javascript detect touch

Solutions on MaxInterview for javascript detect touch by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "javascript detect touch"
18 Apr 2016
1function isTouchScreendevice() {
2    return 'ontouchstart' in window || navigator.maxTouchPoints;      
6    alert("I am a touch screen device")
20 Jun 2016
1/* npm i tappify */
2import Tappify from "tappify";
4/* Only works in react.js */
5function myComponent() {
6  return <>
7    <Tappify.Finger>
8      Client is using finger *tap tap*
9    </Tappify.Finger>
11    <Tappify.Cursor>
12      Client is using mouse cursor *click click*
13    </Tappify.Cursor>
14  </>
16//more info:
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