
27 Jun 2020
1php artisan serve --host= --port=8001
2  project host in local machine
14 Sep 2018
1// command to host laravel project on local machine
3//php artitan serve --host=your ip address --port=select port
4php artisan serve --host= --port=8001
30 Jan 2020
1 1. composer update --no-scripts  or composer install
2 2. php artisan key:generate 
3 3. rename example.env to .env
4 4. Change database credentials, set debug mode! Change app url
5 4. php artisan migrate(make sure u have the database running in the server)
6 5. php artisan config:clear
7 6. you are good to go!
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