javascript access property values list of objects

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showing results for - "javascript access property values list of objects"
20 Jun 2020
1// Access all properties and values in a JS object:
2let valuesArray = Object.entries(MyObject);
4   for (let value of valuesArray) { 
5       document.write(value + "<br>"); // value is the property,value pair
6   } 
7/* Result: propName,value
8           propName,value
9 		   ...
11For clarity: */
12let person = {
13  name: "Piet",
14  age: 42
17Object.keys(person) // = ["name", "age"]
18Object.values(person) // = ["Piet", 42]
19Object.entries(person) // = [ ["name","Piet"], ["age",42] ]
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