1// define initial player score
2var playerLeft = playerRight = 0
4// create text for the score, set font properties
5var scoreLeft = draw.text(playerLeft+'').font({
6 size: 32,
7 family: 'Menlo, sans-serif',
8 anchor: 'end',
9 fill: '#fff'
10}).move(width/2-10, 10)
12// cloning rocks!
13var scoreRight = scoreLeft.clone()
14 .text(playerRight+'')
15 .font('anchor', 'start')
16 .x(width/2+10)
1// You will need Html, css and sketch.js for this game.
2// This is the sketch.js code for pong game.
3// Do this in the p5.js
4// You will get HTML and CSS code there, it will be already coded there for you you just have to write the js code.
6let xpos = 200
7let ypos = 200
8let dx = 5;
9let dy = 3;
10function setup() {
11 createCanvas(400, 400);
14function draw() {
15 background('blue');
16 rect(10,ypos,10,80);
17 rect(380,mouseY,10,80);
18 ellipse(xpos,ypos,20,20);
19 if (xpos>=width-20 || xpos==20)
20 {
21 dx = -dx
22 }
23 if (ypos>=height-20 || ypos==20)
24 {
25 dy = -dy
26 }
27 fill('black')
28 text('PONG GAME',163,20);
29 for (var i=0; i< 400; i+=20) {
30 line(200,i,200,i+10);
31 }
32 xpos = xpos + dx;
33 ypos = ypos + dy;