iterate python

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showing results for - "iterate python"
02 Jun 2019
1# Basic syntax:
2for iteration, item in enumerate(iteratable_object):
3	print(iteration)
4# Where:
5#	- item is the current element in the iteratable_object
6#	- iteration is the iteration number/count for the current iteration
8# Basic syntax using list comprehension:
9[iteration for iteration, item in enumerate(iteratable_object)]
11# Example usage:
12your_list = ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
14for iteration,item in enumerate(your_list):
15	(iteration, item) # Return tuples of iteration, item
16--> (0, 'a')
17	(1, 'b')
18	(2, 'c')
19	(3, 'd')
21[iteration for iteration, item in enumerate(your_list)]
22--> [0, 1, 2, 3]
Miguel Ángel
27 Mar 2017
1for attr, value in k.__dict__.items():
2        print(attr, value)
29 May 2020
1>>> a = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
2>>> for i in a:
3...     print(i)
06 Apr 2019
1# Iterate over dictionary using enumerate()
3mydict = {
4	"one": 1,
5  	"two": 2,
6  	"three": 3
9# You can replace `index` with an underscore to ignore the index 
10# value if you don't plan to use it.
11for index, item in enumerate(mydict):
12	print(f"{item}: {mydict.get(item)}")
15# one: 1
16# two: 2
17# three: 3
01 Jan 2019
1for i = 1 to 10
2    <loop body>
14 Jul 2019
1for n in range(3):   
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