showing results for - "javascript word start with"
24 Apr 2018
1const str = "Saturday night plans";
2const res = str.startsWith("Sat");
3console.log(res); //> true
28 Nov 2020
1//checks if a string starts with a word
2function startsWith(str, word) {
3    return str.lastIndexOf(word, 0) === 0;
5startsWith("Welcome to earth.","Welcome"); //true
queries leading to this page
javascript is string starts with j s startwithcheck string staring with in javascriptcheck if string startswith javascript a to dtypescript starts withjavascript strat with astring starts with javascritjavascript string starts with specific stringstartswith node jsstring begins 5 leters jsangular string startswithjavascript string startswith 1st characteres6 check if string starts withjs check if a string starts with antoherstarts with in jsjs startswith 28 29startwith 28 29 in jsstring start withif prefix jsjavascriptcompare to array with startswithhow to select the strings which starts from the a in javascriptstartswith in angular 6 string in htmljavascript number starts withjavascript startswothjavascript starts with arraystartwith in jqueryfilter startswith javascriptnodejs startswithstart with in jsjavascript if variable starts withstr startwith jsget word start with a javascriptes6 starts withjavascript stinrg starts withjs statrs withhow to check if a string starts with a symbol 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