how to print smallest number in python

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showing results for - "how to print smallest number in python"
07 Jul 2019
1The smallest possible number in python (not underflow to 0)
2is the smallest possible subnormal number.
4# L is the lowerbound exponent given by IEEE754 double precision.
5L_sub < (machine_epsilon * 2**L)  =  (2**-52) * (2**-1022) = 2**-1074
7Thus, smallest_number = 2*-1074 => 5e-324
14 Nov 2019
1# creating empty list
2lis = []
4# user enters the number of elements to put in list
5count = int(input('How many numbers? '))
7# iterating till count to append all input elements in list
8for n in range(count):
9    number = int(input('Enter number: '))
10    lis.append(number)
12# displaying smallest element
13print("Smallest element of the list is :", min(lis))
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