javascript promise chain

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17 Jan 2018
1// base case 
3  .then(...)
4  .then(...)
5  .then(...)
6  .catch(...)
8//real world
10  .then(betAgain)
11  .then(betAgain)
12  .then(betAgain)
13  .then(result => {
14    console.log(`OMG, WE DID THIS! TIME TO TAKE ${result} HOME!`);
15  })
16  .catch(handleRejection);
12 May 2018
1new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
3  setTimeout(() => resolve(1), 1000); // (*)
5}).then(function(result) { // (**)
7  alert(result); // 1
8  return result * 2;
10}).then(function(result) { // (***)
12  alert(result); // 2
13  return result * 2;
15}).then(function(result) {
17  alert(result); // 4
18  return result * 2;
16 May 2017
1const promise2 = doSomething().then(successCallback, failureCallback);
03 Jul 2020
1/* Let's break n STEP-BY-STEP (cpy paste n console u'll have clear view)
31. Promises chaining will allow us to add many async operations
4 in a sequence way (i.e  in order)
52. But like we have callback hell, here our code at the end 
6will be more difficult to read
73. TIPS : Best options are go with >> {FETCH API, Async/Await} 
84. NOTE : Learn promises once, understand no.3 in a easy way, above
9both completely relay on Promises concept, makesure u understand them
10clearly. */
15var result = true;
16var learsJS = new Promise((resolve,reject) => {
17  setTimeout(() => {
18    if(result){ //if true resolve below case
19    resolve("This is my 1st resolved case");
20  }
21    else{
22    reject("I need some more time");
23  }
24  }, 2000);
25}).then(resolvedData1 => {
26	console.log(resolvedData1); //resolved promise1 - 5th line
27  return new Promise((resolve) => { // returning another promise2
28    resolve(`${resolvedData1} -- This is 2nd resolved case`)
29  });
31.then(resolvedData2 => {
32  console.log(resolvedData2); //resolved promise2
33	return new Promise((resolve) => { // returning another promise3
34    resolve(` ${resolvedData2} -- This is my 3rd resolved case`)
35  })
37.then(resolvedData3 => {
38  console.log(resolvedData3); //resolved promise3
39	return new Promise((resolve) => { //returning final promise
40    resolve(` ${resolvedData3} -- This is my Final resolved case`)
41  })
43.then(finalData => console.log(finalData)); //resolved final promise
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promise thenjs promise chainswhy we need chain promisejavascripr promise thenjavascript then methodmdn new promisejs then examplejs mdn promisejavascript promise thenpromise chaining in promise arrayjavscript thenreturn funtion as promisestart promise chain javascriptuse then javascriptjavascript promise then run before resolvepromise chaining hackerrank solutionjavascript how to return a promise chaincan i use two then methodstype then js then 28 29 syntaxpromise then jsjs then statmentjavascript promise then cathpromise then function return valuepromise chaining jksuse then jshow to call a function in a then promisehandle multiple then javascriptnode js nested promises then jsjs chain then statementsjs promice chainjavascript then in a thenjavascript then functionpromise bunch of callsthen chain jsjs function chaining then promise chain javascriptnode hs thenwhat does then do javascriptpromise js chainjs thenchaining promisespromies chainingreact chain thenspromise js then functionfunction then jsnode js promise chaining async functionpromise then example then 28 28responsewhat does then 28 29 do in jsthen node js promise chain javascriptchaining then javascriptusing then within a findnode js then inpterprets promisethen in javascript then 28 29 thenhow to use then in js then in javascriptpromise thenpromise chainsusing promise chainjs await chain error finder tol then 28 29 jshow to use then in javascriptchaining api calls in promisenodejs nested promise examplehow to chain all my await together in expressjscan we have promise call inside promise javascriptnode js thenjaascript new promise chainpromise chaining after catchchain different promisesnested promiseshow return a promise in promise chaing c3 b9chain promise jspromise chaining awaitnedd function to return inside then jsthen function in javascriptpromise then examplehow to end a promise chain javascriptpromise chaining in node jsjs thenchaining promise javascriptchain promise requestjavascript prototype chain in javascriptjavascript promise chainpromise javascript mdn then en javascriptstop from executing chained promise javascriptjavascript chain promisesjs promise chaincreate then functionjs chain promise thenpromise then syntax javascriptpromise then methodpromise chaining issuesnodejs catch promise in promise chainpromise tyhen chainign for api request react then javascript meaningjavascript thenthen chaining promisenested promise thentypescript return chained promisepromises then javascriptthen chain nodejsyou need to handle the promise before checking it 2c use then 28 29then catch promise chainingchain thenmultiple then in promise then chainingaurguments for then 28 29 optional javascript promisepromise then chain then promisereturn object instead of promise inside thenjavascript prototype chainhow to do something after promise is returneduse multiple then ascyn js 2cthen jspromise chaining api callsjs thanpromise chaining js then in node jsjs promise in promisewhat are promises chaining promise chaining javascriptchaining promises settimeoutreturning a chained promise typescriptchain promises jsthen syntax javascriptjs promise chaingingpromises chainhttps 3a 2f 2fjavascript info 2farticle 2fpromise chaining 2fuser json then 28 29 javascriptchaining then syntaxnode js thenpromise onfulfillednode js promisesnode js chaining functionality chain then javascriptusing then in jshow to chain promises in javascriptpromise nexthow to chain a promise funcchaining promises using thenpromise 2b mdn then error then explained jsjavascript chain promise then return jsthen in node jspromise catch syntaxjavascript nested thenpromise chaining json nestedwhy chaining of promisespromise then thenjs promise then chaining then reactchaine promise jsusing then in jsjs function thencall another promise in promiswhat is then in node jspromise chain jschain two function that return promisesjs promise chain longflat chain of promises javascriptjs then promisejs then functionpromise chainagehow to make a full promise chainpromise js mdnthis promise then then example javascriptchain then promisejavascript how to use then then keyword in javascriptcan we create promise chain inside promise chainjavascript promise thenpromise chainghow does promise chain wokrpromise chaniingthen javascript functionhow does promise chaining work 3fpromise then javascriptjs chain promicejavascript promise method chainingfunctions used to handle promises are named then means what in jspromise in javascript mdnreturn new promise multiple thenjavascript fetch chainingchained new promiseschaining promises javascriptjs promise catch then chainreact chain then then 28 29 3d 3epromise chaining promise allwhy does promise execute after other code 3fchain javascripthow does then work jsjs method chainingchainable promise javascriptthen function then nodepromise chaining example nodejschaining promises promisekitpromise chainjs create then methodthen promisemultiple then on same promise then method javascriptjs how to use thenjavascript how to use then 28 29javascript chain promises thennode js function then then in nodehow to use then 28 29javascript promise depends on anotherthen method syntaxjavascript then examplethen nodethen 28 29 js then syntaxwhat is js then fuctionjs chain promiseshow to implement a promise with daisy chaining then angularpromise chainjavascript then objectthen promise javascript then 28function 29js promise multiple thenjs then meaningchain promises thenreturn result from then promise jshow call method js that contains promise chainpromise chain methodsnodejs chain promises 27 3b 27 expected when using thenjs then es6chaain then functions jsalways add then in javascript promisies 3fjavascript chaining promisesjavascript nesting then inside thenpromise javascript example chainingchain promise es7how to resolve promise create in one file and resolve in another in javascriptmdn promise chainingjs promise chaining exampleuse of chaining of promiseschaining data from promise 22a new promise that resolves 22wrap promise inside promise then fucntion jspromise chaining in javascript mediumreturn data from then from function jsjavascript promise chaining multiple thenjavascript promise chain then functionspromise thenpromise chaining catchjavascript methods chainingjs chain promisechain then javascriptjs chainable calls with promisethen promise then then node jsjs thenhow to use promise chainingdone 28 29 vs promise chainingjavascript then 28then errorhow many then can be used in javascript promisejavascript promise chaining return typechaining promise resolvespromise then catchwhat is then jsthen in nodejshow to use then 28 29 javascriptwhat is javascript promise thennode js then promisechaining promises in jschaining js promise explainthen in typescript then 28 29 statementhow to get a value out of a promise chain then javascript tojs promise thenchaining multiple promises then 28promise node jsjs can a promise be called inside a promisereturn two promises inside a functionchaining in promises then function in jsthen method javascriptchain promiseswhat is then javascriptis promises are meant to be returnpromise with then and catchwait for promise with nesting to finish then 28 28 29 3d 3e 7b 7d 29 3bchaining promisechianing javascript promise thenchaining with promises jscan i do then 28 29 then 28 296 what methods can we chain after new promise 28 callback 29 3fjs theni have a function returning promise how do i return its promise from another functionjs promise mdn docscan you chain promises without chaining thens then statement javascriptchain catch and thennode js thenchain a promise within a promisepromise chaining thenreturn from then javascriptjavascript promis thenthen chaining javascriptes6 then returnreturn promise and another objectjavascript method chaining return thisjavascript promise then chain example then usage in jshow to use then in node jsconsole log response of promisechaining promises with awaitmake sure function first get called after promisepromises with two functions jsjs thenmpromise chaine nodejsnodejs nested promisescan you chain a then after a catch 3fjavscript thenjs fetch api promise chaininghow to chain promises javascriptpromise then syntaxvue chain thenchain promises in javascriptpromise chaining based on initial conditionpromise chainignwhat are promises in javascript mdbjs then promise chainthen in promisepromise then chain example codethen chainingpromise chains react jschain promiseawait javascriptjs then 28 29promise in promise javascripthow to handle a promise which value depends on another promisecan you use a return with a promise javascriptjavascript promiss of promissafter complete one promise return next promisepromise then in javascriptproblem with promise chainwhat does chaining then dohow to return something from a promise chain nodejsunderstanding promise chainwhat is then 28 29 jsfunction thencan i use then 28 29 for not promises functionsnew promise mdnthen method in jscreate new promisepromise new request mdnjs promise catch with then chainchaining promises nodejs then 28 29 7b 7dwhat is then in js promisehow to chaining promise then 28 28 29 3d 3e 7b 7dpromise chain deifnitionjavascript chaining thenjs then methodstore promise chain jusing then promiseawait new promise chaining then 28 29 exampleschaining then statementswhen then html function then in jsthen function node jsthen js functionpromise then jshow to chain functions with thennodejs promise chainchaining promises using then jsjavascript promise chain api callswhen can you use then jsjavascript thenpromise what is then calledthen js examplehow to chain promises with thenpromise and then in javascriptassign chain of promisesthen function javasriptwhat is promise chaining 3fjavascipt promise chaining then javascript nedirchaining in promisepromise then chainingpromise chaining examplepromise chaininigdo i need to return in promise chainchaining promises in javascriptjavascript then usestore promise chain jschaining injspromise then thenchain multiple promises javascriptnodejs then chain then chain post and getdata after promise is different than in networkjs how to chain promisesfunction 28 29 then 28 29 javascriptchaining then in promisemultiple then javascriptpromise then javascript then in node js with examplepromise 28 29 thenreturn value from promise thenpromise two thenjs chaining promisescreate promise chain promise chaining in javascript then and catch jshow chain promises then 28done 29 javascript then promise javascriptchaining then promise jsnodejs then functionjavascript promise mdnjavascirpt promise chainjs promises thenchain promises javacsriptpromise successthen function in nodejsthen method jsthen meaning in javascripttypescript chain promisesjavascript then with functionjavascript promise chaining returnjs return promise with then chainjavascript then promisewhat type of method is used in promise chainingnode js then 28 29promise chainingcthennode use then inside thennode promises chainging thenhow does then work in jshow to use then jsjavascript nest promiseswhat does then 28 29 do then js awaitchain promise typescriptpromise then node jswhat happens when u use 2 then 28 29 funcitons in jswhen to use then javascriptfunction from then javascrip then in javascript examplesset up then js functionpromise chain thenhow to use then javascriptjavascript chain thenpromise in js mdnthen 28 29 methodcreate function that uses thentypescript multiple thenhow to catch an error in a daisy chained promise angular then always js then 28 29 promise chainreturn promise from promisejs using thenpromise then console lognested api call inside thenthen chaining jsusing then javascripthow to chain two function that return promisesjs chain of thennodejs how to use then 28 29js how to use thenthen javascript examplemultiple then javascriptbest way to deal with promise chains then function javascriptdoes then execute after done then methodsnode chaining then then javascript nodejspromise chaininghow to use then methodsjavascript then chainhow many then can used in promisees6 then functiones6 then 28 29then typescript then nodejspromise within a promise javascriptnodejs thenhow to use then 28 29 jsthis and then jsjs promise thenthen in then javascriptchain promise javascriptchain then commands js then function nodejspromise javascript for two functionsjavascript then statementtypescript thenpromise chain requestwhat is promise chaining in javascriptbest way to chain together promiseschaining in fetch methodjs chained promisespromise resolve first then nextis javascript promise thennode js nested promisesjs chainging promises then 28 response 3d 3e 7bjs promises nexthow 27this 27 got passed in promise chainwhat is promises and function chainingjs chainingpromise methods javascriptjs promises 2b nested thenadd chaining promisesthen 28 29 in javascriptthen javascripttwo thens javascriptjs then chainthen promise chainingchain of promises javascriptjs chainded promisejavascript chain thenchain a thenjavascript function thenpromise javascript thenjs function thennested promises javascriptworking with chain of promises jspromise chaining reactcan then be nested jspromise nested thenjs chain thensresponse promise mdnthen 28 29 in javascriptexample chain promises node jswhat does then 28 29 method do in javascript 3fchaining thenchained thenjavascript create function with thentypescript promise chainjs how to sue thenjs then 28 29 functionhow to do promise chaining javascriptpromises then chainingpromise chaining thenpromise chaining tutorialnested promises nodejs then promise chainhow does then work in js then meaning in promiseusing then 28 29do i have to use then 28 29 22 then 28 28 29 3d 3e 7b 7d 29 3b 22condition between two promises flowjavascript get promise thenpromises chaining calling apipromise in separate file javascriptpromise in javascript thenjavascript then method 2farticle 2fpromise chaining 2fone js then 28 28value 29chain javascript thenpromise in chaining promises then in promise jshow to implement a promise with daisy chaining in angularpromise js thenthen syntax in jsjavascript using thenfunction in thenpromise chaining javascript examplewhy then then jspromise chaining defer next promisejavascript function thenjavascript function chainingwhen to chain promise thenjs arrow function multi chain promise then meaning in jsthen javascript es6javascript 22then 22what initializes the then syntaxthen promise jsjavascript do thenpromise chain examplepromise javascript chainthen in javascriptchaining thensunderstanding then 28 29promise chain in javascript 24 get 28 22 22 29 then 28function 28data 29 javascriptpromise nexthow to define then 28 29 in node jschained promise inside a promisecatching promise reject http nestreturn value from then promise 7d 29 then 28 28chianing javascript promise then es6promise chaining fornode chain promisesnode js chaining thenreturn chain of promisesresolve promise with thenusing promise to make a function run after another returnjavascript conditional chaining then functionnode js return value from promise thenusing thenthen is jsjavascript promisechaining promise returning functions nodejsuse then in javascriptmake promise chain that can be added to javascriptpromise chain javascriptchained promissespromise chaing thenwhat does then return javascriptpromise then examplechain promise reactjs chaining promisechaining promises in node jsjavascript promise thenwhat are the methods for chaining promises 3fnested promisereturn promise only after prior function body is overjavascript chainable method after promisejs chain thenchain of promises jsreturn promise callback result to another function in nodejswhen chaining promises together 2c what is returned with the reject method 3fpromise then js mdnjs promisesadvanced chaining promises javascriptnode then 28 29 then function in javascriptapi thenjs promise then chainjava script then then chainhow does then 28 29 workjavascript promise chain anywhat is then in javascriptnode js chaining returndo promises get executed immediately or after then has been called 3fpromise then catch javascriptpromise mdnchained promises js then in nodejswhen to use then 28 29multiple thens on a promisechained promise example in jsjs onfulfilledthen without return javascript chainingjavascript promise chainingwhat is a promise chaincan you have 2 then on a promisejavascript then thenchaining promises and results then 28 29 how to chain promiseshow to return a value from a then javascriptjavascript chain to a promisepromise javascript thenjavascript function chainjs fetch chainingthen method in javascriptthis then javascriptuse then in a functionpromise chain without return then returnget promise then java script then function in jsusing multiple then in promisechain multiple promisessyon promise chainchaining promises js then method jsfunction thenchainable then promisesjs chain methods conditionalltchain promise as one jspromise chaining in javascript not workingwhy we use return when chaining promise in jshow does then 28 29 work in javascripthow to rosolve promise from a function within promise function then javascriptallow then functionality jshow to start a promise chainreact promise thenhow to chain then api calls then 28 28value 29 3d 3e 7bjavascript what uses then then 28 29 functionwhy then javascriptnode js chain then promiseusing then jsmethod chaining jsjavascript then 28 29 then examples javascriptpromise chain example javascriptcreate chainable promises javascriptusing then in promisethen in then promisethen 28 29 javascriptwhat doe then do in jsthen 28 29 nodejs then in promisethen i n jswhen to use then in javascriptadd then to function jsjavascript then 28 29javascript thenjavascript 3f 28then 29return from promise chainnodejs promise thenpromise then jscatch chaining promises then 28 29 method then node jsthen 28 29 javascrimdn then 28 29 then 28 29react then promisechain promisejavscript then 28 29javascript promise thenthen then javascriptuse then chain in javascriptthen 28 29promise catch chainingmake promise chain that can be added tojavascript function thenhow return value in promise chaingjs then then thenpromise then catch examplepromise 2 thensjavascript create promise chain then js whenhow to use then in js then 28 29 in jsprimise in chain jswhat are promises chaining in javascriptmdn promise result then node meaningget promise thenpromise chain with catch example javascriptnode js thenpromise then meanstreturn nested promisesjs then without promisecreate promise chain in javascriptnode js then 28 29thenable javascriptreact chaining then then in javascript explainedhow return a promise in promise chaing then syntax javascriptpromise chain and thispromise then without resolvethen jsjavascript chaining thenwhen to use then 28 29 javascriptpromises in js mdncan we chain then in async node promise thenjs promise after promisepromise then javascriptthen statement javascriptwhy does a promise only run once javascriptthen catch promisechaining then jsjs future thenpassing promises through chain then 28 29 3d 3echain promise methodsjavascript then functionif something is sucessful then javascriptjs then catch chain then method in javascriptnode js chain promises then javascript exampleobject assign 28 29 29 then is not a function promise then 28 29 in javascriptpromise chaining with catchhow to use then in jschain promises javascriptis it ok to chain promises jsresolving a promise before a second promisethen function javascripthow does javascript then workchainable promise methods javascriptpromise chaining mdnjs then 28 29what does then do in javascriptnode thenpromises that can be chain javascriptjs two then then nodejs then on promisethen nodejsjs then 28 29what is promise chaining 3f give an examplevuejs use promise to chaindo something after promise javascriptdifferent function js promise chainingjs use then then 28 29 then 28 29then in jsnode js chain promise js then after thenjs example with thenwhat to then do in javascriptthen function js then 28function js promise thenjavascript promises create exicution chainjs then syntaxcalling two promise at once javascripthow do i use then 28 29 in jsdoes calling the resolve function inside a promise returnchaning promises javascriptchaining promises catchcall another promise in promise what is then in javascriptpromises chainingchain two nested api calls using promisejs then promiseuse of then in javascriptjavascript method chainingpromise then errorhow to get results of previous statement in promise chain then 28 29 syntax javascripthow to create then function in jsfunction then in javascriptthis in then javasacripthow to chain a then to a promiseusing js thenhow does then work in javascriptwhat is promises chainingpromises api mdnjavascript promise then return valuechaining then in reacthow to make then in javascriptjavascript 24 28then 29promise then usewhere can i use then javascriptpromise thennodejs thennode thennested returned promises javascriptwhere the then function in javascriptfetch chain javascriptexecute third promose if first and second promise returnedpromise then catch chainpromises call after finishedpromise catch chaining jsnodejs resolve indie thenthen 28 29 in jspromise then errormultiple functions then promise resolutioncall a promise in a promise jsgetting issue when multiple chains of promise node jspromise chains when to return thencalling a function that has promise chainingcreating promisepromise chain with then in javascriptwhat is promise chainingpromise then 28 29how promise chaining worksjs promise chaininghow to use then in javascriptchain promise in a promise all js then call in jsusing then in javascriptjavascript promise returnjavascript promise chain examplepromises then java scriptnode js then 28 28 29 3d 3e 7b 7d 29 then examplejavascript promise chain