how to split text in python

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showing results for - "how to split text in python"
08 Oct 2016
1def split(word): 
2    return [char for char in word]  
4# Driver code 
5word = 'geeks'
8#Output ['g', 'e', 'e', 'k', 's']
20 Oct 2020
1foo = "A B C D"
2bar = "E-F-G-H"
4# the split() function will return a list
5foo_list = foo.split()
6# if you give no arguments, it will separate by whitespaces by default
7# ["A", "B", "C", "D"]
9bar_list = bar.split("-", 3)
10# you can specify the maximum amount of elements the split() function will output
11# ["E", "F", "G"]
15 Nov 2018
06 Oct 2016
1result = list(filter(lambda x : x != '', text.split('\n\n')))
29 Jan 2018
1txt = "apple#banana#cherry#orange"
3# setting the maxsplit parameter to 1, will return a list with 2 elements!
4x = txt.split("#", 1)
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pythonsplit a string by character pythonpython code to split string based on delimiterpython split string 22split string 5ct pythonsplit operator pythonpythin sep stringsplit list in pythonsplit a string python by characterstring split in pythonseparate a string into individual characters pythonspython split string on split text on 7c and 2c in pythonpython separate string by 3bsplit pyrhonsplit 28 29 in python how to split characters in a string in pythonspliting the string in pythonsplit 28 29 function in pythonpython splitwhat does python split doseperate all letters into a list pythonpythoj splitbreak down a string into a char pythonpython split ifp6thon split functionseparate string into parts pythonsplit every letter in string pythonpython split string of values split in pytnhow to split a string pythonhow to split a string in python based on characterhow to split each character in a string in pythonsplit en python split 28 22 22 29 method for wordshow to split a python outputseperate in pythonpy split string to charline split 28 29 python methodhow to separate a string in pythonpython string to array delimterwhat split gives in pythonsplit string in character pythonpython split charssplit 28 29 pythonsplit a strting in pythonsplitting string in array pythonsplit a string by letter pythonhow to split string by character pythonsplitting articles in pythonsplit string by 7c in pythonhow to separate data from function pyhtinnpython separate stringsplit pythoinsplit characters in string pythonsplit string by 24 pythonsplitting a word in pythonsplit a string into list of letterssplit a string in python on a specific charactersplit by 2f pythonpython break string into two partspython how to split string into characterssplitting using a list of characterspython split list by delimiterseparate strings by words pythonpython string spliitpython convert string to list of charactersseperator in pythonstring split pythonsplit 28 29 pythonseparate each character in sentence pythonstring to character pythonpython split paragraph into sentencesusing split in pythonspliting in pythonpython string split split 28 29 function in pythonpython split 28 3b 29how does split 28 29 work in pythonpython split into charactershow to separate words in a string pythonpython function to split stringwhat is split doing in pyhonpython spliywhy does my string get split into chars pythonsplit string in substring pythonpython splie stringhow to use the split method in python 3python split sting by spcaepython print built in method split of strsplitting a string into words pythonsplit string python by charactersplitby pythonsplit string to characters pythontext splitting in pythonsplit a string with single space in pythonreturn value to separate python scripthow to split string in python into a listhow to separate in pythonpython split string to list of characterssplit by character 2b pythonhow to split string python into letterspython how to split a list on definitionsplit str by delimiter pythonfor split python split all letters pythonpython string split default delimiterslip in pythonseparate string by character pythonpython seperate a stringname split 28 29 5b 1 5dparsing string of function in pythonsplit each letter in pythonpython splitextsplit stringwith and pythonpython split a string with a delimitersplit string value in pythonpythone string splitpython split by commahow to split a python stringseparate method in pythonsplit over a charachter in a string python examplesplit python 3split to delimiters pythonhow to split text pythoncase split 28 27 5c 5c 27 29 pythonpiython split stringsplit letters in pythonsplit text into paragraphs pythonpython splkitstring split at 2f pythonpython convert string into list of charactershow to split python stringstr split python stringpython split string to charactersusing split in pythonstring find and split in pythonsplit words in python with spacesplit string into array by character pypython split string by character into listpython string split documentationsplit python syntaxpython how to split up to 5csplitext pythonpython split string in sillabystring to character array pythonsplit in pythohnsplit 28 29 pythondelimeter python on stringpython how to split string by charactersplit a list of string to characterhow to break down a string in pythonsplit in python3how to return split string to string in pythonsplit on word pythonpythno split 28split string into list pythonhow to parse a string pythonstring parsing pythonhow to split based on character in pythonhow to divide string in two parts in pythonsplit char one by one inpythonstring split 28 29 pythonhow to separate a string pythonpython split separatorpython split on characterpython use splitsplit at character pythonsplit program to separate functions in pythonsplit string into letters pythonsplit string at every character pythondelimit string python how split string in pythonsplit a message in pythonsplit puthonpython how to split a programsplit string by in pythonsplit a string by caratershow to splite a string in pythondivide str by character in list pythonpython splitting a word into lettershow to seperate string into each elementpython split string based on delimiterstring split using pythonsplit string by include pythonpython split 28 29 5cpython split by charpython split text at linepython how to split a string into array of characterpython 2c write 2c splitspliting strings in pythonhow to split a string in pythonbreak words pythonsplit by either or pythons 2b c3 a7it pythonsplit all strings in an array in pythonsplit string into an array pythonsplit string from a char pythonpython split a line split 28 27 27 29 in pythonsplit letters in a string pythonpython split argumentssplit string using pythonpython split functinohow to split a string up into words in pythonslip en pythonpy split for each charseperate string by string pythonpython auto split string split 28 29 python 3split python string on wordspython split text at charactersplit string based on character pythonhow to separate all the characters in a string pythonsplit letters of string method pythonsplite in pythonhow to split every letter in pythonsplit string by letters pythonhow to split a string to pythonsplit in puthonhow to split to two strings pythonsplit pythobnhow to turn a string into a list of characters pythonspliting by 2c in pythonsplit stringpythonsplit word into letters pythonsplit in string in pythonphython splithwot os eeprate string into list pygaccept line and aplit in pythonseparating string in pythonhow to split in pythonpython split string to array of charspython text split into wordspython str split 2a 2asplit every character of a string pyrhonpython string split by keywordpython string split stringpython string split by how does the split function work in pythonpython split text based on characterpython split a string into character arraysplit python orgpython how to split a string into based on charcterssplit on all characters in pythonparsing strings in pythonstring to array of chars pythonwhen to use 5c python split linesplit by in pythonhow to break a string into substrings in pythonpython 2 str splitslice string into array containint every character pythonpython split string into letterssplit in python for each lettersplit on substring pythonstratified split pythonline split 28 27 t 27 1 29 pythonstr plit delimiter pythonstring seperation pythonhow to split data in pythonsplit a stirng in pythonwhat is the split function in pythonpythin string splitsplitt pythonmake each letter a list pythonseparator in python for splithow to split string after certain number in pythonsplit 28 29python string split at every charactersplit string based on 2f pythonpython split string at characterghow to split string based on character in pythonwhat does a split 28 29 in python dopython split string chat by characterhow does split work pythonpython string to char arraypython splitmethodbreak string in pythonhow do i split in pythonpython str split 28 29split string by a character pythonhow to use split 28 29 in pythonpython split string on 22 2c 22the program reads all the text in afile and split them pythonsplitstring pythonwhat is string split 28 29 in python split method in pythonhow to separate letters in a string python split 28 22 22 29 pythonhow to split a string with 2c in pypython split a string and output a stringhow to split letters in array pythonpython string split 28 29spliting a string into a list of letterssplit in python with 22 22 2c 22 2c 22splitting data in pythonsplit character function in pythonpython split string in charpython splitting stringsplit one string into two pythonpython split commandsplit string in array p 5bythonpython split withfind and split string pythonhow to split string in pytohn with how to split a paragraph into sentences in pythonpython split string at character at characterpython3 split 28 29python how to split a listpython split method codesplit each character in string to listsplit in words a string pythonbreak string into characters pythonsplit string at substring pythonsplit the word in pythonhow to split data in text file in pythonwhat is the split in pythonhow to separate a string by a specific character in pythonpython split textseparating words in pythonsplitting a string and appending each character to a list pythonsplit string with character pythonpython splitting everythingsplit string at pythonsplit python examplesplit string using keyword in pythonpython split 27splitting a string into substring in pythonpython split 2csplitting a string into list pythonstring to list python split 2cwhats the work of split in pyhtomsplit list where pythonconvert string into list of characters pythonsplit on sign pythonstring split to characters pythonpython string split delimiterpython seperate stringpython split manualpython separateseparate string in list pythonsplit means in pythonhow to do split in pythonsplitting at 2c pythonpython split function stringsplit string to string pyhtonpthon splitsplit strings into characters pythonsplit the string in the array in pythonsplit words in a string pythonpython split 5csplit str in pys python string splitsplit string by character pyhtonsplit string on strings pythonsplit by line python 27split letters of a word pythonpython split string lettersplit string at certain character pythonsplit string on 27 27 python split 28 27 27 29 pythonhow splitting string in python workshow to splits string into char by char in pythonpython split 28python how to split by letters split in pythonsplit python way return typepython string split each lettersplut a string in pythonwhat does split do in pythonsplit txt pythonsplit based on string pythonsplit letter pythonbuilt in split 28 29 function code in pythonhow to split file in python based on characterwhat is separator in pythons split in pythonsplit string into characters pythonsplit string into a list pythonhow to split string into characters in pythonsplit every character pythonsplit a string into each character pythonhow do i split python method in pythonreader string python splitstr split python split 28 29 pythonsplit 28 29 in python meansexample for split in pythonpython split string by commabreaking a string into multiple string in python split 28 29 pythonsplit on pythonpython string splittsplit string in chars pythonfind a and split string pythonstring split pythinsplittext in pythonpython split strpython divide string by a charsplit method on a string pythonsplit all symbols in python split with 2c pythonpython paragraph splitpython str splitsplit by new character pythonpython split charactershow does a split work in pythonpython split 5b 5dhow to split every character in a string pythonstring split pythonhow to seprate charaters in pythonsplit string including delimiter python how to split string into letters pythonsplit 28 29 in python examplesplit string by delimiter pythonhow to separate letter in string pythonsplit a word into its letters pythonwhat does split dohow to seperate each character in a stringsplit string 28 29 in pythonarguments on split method pythonsplit in pythonpython splitting how to split words in string pythonseperate strings pythonsplit function in list in pythonpython string brekaingpython split by string by 5chow to split string python by 3bstring split pythonbsplit one word in pythonprint split pythonstring to list characters pythonpython string to array splithow to read a text file and split in pythonarray splitting in python at a charactersplit a word by character pythonpython split method argumentspython string splithow to separate a string by operiod pythonlist python splitstring to list in python using split 28 29split word pythonpython how to use splitypython separate string by characterpython split spilitsplit pythobseparate words in string pythonpython split string into list by lettersplit by character in pythondataspliter pythonhow to split list of strings in pythonsplit string in python based on any charactersplit text to words pythonsplit on pythinpython strng splithow can i split a string in pythonpython split to stringpython styritng splitpython split characterhow to split a string in python by a charactersplits in pythontokenize string pythonsplit eery charstring to char pythonsplit word into list pythonsplit string with separator pythonwrite a function to split a string and convert it into an array of words in pythonhow to split string into character array pythonpython split string in listpython import string splitsplit string python based on characterpyhton split 28python split splitting by pagepython what is function splithow to split the string into characters in pythonsplit statement in pythonparsing string in pythonseparate text in pythonsplit by 22 5c 22 pythonsplit string python at charactersplit function in python 3split line in pythonpython string split by characterline split pythonsplit object pythonpython how to split string based on delimitersplit the string with 22 2f 22 delimiter in pythonhow to split string on basis of character in pythonpython how to take a value from splitsplit things from a stringstring to char list in pythonstring split python to listhow to split line into words in pythonsplit method separator pythonsplit string into 2 parts pythonsplit method pytonpython split by delimitersplit text into words pythonhow to split by characterssplit 2c in pyhtonpython strip splitsplit string on 5c in pythonin python 2c a string can be split on a delimiter python split 27 5c 27python split string by 2fhow to split a string into individual characterscode to split words in pythonsplit method pythnopython split string into char arraysplit string by every character pythonwhat does split return in pythonhow do i seperate characters in a string pythonlist split pythontokenize string in pythonsplit 28 pythonsplit function pythonsplit string from to pythonsplit str in pythonsplit characters into list 5cslipt in pythonpythong splitpython 3 string splitsplit return type in pythonline split python 3split function python definitionsplit string at character python split function dopython string split all characterssplit a string in characters pythonsplit a string by delimiter pythonhow to split string into list of charactersstr split python c3 ac split 28 27 27 5b1 5d 29how to split a long string into words in pythonhow to split a string into 3 parts in pythonsplit 5c pythonseparate strings pythonhow to split a string character by character in pythonpython split string inputsplit 28 3b 29 in pythonsplit string by comma pythonsplitting up a string in pythonsplit a string in pyhonsplit string on char python how to split string for each character pythonsplit char in string pythonstring parse pythonsplit strings in pythonhow to use split 28 29 in python split 28 27 23 27 29 pythonwhat does split do pythonstring method in python to divide string in multiple partspy split stringpython split every characterusing split 28 29python parse string by delimitercan i use split in pythonhow to split text using in pythonsplit string at comma pythonsplit 28 27 27 29how to use split text in pythonhow to split names in pythonsplit string characters pythonsplit string using delimiter pythonsplit string into parts by a symbol pythonhow to split string from particular word in pythonseparator split python substringhow to split a word in pythonsplit words pythonwhat is 28 29 split in pyton used forpython split string by character delimiterpython split strinhow to split line in pythonsplit everything but name pythonsplit a string on pythonarray split python stringpytthon 5cs splitsplit ext pythonhow to divide string in pythonpython break string into list of charactershow to split on a character in pythonseparate pythonsplit string python by how to split a string every character pythonhow to split a string in an array pythonstring split python3 examples with string examplehtml split paragraphs in pythonsplit a string by 22 22 pythonpython split string to arraysplit text from a char pythonsplit letters in string pythonstr split 28 29 python lettershow to split every character pythonsplit 28 29 in pyhow to iuse split in pythonseparating a string characters into a listhow to split words in string to list pythonwhat is python split 28 29python convert string to char listpython how to use splitpython split text file into sentencesstring to char in pythonsplit string based on delimiter2 pythonhow to split input string in pythosplit word string in pythonsplit string pytohnpython split string into eachg character into a listpy split listsplit string into list python by whitespacesplit 28 29 method in pythonpython divide string into paragraphsstring split chars pythonnhow split a string in pythonsplit string by character into list pythonhow to split a string in python and in a arrayhow to use the split function in pythonstring into list of characters pythonhow to use split in python 3what does the split method do in pythonsplit text by items pythonstring to split pythonpython how to split a string into characterssplit data pythonsplit string based on 2c pythonsplit string with into new string pythonsplit strings pythonpython splot string to ararysplit each character from string pythonline split 28 22 3a 22 29python slice string to arraywhat does slipt do in pythonhow to use str split pythonpython string seppython splitlinespython split characters in stringwhat is the use of split function in pythonsplit a string pytsplit 28 29 python toturialsplit a string in pythonhow to split up text in pythoneach letter of string into list of character pythonhow to separate string in python 3how to split python string by lettersplit string to characters with split function pythonhow to split string in python on 5cspit from string in pythonpython splittnative method of string split pythonsplit by words pythonsplit 28 29 pythopython split string into wordshow to split up letters in pythonhow to split a string into two strings pythonsplit functuion in pythonsplit string from a character in pythonhow to split single word in list python split function pythonhow to split string in pythonsplit letter with 2c in pythonsplit python by linestring split to array pythonstring split function pythonsplit string based on delimiter pythonhow to split string at character pythonhow to split a string from a character in python how to split string to char in pythonpython string into a listsplit the string based on the pythonsploit by space and point pythonhow ot use split pythonpython string delimiterpyhton splitsplit string python3spliting by character string in pythonsplit python stringhow to break up a string in pythonusing split in python to get characyer arraysplitting every letter in stringpython split string from charactersplit string on based on pythonstring split in pythonnhow to split by 22 5c 22 pythontext split pythonpython split string into each charactersplit every character in string pythonpythhon splitstring split 28 27 27 29 in pyhonhow split string pythonpython separate string into characterslist split split function in pythonsplit string in oythonsplit strings into charectershow to split 3a in pythonsplit string by whitespace pythonsplit a string on each character pythonhow to split by character in pythonchracter split pythondelimiter in string pythonsplit string from character pythonpython function string splitstring split to listsplit character pythoncollecting split strings pythonsplit string characters into list pythonsplit string and store in list pythonpython split string to charactersplit string in pythonsplit character in a string to listbreaking a string in pythonsplit a stirng pythonsplit a string every lettersplitting text in pythonparse string to char pythonpython split string syntaxthe split function in python returnshow to split a string into characters pythonpython split stringpython split string into array on charactersplit in python example 27 split in pythonsplit string by certain character pythonhow to split in python every letterchar array from string pythonspit in pythonpython split input stringwhat is the split method in python dotaking a string input in python and splittingpython split by this or that characterpython convert string to character listsplit string into array of characters pythonpython spliutsplit words in pythonsplit sep in pythonhow to split word in pythonpython how to separate a stringhwo to split a string pythonhow to split data using pythonsplit in python detailspythonslpit string based on python delimiter splitsplit function in python meaningsplit string in list pythonpython string split by 2ftseparate statements pyhtonline split 3dline split 28 29 pythonhow to convert a string into a list of characters in pythonturning string into array of chars pythonpython split text filehow to split a string into single characters pythonhow to split delimiter by character in pythonwhat does split 28 29 return in pythonhow to split python string by each wordsplitiing string in pythonpython split string by wordsplit strin into characterssplit 28 29 python 3python string splittinghow to use or operation in split function in pythonwhat happens when we split text in pythonpython text split and storesplit pytohnseparate 28 29 like in pythonpython work with strings splithow to use split pythonpython string split methodpython split string at every characterhow to use split in a text pythonpython split words by 27 2f 27split text in two parts pythonsplit 22 5c 22 pythonsplittext pythonhow to divide a string into substrings in pythonpython split string by splitsplit pythnsplit functionsplit function in python orgsplit html paragraphs in pythonsplit up a string based on value pythonpytho splitpython split str individe string in words pythonpyton split string into arraypython cpliothow to split a string into its chars pytohnpython splits 28 29python3 splitseparate string by finding a character pythonwhat does a split 28 29 do in pythonpython delimiter split stringsplit a string into an array of characters pythonsplit a string based on substrings pythonpython split a string based on stringmysplit 28strng 29 pythonsplit 28 29pythong split stringmessage split 28 29 pythonpython split functionpy splitsplit a string pythonpython how to use split on a listpython string split on split text if x characters pythonpython 2b split a stringsplit on 27 2f 2f 27 pyuthonhow to divide two strings in pythonwhat can you use split on pythonwhat method we use in python to split a stringpython split methodto split a string in pythonsplit strin in pythonseprate characters in pythonwhat does split 28 29 do in pythonsplit a string by word pythonsplit string by character but keep the character pyhtonsplit function in pythomnpython split string by a characterhow to split tring into character in pythonsplit if or 3a in pythonusing split function in pythonsplit python stringssplit the string in pythonslice based on delimeter pythonhow to split a string into substrings pytrhonsplit substrig in pythonsplit string into word array pythonexplain python split 5b 5dspliting a string into parts pysplit a string by number of characters pythonpython split funcpython values splitcan you split a string in pythondivide the string in substrings pythonsplit characters in pythoneasy way to split string to substrings pythonseparate string by delimiter pythonhow to store a string and split it in pythonseparate text from sentence in pythonstr split 28 22 5cs 2a 2c 5cs 2a 22 29 pysplit string into char pythonsplit function pyrhonseperate a string per character into list pythonpython split char 2asplit string to list in pythonpython how to split a string by delimiterpython split line at characterstring separated in pythonspli using 3a in pythonusing or in split 28 29 pythonwhat does the split function do in pythonpython3 line split how to separate string in pythonslit string into chars pythonsplit at the word usin pythonsplit string python by stingsplit each char pythonsplit string into individual characters pythonsplit separator pythonsplit name by space pythonpython 2 7 split string by character into listreade split string in pythonwhat does split do in pythonsplit single string pythonhow to split string into individual characters in txt file pythonsplit an input word pythonsplit a string into letters pythonhow to split txt file by string in pythonsplit a string by in pythonturn string into list of letterspython split a strignsplit string python on charactersplit string into chars pythonsplit on character python 5c split stringsplit string into char list pythonhow to split letters of a word in python using the split methodpython split string by tokenspython split text based on 3bsplit each charecter of string pythn 3how to separate each character in a string in python into a lsitsplit by 3a pythonsplit string in each character in pythonstr split but for pythonsplit string in letters pythonsplit a word into letters pythonhow to use split method in pythonhow to break up string in pythonpython split 28 27 27 29method to split string pythonfuncion split pythonsplit in pytonuse of split function in pythonsplitting a string on the basis of 2c and in pythonhow to write in a split pythonhow to plus split pythonline split pythonsplit a python stringhow to split a string into its lettersslice array to string with separator pythonsplited pythonsplit an string into pages pythonpthon function splitpython split string by delimiter 22split by 5c python 22python string split atpython import splitpython split string on every characterpython split at characterto split string in pythonsplit each charecter of a string into listhow to split single string in python split method pythonpython split a string at 2fhow to split text by character pythonstring split python 3python split string by how to split a string into substrings by a character pythonsplit python string by delimitersplititing a string into its characters pythonhow to split strings in python using split methodpython split 28 29split each text in a string pythonhow to split pythonhow to split a string in a list python split 28 29 method pythonstr splitbreak a string into list pythonstring split on character pythonpython split string by characterspython spiltstring split function in pythonwhat doe split do in pythonsplit a string into characters python with spacesplit pzthonsplitusage in different methods in pythonsplit a string by charecters pythonhow to split a string by the letterhow to seperate input string in pythonsplit if function pythonstring split 28 29 pythonhow to tokenize a string in pythonsplit string python by stringsplit the string in python3i want to split string in python along certain characterwhat does split do in python to a worddata split pythonhow to line split 28 27 5cs 27 29 python fstring dividepythin splitpython string split by 2cstring to list python splituse of split in pythonsplit command pythonsplit function python 3python seperatesplitin sting in pythonsplit string in python with delimiterpython split when 3ahow to split by character pythonsplit in python 5cus of the split function in pythonsplit funstion in pythonhow to split input string in pythonhow to split in string in python split pythonsplit by char pythonhow to use python split functionhow to split a list by character in pythonsplit string into single characters pythonsplit 28 29 function python split 28 29 5b 5d pythonwhat is split fucntion in pythonpython split string on 2astring tocken in pythonpython split a stringinto array how to split a function by 3b in pythonpython split string by substringhow to split each character in string pythonsplit line by character pythonsplit string python delimitersplit string to charspython how to split stringsplit string pyuthonwhat does the split 28 29mdo in pythonpython split at each characterbreaking down a list of letters in a string to a list of invididual stringssplit by space in pytonhow to slpit a complete string in pythonsplit string method in pythonpython text splitsplit a text in pythonsplit a string charecter by character pythonhow to split text in pythonhow to separate characters in a string pythonline splitpy splitsplit in python for stringsplit a string into to pythonsplit a string into letters in pythonsplit string to pythonhow to convert string to charecters in pythonseparate string python by delimiterpython split on substringtext split returnsplit a string by a character but keep that character in the array pythonsplitting up strings pythonuse split pythonsplit string from to in pythonpython split word to characterssplit function in python lisr split 28 29 in pythonstring split python documentationstring splitmethod pythonpython how to splitsplit method pysplit sentences pytyhonsplit string with 2c pythonhow to split string pythonpython string to character arraypython sliptsplit elements in string pythonsplit python wayhow to break a word into letters in pythonsplit a string into characterssplit string to listho to split a strin ginot single charcterssplitting a string into characters pythonpython string parsingpython string separatepython how to print text to see the split as 5cs 5crpython split string into list by characterpython delimiter stringpython split in wordshow to split a string into multiple strings in pythonpython3 string split 28 29pythoh split from specific characterinput split pythonsort a splitted string pythonsplit sting pythonpython python splitsplit 28 29 1 pythonsplit str in pythonpython split character in wordbreak string into letters pythonsplit by substring in pythonseparate string to list pythonstring split in pyhow to separate a string into characters pythonpython string split characters all mention the use of the split function in pythontext split 28 29 pythonsplit from a given keyword in pythonstring split 5b 5d in pythonsplit 28 27 27 29 pythonsplit string python 3how can i cut a string to lettter pythonsplit string up pythonseprate string by pythonspliting a string into parts pythondefault in split function pythonsplit in pyton python split 28 27 27 29how to split a character from a string in pythonsplit built in pythonhow do you split a character in a list in pythonsplit in pythonpython split at orsplit string into two substrings for every character pythonstring to chars puythonsplitting text pythonwhat does split function return in pythonpython split all characters from a stringstring split functions pythonslplit in pythonsplit every string in list into character pythonpython split 28 29python split text into array every characterpython split string by substring on a arrayhow can i split the string in python 3fpython split a string at a characterhow to separate string using pythonpython split text from stringsplit string python by delimiterpython tokenize stringstring split every letter pythonpython split into wordssplit python characterpython how to separate codehow to split a string into individual characters pythonhow to take input split string in pythonpython split text by characterhow to split a sting in pythonwhat is split in pythonsplit array into characters pythonpython how to separate letters in a stringseparate all characters in string pythonpython split print statementhow does pslit function work in pythonhow to split word into characters in pythonhow to return split string to letter in pythonsplit message in pythonseparate in pythonhow to split argurementspython splitting by 2chow to split a string into charactars pythonsplit string by substring pythonsplit a string at 22 27 in pythonpython split string into arrayhow to split string and store in string pythonsplit on multiple characters pythonsplit string using substring in pythonstring split method python 3split a str pythonsplit by letter pythonsplit the line in pythonsplitting text data in pythonfunction to split a string using pythonbreak a string into two parts python split 28 29 python 27how to string split pythonstr plit python split a string by a character pythonpython str split 28 29python split ist into letterspython cut string by delimitercpython split string split pytyhonseparate strings by finding a character pythonpython split a string on 2csplit on a list in pythonhow to split tring at 5c in pythonpython split string in 5b 5dhow can we split a string with double pythonhow to convert string to an character array in pythonpython split when characterstr split 28 29 5b 5d pythonsplit 22 2c 22 pythonhow to print string on separate pythonsplit with character pythonsplit string python by delimiter 7cpython splisplit str by char pythonsplit a string into individual characters pythonhow to seperate a text seperated value in pythonpytohn split stringsplit python returns whatpython str splitpython split text stringstring split pythonsplit a line in pythonsplit a string into two in pythonsplite input string pythonpython split string by charhow to split paragraph in pythonpython split per characteroython split stringshow to split text in python