how to make bold text in html

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showing results for - "how to make bold text in html"
24 Apr 2019
1<p style="font-weight:bold">Hey there</p>
05 Feb 2016
2 <head>
3   <title>Bold text</title>
4 </head>
5 <body>
6   <p>Use the strong element to <strong>indicate strongly emphasized</strong> content.</p>
7 </body>
07 Apr 2017
1<p>Use <strong>the strong element to add bold</strong> to it!</p>
18 Sep 2019
1<!--Emphasized bold text. It's for content that is of greater importance-->
2<strong>I'm a content</strong>
4<!--Bold text. It's used to draw attention to text without indicating that it's more important-->
5<b>I'm another content</b>
11 Feb 2018
1<!-- To make your text bolder in HTML -->
2<p> instead of <b> which styles the text to be bolder </b> use 
3  <strong> which actually maked the text bolder </strong> </p>
03 Nov 2020
1<!DOCTYPE html>
3   <head>
4      <title>HTML text bold</title>
5   </head>
7   <body>
8      <h2>Our Products</h2>
9      <p>Developed 10 <strong>Android</strong> apps till now.</p>
10   </body>
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