how to thread python

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showing results for - "how to thread python"
15 Jun 2018
1from threading import Thread
2from time import sleep
4def threaded_function(arg):
5    for i in range(arg):
6        print("running")
7        sleep(1)
10if __name__ == "__main__":
11    thread = Thread(target = threaded_function, args = (10, ))
12    thread.start()
13    thread.join()
14    print("thread finished...exiting")
15 Jul 2019
1# A minimal threading example with function calls
2import threading
3import time
5def loop1_10():
6    for i in range(1, 11):
7        time.sleep(1)
8        print(i)
12# A minimal threading example with an object
13import threading
14import time
17class MyThread(threading.Thread):
18    def run(self):                                         # Default called function with mythread.start()
19        print("{} started!".format(self.getName()))        # "Thread-x started!"
20        time.sleep(1)                                      # Pretend to work for a second
21        print("{} finished!".format(self.getName()))       # "Thread-x finished!"
23def main():
24    for x in range(4):                                     # Four times...
25        mythread = MyThread(name = "Thread-{}".format(x))  # ...Instantiate a thread and pass a unique ID to it
26        mythread.start()                                   # ...Start the thread, run method will be invoked
27        time.sleep(.9)                                     # ...Wait 0.9 seconds before starting another
29if __name__ == '__main__':
30    main()
22 Feb 2020
1import threading
2import time
4def thread_function(name):
5     print(f"Thread {name}: starting")
6     time.sleep(2)
7     print(f"Thread {name}: finishing")
9my_thread = threading.Thread(target=thread_function, args=(1,))
12my_second_thread = threading.Thread(target=thread_function, args=(2,))
14my_second_thread.join() # Wait until thread finishes to exit
12 Feb 2019
1import threading, time
3def worker():
4    """thread worker function"""
5    print('Worker')
6    return
8threads = []
9for i in range(5):
10    t = threading.Thread(target=worker)
11    threads.append(t)
12    t.start()
13    print('Thread')
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