illuminate database queryexception could not find driver 28sql select 2a from

Solutions on MaxInterview for illuminate database queryexception could not find driver 28sql select 2a from by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "illuminate database queryexception could not find driver 28sql select 2a from"
Juan Pablo
22 Apr 2016
1You might need to comment out the following in your php.ini file.
4############# OR ##############
5Other solution might be you may have a missing dependency
7If you can, run :
8composer update
10composer require doctrine/dbal
13 Oct 2016
1sudo apt-get install php-sqlite3
04 Apr 2019
1sudo apt-get install php5.6-mysql/php7.2-mysql
2sudo apt-cache serch drivername
queries leading to this page
could not find driver 28sql 3a select 2a from sqlite master where type 3d 27table 27 a nd name 3d migrations 29 illuminate 5cdatabase 5cqueryexception could not find driver laravel illuminate 5cdatabase 5cqueryexception could not find drivercould not find driver 28sql 3a show full tables where table type 3d 27base table 27 29 2billuminate database queryexception could not find driver 28sql select 2a fromilluminate 5cdatabase 5cqueryexception could not find driver 28sql 3a show full tables where table type 3d 27base table 27 29in connection php line 664 3a could not find driver 28sql 3a select 2a from information schema tables where t able schema 3d mynews and table name 3d migrations 29 in connector php line 67 3a could not find drivercould not find driver 28sql 3a selectlaravel 8 could not find drivercould not find driver 28sql show full tables where table type 3d 27base table 27 29 laravelcould not find driver 28sql 3a select 2a from 60property types 60 where 60is public 60 3d 1 29could not find driver 28sql 3a select 2a from 60users 60illuminate 5cdatabase 5cqueryexception could not find driver laravellaravel could not find driver 28sql 3acould not find driver 28sql 3a select 2a from sqlite master where type 3d 27table 27 and name 3d migrations 29laravel could not find driver 28sqlcould not find driver 28sql 3a show full tables where table type 3d 27base table 27 29 laravelilluminate 5cdatabase 5cqueryexception could not find driverilluminate 5cdatabase 5cqueryexception could not find driver 28sql 3a select 2a from 60users 60 where 60code 60 3d 1010 and 60etat 60 3d 1 limit 1 29 could not find driver 28sql 3a show full tables where table type 3d 27base table 27 29could not find driver 28sql 29could not find driver 28sql 3a select 2a from 60users 60 where 60email 60 3d admin 40smn lk and 60users 60 60deleted at 60 is null limit 1 29could not find driver 28sql 3a 22message 22 3a 22could not find driver 22exception 22 3a 22illuminate 5c 5cdatabase 5c 5cqueryexception 22 2cilluminate 5cdatabase 5cqueryexceptioncould not find driverilluminate 5cdatabase 5cqueryexception could not find driver 28sql 3a pragma foreign keys 3d on 3b 29 at vendor 2flaravel 2fframework 2fsrc 2filluminate 2fdatabase 2fconnection php 3a692illuminate database queryexception could not find driver laravel 8laravel ccould not find driver 28sql 3alaravel 8 could not find driver 28sql 3acould not find driver 28sql 3a pragma foreign keys 3d on 3b 29could not find driver 28sql 3a show full tables where table type 3d 27base table 27 29could not find driver 28sql 3a select 2a fromcould not find driver 28sql 3a select 2a from 60sessions 60 where 60id 60 3dould not find driver 28sql 3a show full tables where table type 3d 27base table 27 29laravel 6 query exception could not find driverilluminate 5cdatabase 5cqueryexception could not find driver 28sql 3a select 2a from users 29how to find php ini file in ubuntucould not find driver 28sql 3a select 2a from 60usersilluminate 5cdatabase 5cqueryexception could not find driver 28sql 3a pragma foreign keys 3d on 3b 29 at vendor 2flaravel 2fframework 2fsrc 2filluminate 2fdatabase 2fconnection php 3a678could not find driver 28sql 3a select 2a from 60users 60 where 60id 60 3d 1 limit 1 29could not find driver 28sql 3a in laravel 8could not find driver 28sql 3a select 2a from 60personal access tokilluminate 5cdatabase 5cqueryexception could not find driver 28sql 3a select 2a fromcould not find driver laravel pgsqlilluminate 5cdatabase 5cqueryexception could not find driver 28sql 3ailluminate database queryexception could not find driver 28sql select 2a from