how to make a window in python

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showing results for - "how to make a window in python"
12 Oct 2020
1#---------moving a Window in Center-----------#
3from tkinter import *
5window = Tk()
7window.title("Python GUI App")
8window.configure(width=500, height=300)
11# move window center
12winWidth = window.winfo_reqwidth()
13winwHeight = window.winfo_reqheight()
14posRight = int(window.winfo_screenwidth() / 2 - winWidth / 2)
15posDown = int(window.winfo_screenheight() / 2 - winwHeight / 2)
16window.geometry("+{}+{}".format(posRight, posDown))
02 Jul 2020
1import tkinter
2from tkinter import *
4#this makes the window
5window = Tk()
7window.title("My Window")
8#change the size to whatever you want too
9window.configure(width = 800, height = 800)
10#change the background color to whatever you want too
11window.configure(bg = 'black')
12#this runs the window
15#simple way to a window in python
17 Apr 2016
1import tkinter as tk
4def new_window1():
5    " new window"
6    try:
7        if win1.state() == "normal": win1.focus()
8    except NameError as e:
9        print(e)
10        win1 = tk.Toplevel()
11        win1.geometry("300x300+500+200")
12        win1["bg"] = "navy"
13        lb = tk.Label(win1, text="Hello")
14        lb.pack()
17win = tk.Tk()
19button = tk.Button(win, text="Open new Window")
20button['command'] = new_window1
05 Nov 2016
1#If using tkinter
2import tkinter as tk
3from tkinter import*
4#Window creating
5root = tk.Tk()
6# Defining name
7name = "First window"
8# Setting window
10# IF want to use geometry So let me tell that no need of that at all
11# Tkinter sets the window according to data or things inside it
12# Adding button
13Button bt1 = Button(root, text = "Simple click");
14# Making function
15def doer():
16  # Print is for console
17  print("Did well");
18# Adding button with function
19Button bt2 = Button(root, text = "Function", command = doer)
20# If you will add () it after brackets it will run automatically
21# Adding buttons
25# This can show error If using pycharm reformat file
26# Set it as you are best
22 Nov 2018
1import pygame
4sh = int(500)
5sw = int(500)
6win = pygame.display.set_mode((sh, sw))
8run = True
9while run:
10    pygame.time.delay(100)
11	for event in pygame.event.get():
12        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
13            run = False
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