jquery wait for all ajax requests to complete

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showing results for - "jquery wait for all ajax requests to complete"
01 Mar 2017
1//jQuery waiting for all ajax calls to complete b4 running
2$.when(ajaxCall1(), ajaxCall2()).done(function(ajax1Results,ajax2Results){
3    //this code is executed when all ajax calls are done
6function ajaxCall1() {
7    return  $.ajax({
8        url: "some_url.php",
9        success: function(result){
10            console.log(result); 
11        }
12    });
15function ajaxCall2() {
16    return  $.ajax({
17        url: "some_url.php",
18        success: function(result){
19            console.log(result); 
20        }
21    });
queries leading to this page
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