javascript data types

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showing results for - "javascript data types"
16 Oct 2017
1var age = 18;                           // number 
2var name = "Jane";                      // string
3var name = {first:"Jane", last:"Doe"};  // object
4var truth = false;                      // boolean
5var sheets = ["HTML","CSS","JS"];       // array
6var a; typeof a;                        // undefined
7var a = null;                           // value null
17 Jan 2016
2The latest ECMAScript standard defines nine types:
4Six Data Types that are primitives, checked by typeof operator:
5undefined : typeof instance === "undefined"
6Boolean : typeof instance === "boolean"
7Number : typeof instance === "number"
8String : typeof instance === "string"
9BigInt : typeof instance === "bigint"
10Symbol : typeof instance === "symbol"
11Structural Types:
12Object : typeof instance === "object". Special non-data but Structural type for any constructed object instance also used as data structures: new Object, new Array, new Map, new Set, new WeakMap, new WeakSet, new Date and almost everything made with new keyword;
13Function : a non-data structure, though it also answers for typeof operator: typeof instance === "function". This is merely a special shorthand for Functions, though every Function constructor is derived from Object constructor.
14Structural Root Primitive:
15null : typeof instance === "object". Special primitive type having additional usage for its value: if object is not inherited, then null is shown;
23 Nov 2017
2let x = "16" + "Volvo"; 
28 Nov 2018
1/*JavaScript data types*/
3var string = 'ASCII text';
5var integer = 123456789;
7var float = 123.456;
8//boolean, can be true or false
9var t = true;
10var f = false;
12var undef;//defaults to undefined
13var undef = undefined;//not common, use null
15var nul = null;
17var arr = ['Hello','my','name','is','Dr.Hippo',123,null];
19var person = {'name':'John Smith','age':27};
21var fun = function(){
22    return 42;
05 Oct 2016
1//String Data Type
2var strSingle = 'John'; //String with single quotes
3var strDouble = "Bob"; //String with double quotes
5//Number Data Type
6var num = 25; //Integer
7var flo = 80.5; //Floating-point number
8var exp = 4.25e+6; //Exponential notation, this equates to 4250000
10//Boolean Data Type
11var isReading = true; //Yes, I'm reading
12var isSleeping = false; //No, I'm not sleeping
14//Undefined Data Type
15var undef; //If a value is never assigned, any output will be 'undefined'
17//Null Data Type
18var noValue = null; //Null meaning that it is has no value, not the same as 0 or ""
20//Object Data Type
21var emptyObject = {};
22var person = {"name": "Clark", "surname": "Kent", "age": "36"}; //The quotes around the propety name can be omitted if the property name is a valid JS name
23var car = { //Same as person but easier to read
24	model: "BMW X3", //Example with quotes around property name ommitted
25	color: "white",
26	doors: 5
29//Array Data Type
30var emptyArray = []; //An array can be of any data types (string, number, boolean, etc.)
31var array = ["One", "Two"] //String array, note the index of the first element is 0
33//Function Data Type
34var func = function() { //Calling the function: func();
35  alert("Code excuted"); //Outputs: Code executed
38var funcVar = function(amount) { //Calling the function: funcVar(6); 
39  alert("Code excuted " + amount + " times"); //Outputs: Code executed 6 times (if input was 6)
42//Typeof Operator
43typeof variable; //Returns the data type of the variable
20 Mar 2017
1dataTypes = {
2    Numbers = 1,2,3, 100, 3.14
3    Strings = 'Hello, World' "
4    Boolean = true / false
5    Null = 'Explicitly set a variable with no Value'
6    Undefined = 'For variable that have not yet been defined'
7    Object = 'Complex data structures - Arrays, Dates, Literals etc'
8    Symbol = 'Used with objects' // usually not needed
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variables javascripttype list jsjavascript data tyoeshow to set data types in jsjavascript list of data typestypes of data type in javascriptexample of different data types in javascriptlong data type in javascriptjavascript data type listwhat are the types in javascriptshort data type jsjavascript what is datadat types of javascriptjavascript compsoite data typeswhich of the following is not a javascript datatypelist of javascript data types with examplesjs simple data typesobject data types javascriptwhat are data types used for jshow many data types are in javascriptjavascript 8 data typeswhat are data types in js 3fdatatype of a variable in javascriptjavascript custom datatypesjavascript var data typesdata types objects in javascriptwhat are javascript variables and datatypesjs data typedifferent javascript datatypehow to use variable types in node jsnumber data type javascriptprimative data types in jsis undefined a javascript data typejs object typesdata types javascriptcreate data types javascriptjs types of variablesjavascript datatypes and operatorsjavascript daa typesjavascript value types3 types of javascript in htmldatatype of javascriptjs types of datajavascript 5bdata 5d meansjavascript variables data typesvarious data types in javascripthow to check data type in javascript5 data types in js7 data types in javascriptwhat is vaild datatype in jstype of javascriptjavascript defining data typehow to set variable type in node jswhat is simple data type javascriptnumber datatype in jshow to get data type of a variable in javascriptdata typr jsare objects datatypes javascripthow do javascript data types worekjavascript find data typedata types javascdata types of javascriptjs declare data typehow to use types in javascriptvalues data types in jsget types of data javascripthow to find which type of data type in jswhat is data types in javascripttypes of data javascripttypes of data in jsdata types javascritpdata types of jshow to see type of data jsstring 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