how to make an ordered dictionary in python

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showing results for - "how to make an ordered dictionary in python"
19 Mar 2020
1# A Python program to demonstrate working of key  
2# value change in OrderedDict 
3from collections import OrderedDict 
6od = OrderedDict() 
7od['a'] = 1
8od['b'] = 2
9od['c'] = 3
10od['d'] = 4
11for key, value in od.items(): 
12    print(key, value) 
15od['c'] = 5
16for key, value in od.items(): 
17    print(key, value) 
22('a', 1)
23('b', 2)
24('c', 3)
25('d', 4)
29('a', 1)
30('b', 2)
31('c', 5)
32('d', 4)
23 Jan 2019
1>>> from collections import OrderedDict
2>>> dict(OrderedDict([('method', 'constant'), ('data', '1.225')]))
3{'data': '1.225', 'method': 'constant'}
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