invariant violation 3a has not been registered react native

Solutions on MaxInterview for invariant violation 3a has not been registered react native by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "invariant violation 3a has not been registered react native"
16 Mar 2016
1Some Solutions that worked for me:
2I got this issue after renaming the project name and a couple of 
3files. to solve it just make sure that the name of the app is the same in 
4index.js app.json, and AppDelegate.m.
6Solution 1 Inside app.json File:
7{ "name": "MyNewApp", "displayName": "MyNewApp" }
9Solution 2 :
10// AppRegistry defines the entry point to the application and provides the 
11// root component. Your first param doesn't match your project name.
12// First param of registerComponent has to be your project name, second param 
13// is anonymous function that returns your root react component.
14// If first param doesn't match xcode project name, you get that error that
15// your application has not been registered.
16Inside index.js File:
17AppRegistry.registerComponent('MyNewApp', () => MyNewApp);
19Solution 3:
20Inside File:
21@Override protected String getMainComponentName() {
22	return "MyNewApp"; 
25Solution 4:
26// Be sure that the 'AppName' you pass into the
27// AppRegistry.registerComponent('AppName' /* <- */, ... )
28// matches with the @"AppName" on your AppDelegate.m on the call for
29Inside AppDelegate.m File:
30[[RCTRootView alloc] initWithBundleUrl:...
31                            moduleName:@"AppName" // <-
32                         launchOptions:...