jest expect async function to throw error

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showing results for - "jest expect async function to throw error"
14 Aug 2018
1it('should test async errors', async () =>  {        
2    await expect(failingAsyncTest())
3    .rejects
4    .toThrow('I should fail');
queries leading to this page
jest async error handlingjest tothrow asyncjest test throw error in async awaitjest expect 28async not to throw 29jest expect async throwjest expect async not to throwjest expect async function to throwjest async expect exceptionjest throw error asyncjest expect async to throwjest async function expect to throwjest expect an error to be throw async functionexpect async function to throw error jestjest check exception throw by asyncjest catch async errorhow to test async function which throws error jestjest test async function not 5dthrows errorasync function doesn throw error jestjest await expect to throwexpect 28async 28 29 3d 3e await getdatastream 28 27bsfilename 27 29 29 tothrowerror 28filedoesnotexist 29 3bjest exception asyncjest async function tothrowexpect async to throw jestasync to throw jesthow to test async function in jestjest async expectasync error throw jestthrow errors in async function jestjest handle async exceptionjest test async throw errorjest to throw asyncjest expect async functionjest check async function throws errorjest test throw error 27 2c asyncjest make a async function throwtest jest method throw error asyncjest expect throw error async functionjest test async throwjest async throw exceptionhow to test for async function throwing error in jestjest test async function throws errorjest test throw error asynctest a async function who should throw error jestjest expect async function to throw errorjest expect asyncjest expect async function not to throwjest expect to throw asyncexpect async function to throw jestjest async test with throw new errorjest expect 28async to throw 29jest async throw error testjest expect async to throw errorjest expect throw error asyncjest expect tothrow asyncjest async catch errorjest expect not throw error asyncexpect an async function not to throw jestjest async function throwjest expect async throw errorasync test error throw jestjest test for correctly throw error from asyncjest async throwjest should not throw asyncjest async test with donejest async throw errorthrow async jestjest may throw error asyncexpect throw with async call jesttest an async function jest throws errorjest expect to throw error asyncexpect async function to throwjest throw error 27 2c asyncjest test async method that throws errorjest expect function to not throw errortest async throw error jestjest expect exception asyncjest expect async function to throw error