if statement in python

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showing results for - "if statement in python"
11 Feb 2019
1usrinput = input(">> ")
2if usrinput == "Hello":
3  print("Hi")
4elif usrinput == "Bye":
5  print("Bye")
7  print("Okay...?")
19 Sep 2017
1variable_name = input("y/n? >> ")
2if variable_name == "y":
3	print("That's good! :) ")
4# note the double equal signs. only a single equal sign will receive a Syntax error blah blah blah message.
5elif variable_name == "n":
6    print("That's bad! :( ")
8    print("You blow up for not following my instructions. Detention forever and get lost!")
14 Mar 2019
1#Conditionals statements in python
2#'=' conditionals statements
3a = 123
4b = 123
7  print('True')
9#<, > conditionals statements
11a = 2
12b = 45
15  print('A is smaller than B')
30 Nov 2019
1a = 200
2b = 33
3c = 500
5if a > b and c > a:
6	print("Both conditions are True")
16 Jul 2020
1if num<5:
2  print('Num less than 5')
3elif 5<= num <=9:
4  print('Num between 5 and 9')
6  print('Num more than 9')
09 Jan 2018
1answer = input(":")
2if answer == "lol":
3  print("haha")
5  print("not haha")
6  exit()
8please note that the exit() command is optional and is not necessary.
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