how to import sql file in mysql database using php

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29 Feb 2016
2$conn =new mysqli('localhost', 'root', '' , 'blog_samples');
4$query = '';
5$sqlScript = file('database-script.sql');
6foreach ($sqlScript as $line)	{
8	$startWith = substr(trim($line), 0 ,2);
9	$endWith = substr(trim($line), -1 ,1);
11	if (empty($line) || $startWith == '--' || $startWith == '/*' || $startWith == '//') {
12		continue;
13	}
15	$query = $query . $line;
16	if ($endWith == ';') {
17		mysqli_query($conn,$query) or die('<div class="error-response sql-import-response">Problem in executing the SQL query <b>' . $query. '</b></div>');
18		$query= '';		
19	}
21echo '<div class="success-response sql-import-response">SQL file imported successfully</div>';
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