how to sum numbers of a list in python without sum

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09 Oct 2017
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3# METHOD 1 (without using the sum function) :
5def list_sum(list_name): 
6    value = 0 
7    for values in list_name:
8        value += values
9        print(value)
12# -------------------------------------------
15# METHOD 2 (using the sum function) :
17p = [1,5,3,4,6,7]
18p_sum = sum(p)
13 Mar 2019
1# to sum all the numbers we use python's sum() function
2a = [4,5,89,5,33,2244,56]
3a_total = sum(a)
22 Jul 2017
1sum of list element
10 Apr 2016
1def int_list(grades):   #list is passed to the function
2    summ = 0 
3    for n in grades:
4        summ += n
5        print summ
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