initialize 2d vector

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showing results for - "initialize 2d vector"
19 Jan 2019
1auto M = 4;	// num of rows
2auto N = 3; // num of cols in each row
3auto default_value = 1; // default value of all int elements
4std::vector<std::vector<int>> matrix(M, std::vector<int>(N, default_value));
22 Nov 2017
1vector<vector<int> > vec( n , vector<int> (m, 0));
05 Jan 2020
1// Initializing 2D vector "vect" with 
2// values 
3vector<vector<int> > vect{ { 1, 2, 3 }, 
4                           { 4, 5, 6 }, 
5                           { 7, 8, 9 } }; 
15 Feb 2016
1vector<vector<int> >    v2(8, vector<int>(5));
29 Aug 2019
1std::vector<vector<int>> d;
2//std::vector<int> d;
3cout<<"Enter the N number of ship and port:"<<endl;
5cout<<"\Enter preference etc..:\n";
6for(i=0; i<in; i++){ 
7cout<<"ship"<<i+1<<":"<<' ';
8    for(j=0; j<in; j++){
9    cin>>temp;
10    d.push_back(temp);// I don't know how to push_back here!!
11    }
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how to initialize two dimensional vector in c 2b 2b2d vector in c 2b 2bhow to take input in 2d array c 2b 2b2d vector initialize c 2b 2bip 2d vector c 2b 2b 2d vector in cpp constructorhow to find an element in 2d vector c 2b 2binitialise a 2d vectorhow to create 2d vector arrayc 2b 2b 2d vector access elementsize of 2d vector c 2b 2binit 2d vector of vectors c 2b 2bfill 2d vector c 2b 2btake input in 2d vectormultidimensional vector c 2b 2b initializationinitialising 2d vector with valuesuser input entries in 2d vectorhow to declarea 2d vector in c 2b 2binitialize a 2d matrix with 0 in vectormake 2d vector c 2b 2btake 2d array input from user in c 2b 2bc 2b 2b set size of 2d vectorhow to initialize 2d vectorintitilaising a 2d vector in cx 2b 2bstl 2d arrayhow to initialise 2d vector in c 2b 2bhow to declare size of 2d vector in c 2b 2bcin 2d vector in c 2b 2b2d matrix input in c 2b 2binitialize 2d vector c size c 2b 2binstantiate 2d vector c 2b 2bset 2d vector size c 2b 2bhow to iterate 2d vector in c 2b 2bhow to make a fixed size 2d vector c 2b 2bcreate two dimensional vector c 2b 2bcreate a 2d vector c 2b 2bd 2b 2b 2d vectorhow to make 2d vector with defined sizevector 3cvector 3cint 3e 2a 3e inputvariable size 2d array c 2b 2b using vector2d vector c 2b 2b of stringassigning 2d vector c 2b 2bc 2b 2b 2 dimensional vector initialization2 d vector in cpp with initial value2d array vectorinitializing a 2d vector c 2b 2bc 2b 2b vector 2d initializationinitializing vector of vector c 2b 2binitialize 2d array c 2b 2bcreate and initialise 2d vector c 2b 2binitializing two dimensional vector c 2b 2benter vlues by user in 2 d vector in c 2b 2b2d vector c 2b 2b gfghow to take input of a 2d vector in c 2b 2buse a vecto as a 2d arrayhow to call2d vectorto set 2d vector with 0 in c 2b 2bnull vector example in c 2b 2b for 2d vectorinitialize 2d vector to 0 c 2b 2b2d vector sizew declarationdeclaring the size of 2 d vector2d array initialisation2d vector initialization with size and init value c 2b 2busing 2d vector in c 2b 2b2d array input c 2b 2binitialize 2d vector with valuesinitialize vector with 2d array c 2b 2bvector of a 2d arrayhow to create a two dimensional vector in c 2b 2bhow to initialize 2d vector c 2b 2bhow to initialize the value of a 2d vector in c 2b 2binput for 2d vectorinitialize size of 2d vector c 2b 2bvector vector int initialize c 2b 2bhow to 2d vector c 2b 2bhow to initialize a 2d vector dynamicallycan we assign 2d vector to another c 2b 2bc 2b 2b vector two dimensionalvector pf int vector of variable length in c 2b 2binitialize vector to 0 c 2b 2bc 2b 2b vector 2d array input2d vector c 2b 2b inputhow to initialize a 2d vector in c 2b 2bc 2b 2b 2d vector indexinginitialize vector of vector c 2b 2b with size2d vector in 2b 2bc 2b 2b vector two dimensional arrayinit 2d vector c 2b 2bc 2b 2b 2d vector of given size2d vector c 2b 2b initializationinitialize 2d vector of ints c 2b 2bdeclaring 2d vector with sizeinitialize the size of two dimensional vectro c 2b 2bhow to initalize a 2d vector2d vector c 2b 2b row and column sizecreate matrix using vector c 2b 2bc 2b 2b initialize 2d vector with all zeros2d array vector c 2b 2binitialize 2d vector c 2b 2b with default valueinitialyze 2d vector c 2b 2bhow to declare 2d vector in c 2b 2bstd 3a 3avector 2 dimensinal arraysinput 2d array c 2b 2bhow to initialize a 2d vector with all same value in c 2b 2bvector 2d in c 2b 2b inputhow to declare a 2d vector in c 2b 2binitialize vector 2d c 2b 2bdeclare 2d vectortaking input in 2d array in c 2b 2binitializing 2d vectorinitialize 2d vector c 2b 2b with all valueshow to input vector in c 2b 2binput 2d array in c 2b 2binitialize 2d vectorhow to declare a 2d vector c 2b 2binitialise 2d vector with 0 c 2b 2bhow to store 2d vector in c 2b 2bhow to add size to two dimentional vector dynamicalyinitialize a 2d vector c 2b 2binitialsize a 2d vector of strins with a char in cppmaking a 2d vector c 2b 2bhow to initialize a 2d vector in c 2b 2b with 0iniitialise 2d vectormultidimensional vectors in c 2b 2b2d vector indexing c 2b 2bhow to intialize 2d vectorenter a vector 3cvector 3cint 3e 3edeclare a 2d vector c 2b 2bhow to take a 2d vector as input in c 2b 2busing new to declare 2d array in c 2b 3d stl2d vector intialize with 0declaration of 2d vector in c 2b 2bvector 2d initialise c 2b 2b with 1 valuehe recommended approach is to use fill constructor to initialize a two dimensional vector with a given default value 3a std 3a 3avector 3cstd 3a 3avector 3cint 3e 3e fog 28m 2c std 3a 3avector 3cint 3e 28n 2c default value 29 29 3b where 2c m and n are dimensions for your 2d vector user input 2d vector c 2b 2b2d vectors initialize with zeroshow to initailize vector with lenght c 2b 2b2 d vectors in c 2b 2breturn a row of 2d vectorhow to intialise a 2d vector with 4 rows 2 collumnsc 2b 2b 2 dimensional vector fix sizec 2b 2b 2d vector initialization with falsec 2b 2b access 2d vector elementc 2b 2b initialize size of 2 dimensional vectorinitialising a 2d vector of some variable2d vector c 2b 2b undefined sizehow to assign a 2d array to vector c initialize 2d vector after declaration with 0 c 2b 2b2d vector fill in c 2b 2btraverse a 2d vector in c 2b 2bprint 2d vector c 2b 2bdefine 2d vectorhow to take 2d matrix input using vector in cpphow to initialized a 2d vectorhow to allocate memory for a 2d vector array c 2b 2binitiate 2d vector c 2b 2b2d vectors in c 2b 2b2d vector inputhow to find value in every row in 2d vectorhow to make a define 2d vector2d vector c 2b 2b initializeinitalize empty 2d vector c 2b 2bhow to input 2d array in c 2b 2b2d array how to initalize vector2 d dyanmic vector c 2b 2bc 2b 2bcreate a 2d vectortake input in 2d vector c 2b 2b2d string vector c 2b 2bhow to initalize c 2b 2b 2d vector with values2d vector in c 2b 2b with user defined sizetwo dimensional vector c 2b 2b initializationinitialize ndimensional vector c 2b 2bhow to take input in a 2d vector c 2b 2binitialization of 2d array in c 2b 2bhow to initialize a 2d vector in cppinitialized 2d vector c 2b 2binitialize a 2d vector in c 2b 2binitializing 2d vector c 2b 2b with valueshow to initialize a 2d vector with 1how to take input from user in 2d vector in c 2b 2binitialise 2d vector in c 2b 2bdefining a 2d vector with specified row and column size in c 2b 2bvector 3cvector 3cint 3e 3eassign sizetwo dimensional vectors c 2b 2binitialize two dimensional vector c 2b 2bset 2d vector to 0 in c 2b 2binitialize 2d vector c 2b 2b 0initialise a 2d vector with a empty vector2d vector declaration2d array input function c 2b 2bsize of matrix vector in c 2b 2binitialising 2d vector c 2b 2bget 2d vector sizehow to initialize 2dvector in c 2b 2b2d vector of indefinite size c 2b 2bc 2b 2b multidimensional vector specifyhow to initialize 2dvector in c 2b 2b of some sizehow to intialize a 2d vector with 2d array in c 2b 2bhow to insert in 2d vectortwo dimensional vectortaking input in dynamic 2d array in c 2b 2b vectorhow to declare a 2d vector2 dimensional vector c 2b 2b examplevector 2d array p5jahow to take 2d vector input in c 2b 2bhow to iniitialize 2d vectorintitalize 2d vector c 2b 2b2d matrix c 2b 2b using vector with user inputinitialize empty 2d vector c 2b 2b2d vector c 2b 2b initialize 1how to make a 2d vector in c 2b 2binitialising 2d vectorhow initialize 2d vector c 2b 2bunity 2d vector2 normalize2 dimensional vector array c 2b 2binitializing 2d vector in c 2b 2bc 2b 2b vector 2d array initializeinitialized vector of vector c 2b 2bn by n 2d vectorc 2b 2b initialize 2d vector to 0vector 3cvector 3e 3e cpp initialization2d vector intitalizetinoc 2b 2b two dimensional vector examplehow to intialise a 2d vectorhow to initialise a 2d vector without fixed size in c 2b 2bcpp 2d vector initializationintilisation of 2d vectorhow to initialize a 2d vector with 1 globallyinitialize 2d vector c 2b 2b with 12d vector rangehow to print 2 d vectorinit 2dimensional vector c 2b 2b2d vector initialization in c 2b 2bcpp vector matrix initializationintialize 2d vector c 2b 2bhow to take input of 2d array in c 2b 2btraverse a 2d vector c 2b 2bhow to initialize 2d vector in c 2b 2b with 0declaring a 2d vector in c 2b 2bhow to take 2d array input in c 2b 2b2d array input in vector c 2b 2bc 2b 2b two dimensional vector with fixed sizehow to intitalize 2d vector elements as zero in c 2b 2bhow to input a 2d array in c 2b 2bc 2b 2b initialiser vector c3 a0 2 dimensions2d array c 2b 2b using vectorvector 2d c 2b 2binitialise a 2d vector as 0 c 2b 2bintialize an vector 2d c 2b 2b initial 2d vectorhow to create a matrix using vector in c 2b 2binitialising a 2d vector cppc 2b 2b input in a 2d arrayaccept input for 2d vector in c 2b 2b2d vector c 2b 2baccess 2d vectorsinitialize 2d vector with null c 2b 2b2d vectors c 2b 2bdeclare 2d vector c 2b 2b in one linevector of vector c 2b 2b initialize2d vector in cppc 2b 2b 2d vectorsinitialising a vectortwo dimensional vector c 2b 2b of fixed sizeinitialize multi dimensional vectors of objects c 2b 2bmulti dimensional vector c 2b 2b stldeclaring 2d vectorcpp 2d vectorthow to insert a vector into a 2dvector c 2b 2bhow to initilaize 2d vectorve tor 2d arraysc 2b 2b initialize 2d vector with valuesc 2b 2b dynamic n dimensional vectorvector initialization c 2b 2b 2d2d matrix vector c 2b 2bhow to initialise vector with size c 2b 2bhow to input a 2d character vector in c 2b 2binitializing vector of vectors c 2b 2bhow to initialize a 2d vector with valueshow can i declare mutliple 2d vectors in c 2b 2bmake 2d vector all zeros c 2b 2binput values in vector matrix c 2b 2b2d array stl2d vector to 2x2 vectorc 2b 2b construct 2d vectorinitialize 2d vector of sets cpphow to add to 2d vector c 2b 2binitialzing a 2 d vectorinitialize 2d vector c 2b 2bhow to initialize 2d vector in c 2b 2b glomultidimensional vector c 2b 2b11initialize 2d vector with some valuesinitialise 2d array c 2b 2bc 2b 2b vector size initializationinitializing a 2d vector in c 2b 2bhow to initialize 2d vector with 0 in c 2b 2binitializing a 2d vectorc 2b 2b initialize 2d vector to valueshow to initialize a vector of pairs in c 2b 2bhow to set size of 2 dimensional vector in c 2b 2bcreating a 2d vector in c 2b 2bvector 2d initialise c 2b 2bhow to initialize a 2d vector to all zeroesassign 2d vector in c 2b 2bdeclare a 2d vector in c 2b 2bhow to input a vector in c 2b 2binitialising a 2d vectorinitialising a vector of vectors c 2b 2busing vector in c 2b 2b to construct 2d arrayinitialize empy multi dimensional vectors of objects c 2b 2btake input 2d array in c 2b 2binitialize 2d vector c 2b 2b to zerocreating a 2d vector in c 2b 2b and initializing to 0initilasise a multi dim vector c 2b 2binput in 2d vectorc 2b 2b 2d vector2d vector cplusplususer input 2d array c 2b 2bc 2b 2b double vector initializationinitialized 2d vector with 0no of columns of 2d vectorinitialize vector with size c 2b 2btake 2d array input in c 2b 2bmatrix c 2b 2b vectorhow to declare a two dimentional vector in c 2b 2bdeclare size of 2d vector c 2b 2bmatrix as vector c 2b 2bc 2b 2b initialize 2d vectorhow to declare an nxn vector i c 2b 2b2d vector array cppinitialize 2d vector c 2b 2b with sizenested vector c 2b 2bhow take input 2foutput in 2d vectorintializing 2d vectorshow to create a 2d string vector cppinitializing 2d vector in cpp2d array input in c 2b 2bhow to initialise 2d vectorhow to initialze 2d vector with 0 c 2b 2b2d vector methodsinitialize 2d matrix c 2b 2b vectorinitialize 2d vector c 2b 2b with valueshow to initialize vector of vector in c 2b 2b2d vector init c 2b 2baccessing elements of 2d vector c 2b 2bintialize 2d vectorcc 2b 2bc 2b 2b vector 2d arrayinitializing a vector of vectors c 2b 2bhow to create two dimensional vector in c 2b 2b2d vector at c 2b 2bvector of vector initialization c 2b 2bhow ot initialize 2d vectorc 2b 2b14 initialize 2d vectordeclare and initialize 2d vector c 2b 2binput 2d vector c 2b 2binitialising 2d vectors in c 2b 2bhow to take input in 2d vector in c 2b 2binitialize a vector of vectors c 2b 2binitialise a 2d vector c 2b 2bhow to define a matrix in c 2b 2b vector2d vector initialize how to initialize 2d vector as 0 in cpp2d vector in c 2b 2b initializationhow to declare nested vector in c 2b 2binitialize multidimensional vectorhow to take input in 2d vectorhow to initialize a multidimentional vector to zero in c 2b 2bhow to fill 2d vectorinitializing 2d vector c 2b 2bhow to build 2d vectoinitialize 2d 5c vector c 2b 2binitialixe a 2d vector in cppsize of vector of vectors c 2b 2bhow to make two dimensional vector in c 2b 2bhow to intialise a 2d vector with 4 rows initialize vector of vector c 2b 2b with sizdeuser defiined size 2d vector2d vector2d vector size 28 29 c 2b 2bvector of vector of int initializationcpp initialize 2d vectorhow to initialize a 2d vectorhow to give size to 2d array in c 2b 2b using intc 2b 2b init 2d vectorc 2b 2b fill 2d vectorc 2b 2b resize 1d vector into 2d vectorcreate a 2d vector and initialize all c 2b 2bvector 2d initializedeclaring matrix using vector c 2b 2bempty 2d vector of size 4 2a 2how to take input in two dimensional vector in c 2b 2b2d vector c 2b 2b tutorialinitializeing a 2d vectoruser input of 2d vector c 2b 2bhow to declare a two dimensional vector in c 2b 2btake input in a 2d vectormake 2d vector in c 2b 2bhow to input in 2d array c 2b 2b2d vector of size n with all value 1 in c 2b 2bstd vector define size multidimensionalhow to take user input in 2d vector in c 2b 2bhow to take input in 2d array in c 2b 2binitialize a multi dim vector c 2b 2binstantiate a vector matrix in c 2b 2b2 dimensinonal vector c 2b 2binitialize vector of vector c 2b 2binitialization of 2d vector in c 2b 2bc 2b 2b 2d vector define sizeusing vector in c 2b 2b to store 2d valuedeclare 2 dimensional vector c 2b 2bhow to initalize a 2d vector to falseinput a 2d array in c 2b 2b2d vactor c 2b 2bc 2b 2b how to define multidimensionalvector size at initializationhow to take input a 2d vector in cppdeclare 2d vector c 2b 2bcpp 2d vectorc 2b 2b two dimensional vector initializationtwo dimensional vector c 2b 2bintialise 2d vectorusing vector as 2d arrayc 2b 2b set values of multidimensional vector at init2d vector c 2b 2b user inputcreate 2d array using vectorhow to take input 2d array in c 2b 2bhow to access elements in a 2d vector c 2b 2bhow to initialise a 2d vector in c 2b 2binit 2d vectorhow to get size of 2d vector in c 2b 2b2d vector input c 2b 2bdeclare 2d vector c 2b 2b with sizeinitiate 2d vector c 2b 2b with no valuesintialising 2d vector c 2b 2b2d vector of fixed sizedeclare vector of vector c c2 b4 c2 b4initialize double vector c 2b 2b with newdeclaring 40d vectorhow to initialize 2d vector in c 2b 2bhow to define 2d vector in c 2b 2binitialize 2d vector of zeros2 d vector functionshow to initialize all elements in an 2d vector to zero in c 2b 2binitialize a 2d vector cppsize of a 2d vectorinitialize vector of vectors c 2b 2b2d vector initialization c 2b 2bhow to initialize a 2d vector in c 2b 2b with default values2d vector int or long2d vector c 2b 2b initialization with 0vector 2d matrixtaking input for 2d vector arraydouble vector2d array using std vector c 2b 2binitialize vector of vectorinitialize 2d vector with 0 c 2b 2bvector 2dhow to create a 2 dimensional vector in c 2b 2binitialising 2d vector in cpphow to make 2d vectorways to input 2d array in c 2b 2bc 2b 2b multidimensional vector specify izehow to initialize all the elements of a 2d vectorhow to initialize 2d vector in cpppinitialize a 2d vectorinitialize 2d vector in c 2b 2bhigh dimensional vectors c 2b 2binnitialize 2d vectorinitialaize 2d vector in c 2b 2bhow ot initialize a 2d vector in c 2b 2b2d input vectorinitialising 2d vector push back c 2b 2b2 dimensional vector c 2b 2b initialize2 d vector in c 2b 2binitialize 2d int array c 2b 2bmatrix using vector c 2b 2b2d vecgor c 2b 2b2d vector initializationhow to initialise 2d arrayhow to work for 2d vectorsmultidimensional array using vector in c 2b 2bhow to input a 2d vector in c 2b 2bvector of vecotr with size c 2b 2bpassing 2d vector c 2b 2binitialising a 2d vector c 2b 2bhow to initialize a 2d array in c 2b 2badd values by user in 2 d vector c 2b 2b2d matrix using vector c 2b 2b2d vector with predefined dimensions in c 2b 2bmatrix in vector c 2b 2binitialize 2d vector c 2b 2b with 0initialize two dimensional vector c 2b 2b sizec 2b 2b 2d vector initialization2 d vector in c 2b 2bhow to define an empty 2d vector in c 2b 2binitiate 2d vectordealing with 2d vectors in c 2b 2bcreate 2d vector with size c 2b 2bmultidimentional vector c 2b 2b initializationvector 2d dimension initializeinitializing one element of 2d vector in c 2b 2b with 0 using stl2d read input in c 2b 2b2d vector in c 2b 2bhow to initialise a 2d vector in cppdeclare two dimensional vector c 2b 2bvector of defined size c 2b 2bdeclaring 2d vector in c 2b 2binitialize 2d vector javadouble dim vector variable length c 2b 2bassign 2d vector to another vector c 2b 2bc 2b 2b vector matrix initializationinitialize 2d vector of intsinntialize 2d vector c 2b 2bquick print 2d vector c 2b 2bfilliing 2d vector2d vecotr handlingdefine size of 2d vector c 2b 2binitialise 2d vectorhow to display the elements of 2d vector in c 2b 2b using at 28 29how to take infinite input in vector c 2b 2bhow to give input in 2d vector in c 2b 2bintialize 2d vectorinitialize vector matrix c 2b 2bdeclare 2d vector with size c 2b 2btwo d vector c 2b 2bvector of vector size c 2b 2b2d vector initialising with 0initialize a 2d vector with another 2d vector c 2b 2b2d vector in c 2b 2b manualu inputinitialise 2d vector of 0sinitialize a 2d vector in cppby default values in 2d vectorc 2b 2b 2d vector generatehow to calculate size of vector of vectors in c 2b 2b2d vectorsinitialize a 2d vector c 2b 2b with another vectorvector matrix size c 2b 2bc 2b 2b2d vector atinitialize 2d vector c 2b 2b after declarationdeclaring 2d vector with fixed space in c 2b 2b2d vector initialize with 0 cppmultidimensional vector c 2b 2bdouble vector in c 2b 2bhow to inialize a 2d vector2d vector c 2b 2b initialize with 0initialise 2d vector c 2b 2binitialise a 2d vector with sizepredefine the size of 2d vector in cpp2d array of vectors c 2b 2binitialize 2d vector c 2b 2b constructortake input in 2d array in c 2b 2bvector to vector 2dsets the values in the matrix to the same values as in a same sized 2d vector that is passed into the methodhow to declare 2d vector in c 2b 2binitialize 2d vector