how to make circle in python

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showing results for - "how to make circle in python"
16 Apr 2017
1import turtle
2def draw_circle(turtle,color,size,x,y):
3  turtle.penup()
4  turtle.color(color)
5  turtle.fillcolor(color)
6  turtle.goto(x,y)
7  turtle.pendown()
8  turtle.begin_fill()
10  turtle.end_fill()
13draw_circle(square, "green", 50, 25, 0)
12 Jul 2016
1#circle {
2  width: 100px;
3  height: 100px;
4  background: red;
5  border-radius: 50%
13 Aug 2018
1import turtle
13 Nov 2018
1import turtle
17 Jan 2018
1import turtle"size")
02 Feb 2016
1import turtle
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