showing results for - "javascript math methods"
16 Jun 2019
1abs(x)	Returns the absolute value of x
2acos(x)	Returns the arccosine of x, in radians
3acosh(x)	Returns the hyperbolic arccosine of x
4asin(x)	Returns the arcsine of x, in radians
5asinh(x)	Returns the hyperbolic arcsine of x
6atan(x)	Returns the arctangent of x as a numeric value between -PI/2 and PI/2 radians
7atan2(y, x)	Returns the arctangent of the quotient of its arguments
8atanh(x)	Returns the hyperbolic arctangent of x
9cbrt(x)	Returns the cubic root of x
10ceil(x)	Returns x, rounded upwards to the nearest integer
11cos(x)	Returns the cosine of x (x is in radians)
12cosh(x)	Returns the hyperbolic cosine of x
13exp(x)	Returns the value of Ex
14floor(x)	Returns x, rounded downwards to the nearest integer
15log(x)	Returns the natural logarithm (base E) of x
16max(x, y, z, ..., n)	Returns the number with the highest value
17min(x, y, z, ..., n)	Returns the number with the lowest value
18pow(x, y)	Returns the value of x to the power of y
19random()	Returns a random number between 0 and 1
20round(x)	Rounds x to the nearest integer
21sin(x)	Returns the sine of x (x is in radians)
22sinh(x)	Returns the hyperbolic sine of x
23sqrt(x)	Returns the square root of x
24tan(x)	Returns the tangent of an angle
25tanh(x)	Returns the hyperbolic tangent of a number
26trunc(x)	Returns the integer part of a number (x)
05 Mar 2019
1E: 2.718281828459045
2LN2: 0.6931471805599453
3LN10: 2.302585092994046
4LOG2E: 1.4426950408889634
5LOG10E: 0.4342944819032518
6PI: 3.141592653589793
7SQRT1_2: 0.7071067811865476
8SQRT2: 1.4142135623730951
9abs: ƒ abs()
10acos: ƒ acos()
11acosh: ƒ acosh()
12asin: ƒ asin()
13asinh: ƒ asinh()
14atan: ƒ atan()
15atan2: ƒ atan2()
16atanh: ƒ atanh()
17cbrt: ƒ cbrt()
18ceil: ƒ ceil()
19clz32: ƒ clz32()
20cos: ƒ cos()
21cosh: ƒ cosh()
22exp: ƒ exp()
23expm1: ƒ expm1()
24floor: ƒ floor()
25fround: ƒ fround()
26hypot: ƒ hypot()
27imul: ƒ imul()
28log: ƒ log()
29log1p: ƒ log1p()
30log2: ƒ log2()
31log10: ƒ log10()
32max: ƒ max()
33min: ƒ min()
34pow: ƒ pow()
35random: ƒ random()
36round: ƒ round()
37sign: ƒ sign()
38sin: ƒ sin()
39sinh: ƒ sinh()
40sqrt: ƒ sqrt()
41tan: ƒ tan()
42tanh: ƒ tanh()
43trunc: ƒ trunc()
44Symbol(Symbol.toStringTag): "Math"
45__proto__: Object
17 Apr 2018
1//Math in JS is similar and different to the one in real life
2//Like: "+", "-" signs are the same. But "X" and "÷" are replaced with "*" and "/" respectivly
3//You can do math both with variables and normal numbers
5								Normal Number Examples
74+4 = 8;
84-4 = 0;
94*4 = 16;
104/4 = 1;
12								Variable Examples
14num1 = 0;
15num2 = 0;
16ans = 0;
18num1 = 4;
19num2 = 64
21num1 + num2 = 68
22num1 - num2 = 60
23num1 * num2 = 24
24num1 / num2 = 256;
26num1 + num2 = ans;
27num1 - num2 = ans;
28num1 * num2 = ans;
29num1 / num2 = ans;
31Now, you can use the document.getElementByID("").innerHTML = ans; to set the answer
35//I hope this post helped you!
19 Apr 2017
2Math.ceil(4.9);     // returns 5
4Math.ceil(4.7);     // returns 5
6Math.ceil(4.4);     // returns 5
8Math.ceil(4.2);     // returns 5
10Math.ceil(-4.2);     // returns -4
08 May 2019
2Math.floor(4.9);    // returns 4
4Math.floor(4.7);    // returns 4
6Math.floor(4.4);    // returns 4
8Math.floor(4.2);    // returns 4
10Math.floor(-4.2);    // returns -5
17 Mar 2017
1The top-level element in MathML is <math>. Every valid MathML instance must be wrapped in <math> tags. In addition you must not nest a second <math> element in another, but you can have an arbitrary number of other child elements in it.
5Theorem of Pythagoras
7HTML5 notation
8<!DOCTYPE html>
10  <head>
11    <title>MathML in HTML5</title>
12  </head>
13  <body>
15  <math>
16    <mrow>
17      <mrow>
18        <msup>
19          <mi>a</mi>
20          <mn>2</mn>
21        </msup>
22        <mo>+</mo>
23        <msup>
24          <mi>b</mi>
25          <mn>2</mn>
26        </msup>
27      </mrow>
28      <mo>=</mo>
29      <msup>
30        <mi>c</mi>
31        <mn>2</mn>
32      </msup>
33    </mrow>
34  </math>
36  </body>
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