javascript object instead of switch

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showing results for - "javascript object instead of switch"
10 Sep 2016
1const dogSwitch = (breed) => ({
2  "border": "Border Collies are good boys and girls.",
3  "pitbull": "Pit Bulls are good boys and girls.",
4  "german": "German Shepherds are good boys and girls."
6dogSwitch("border") // "Border Collies are good boys and girls."
22 Feb 2020
1function getDrink (type) {
2  var drinks = {
3    'coke': function () {
4      return 'Coke';
5    },
6    'pepsi': function () {
7      return 'Pepsi';
8    },
9    'lemonade': function () {
10      return 'Lemonade';
11    },
12    'default': function () {
13      return 'Default item';
14    }
15  };
16  return (drinks[type] || drinks['default'])();
03 Jul 2017
1function getSnack (type) {
2  var snack;
3  function isDrink () {
4    return snack = 'Drink';
5  }
6  function isFood () {
7    return snack = 'Food';
8  }
9  var snacks = {
10    'coke': isDrink,
11    'pepsi': isDrink,
12    'cookies': isFood,
13    'crisps': isFood,
14  };
15  return snacks[type]();
18var snack = getSnack('coke');
19console.log(snack); // 'Drink'
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