html pug

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showing results for - "html pug"
26 Jan 2016
1Pug is a template engine for Node and for the browser. 
2It compiles to HTML and has a simplified syntax, which 
3can make you more productive and your code more readable.
4Pug makes it easy both to write reusable HTML, as well as
5to render data pulled from a database or API.
17 Sep 2016
1<!-- HTML TO PUG -->
2<!-- -->
15 Jan 2018
1$ npm install pug --save
01 Apr 2016
1//- index.pug, Including Filtered text
2doctype html
4  head
5    title An Article
6  body
7    include:markdown-it
02 Oct 2020
1// use for this
13 Jul 2020
1The general rendering process of Pug is simple. pug.compile() will compile the Pug source code into a JavaScript function that takes a data object (called “locals”) as an argument. Call that resultant function with your data, and voilà!, it will return a string of HTML rendered with your data.
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htmlhtml pug