how to make the higher or lower using python

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showing results for - "how to make the higher or lower using python"
07 Oct 2018
1from opponents import data
2import random
3from logos import logo, VS
4import os
6def get_random_account():
7  """Get data from random account"""
8  return random.choice(data)
10def format_data(account):
11  """Format account into printable format: name, description and country"""
12  name = account["name"]
13  description = account["description"]
14  country = account["country"]
15  # print(f'{name}: {account["follower_count"]}')
16  return f"{name}, a {description}, from {country}"
18def check_answer(guess, a_followers, b_followers):
19  """Checks followers against user's guess 
20  and returns True if they got it right.
21  Or False if they got it wrong.""" 
22  if a_followers > b_followers:
23    return guess == "a"
24  else:
25    return guess == "b"
28def game():
29  print(logo)
30  score = 0
31  game_should_continue = True
32  account_a = get_random_account()
33  account_b = get_random_account()
35  while game_should_continue:
36    account_a = account_b
37    account_b = get_random_account()
39    while account_a == account_b:
40      account_b = get_random_account()
42    print(f"Compare A: {format_data(account_a)}.")
43    print(VS)
44    print(f"Against B: {format_data(account_b)}.")
46    guess = input("Who has more followers? Type 'A' or 'B': ").lower()
47    a_follower_count = account_a["follower_count"]
48    b_follower_count = account_b["follower_count"]
49    is_correct = check_answer(guess, a_follower_count, b_follower_count)
51    os.system("cls")
52    print(logo)
53    if is_correct:
54      score += 1
55      print(f"You're right! Current score: {score}.")
56    else:
57      game_should_continue = False
58      print(f"Sorry, that's wrong. Final score: {score}")
17 Jan 2020
1logo = '''                                                                                                
2        ,--,                                                                                    
3      ,--.'|                     ,---,                                                          
4   ,--,  | :  ,--,             ,--.' |                                                          
5,---.'|  : ',--.'|             |  |  :                __  ,-.           ,---.    __  ,-.        
6|   | : _' ||  |,     ,----._,.:  :  :              ,' ,'/ /|          '   ,'\ ,' ,'/ /|        
7:   : |.'  |`--'_    /   /  ' /:  |  |,--.   ,---.  '  | |' |         /   /   |'  | |' |        
8|   ' '  ; :,' ,'|  |   :     ||  :  '   |  /     \ |  |   ,'        .   ; ,. :|  |   ,'        
9'   |  .'. |'  | |  |   | .\  .|  |   /' : /    /  |'  :  /          '   | |: :'  :  /          
10|   | :  | '|  | :  .   ; ';  |'  :  | | |.    ' / ||  | '           '   | .; :|  | '           
11'   : |  : ;'  : |__'   .   . ||  |  ' | :'   ;   /|;  : |           |   :    |;  : |           
12|   | '  ,/ |  | '.'|`---`-'| ||  :  :_:,''   |  / ||  , ;            \   \  / |  , ;           
13;   : ;--'  ;  :    ;.'__/\_: ||  | ,'    |   :    | ---'              `----'   ---'            
14|   ,/      |  ,   / |   :    :`--''       \   \  /                                             
15'---'        ---`-'   \   \  /              `----'                                              
16  ,--,                 `--`-'                                                                   
18|  | :     ,---.           .---.            __  ,-.                                             
19:  : '    '   ,'\         /. ./|          ,' ,'/ /|                                             
20|  ' |   /   /   |     .-'-. ' |   ,---.  '  | |' |                                             
21'  | |  .   ; ,. :    /___/ \: |  /     \ |  |   ,'                                             
22|  | :  '   | |: : .-'.. '   ' . /    /  |'  :  /                                               
23'  : |__'   | .; :/___/ \:     '.    ' / ||  | '                                                
24|  | '.'|   :    |.   \  ' .\   '   ;   /|;  : |                                                
25;  :    ;\   \  /  \   \   ' \ |'   |  / ||  , ;                                                
26|  ,   /  `----'    \   \  |--" |   :    | ---'                                                 
27 ---`-'              \   \ |     \   \  /                                                       
28                      '---"       `----'           '''
30VS = '''
31       ,---.             
32      /__./|             
33 ,---.;  ; |  .--.--.    
34/___/ \  | | /  /    '   
35\   ;  \ ' ||  :  /`./   
36 \   \  \: ||  :  ;_     
37  ;   \  ' . \  \    `.  
38   \   \   '  `----.   \ 
39    \   `  ; /  /`--'  / 
40     :   \ |'--'.     /  
41      '---"   `--'---'   '''
14 Feb 2019
1data = [
2    {
3        'name': 'Instagram',
4        'follower_count': 346,
5        'description': 'Social media platform',
6        'country': 'United States'
7    },
8    {
9        'name': 'Cristiano Ronaldo',
10        'follower_count': 215,
11        'description': 'Footballer',
12        'country': 'Portugal'
13    },
14    {
15        'name': 'Kylie Jenner',
16        'follower_count': 172,
17        'description': 'Reality TV personality and businesswoman and Self-Made Billionaire',
18        'country': 'United States'
19    },
20    {
21        'name': 'Kim Kardashian',
22        'follower_count': 167,
23        'description': 'Reality TV personality and businesswoman',
24        'country': 'United States'
25    },
26    {
27        'name': 'Beyoncé',
28        'follower_count': 145,
29        'description': 'Musician',
30        'country': 'United States'
31    },
32    {
33        'name': 'Neymar',
34        'follower_count': 138,
35        'description': 'Footballer',
36        'country': 'Brasil'
37    },
38    {
39        'name': 'National Geographic',
40        'follower_count': 135,
41        'description': 'Magazine',
42        'country': 'United States'
43    },
44    {
45        'name': 'Justin Bieber',
46        'follower_count': 133,
47        'description': 'Musician',
48        'country': 'Canada'
49    },
50    {
51        'name': 'Taylor Swift',
52        'follower_count': 131,
53        'description': 'Musician',
54        'country': 'United States'
55    },
56    {
57        'name': 'Kendall Jenner',
58        'follower_count': 127,
59        'description': 'Reality TV personality and Model',
60        'country': 'United States'
61    },
62    {
63        'name': 'Nike',
64        'follower_count': 109,
65        'description': 'Sportswear multinational',
66        'country': 'United States'
67    },
68    {
69        'name': 'Khloé Kardashian',
70        'follower_count': 108,
71        'description': 'Reality TV personality and businesswoman',
72        'country': 'United States'
73    },
74    {
75        'name': 'Ellen DeGeneres',
76        'follower_count': 87,
77        'description': 'Comedian',
78        'country': 'United States'
79    },
80    {
81        'name': 'Real Madrid CF',
82        'follower_count': 86,
83        'description': 'Football club',
84        'country': 'Spain'
85    },
86    {
87        'name': 'FC Barcelona',
88        'follower_count': 85,
89        'description': 'Football club',
90        'country': 'Spain'
91    },
92    {
93        'name': 'Demi Lovato',
94        'follower_count': 80,
95        'description': 'Musician and actress',
96        'country': 'United States'
97    },
98    {
99        'name': "Victoria's Secret",
100        'follower_count': 69,
101        'description': 'Lingerie brand',
102        'country': 'United States'
103    },
104    {
105        'name': 'Zendaya',
106        'follower_count': 68,
107        'description': 'Actress and musician',
108        'country': 'United States'
109    },
110    {
111        'name': 'Chris Brown',
112        'follower_count': 64,
113        'description': 'Musician',
114        'country': 'United States'
115    },
116    {
117        'name': 'LeBron James',
118        'follower_count': 63,
119        'description': 'Basketball player',
120        'country': 'United States'
121    },
122    {
123        'name': 'Vin Diesel',
124        'follower_count': 62,
125        'description': 'Actor',
126        'country': 'United States'
127    },
128    {
129        'name': 'Cardi B',
130        'follower_count': 67,
131        'description': 'Musician',
132        'country': 'United States'
133    },
134    {
135        'name': 'Virat Kohli',
136        'follower_count': 55,
137        'description': 'Cricketer',
138        'country': 'India'
139    },
140    {
141        'name': 'Priyanka Chopra Jonas',
142        'follower_count': 53,
143        'description': 'Actress and musician',
144        'country': 'India'
145    }