how to pause a python script

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showing results for - "how to pause a python script"
01 Jan 2021
1>>> import time
2>>> time.sleep(3) # Sleep for 3 seconds
20 Jan 2019
1import time
2print("This is how to pause a program")
4print("Did you saw that i slept for 5 seconds")
20 Mar 2019
1# To delay excusion use the time library
2import time
24 Feb 2017
1import time
2time.sleep(5) # Wacht 5 seconden
05 Jan 2021
1import time
3time.sleep(amount of seconds you want to pause the script for)
6Example : 
8import time
9secondstogo = input("How much seconds do you want to wait? : ")
10print(f"waiting {secondstogo} seconds")
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