image html

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showing results for - "image html"
08 Oct 2017
1<p><img src="image/example.jpg" alt="Example1" width="193" height="130"> (width:193px, height:130px)</p>
3<p><img src="image/example.jpg" alt="Example2" width="96" height="65"> (width:96px, height:65px)</p>
5<p><img src="image/example.jpg" alt="Example3" width="100%" height="130"> (width:100%, height:130px)</p>
28 Feb 2018
1<!DOCTYPE html>
3   <body>
5     <!-- Pour utiliser une image à partir d'un lien, cous pouvez utiliser
6 	      Cette commande : <img src="votre lien"> voici un exemple -->
8      <img src=""
9       width="150" height="70">
11   </body>
14 May 2017
1<img src="flowers.jpg" alt="flowers">
3//Always add the image type (jpg,png, etc) Adding alt text
4is also good coding practice :)
08 Mar 2020
1<img src="Add Image Source Here">
19 Mar 2019
1<img src="image.gif" alt="Something" height="42" width="42">
13 Nov 2018
1<img src="smiley.gif" alt="Smiley face" height="42" width="42">
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