js format number thousands separator

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showing results for - "js format number thousands separator"
28 Oct 2017
1function numberWithCommas(x) {
2  return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ',');
08 Mar 2018
1function numberWithCommas(x) {
2    return x.toString().replace(/\B(?<!\.\d*)(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",");
31 Nov 2020
1function numberWithCommas(x) {
2    return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",");
12 Jun 2020
1//ES6 Way
2const numberWithCommas = (x) => {
3  return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ',');
10 Jun 2016
1function nFormatter(num, digits) {
2  var si = [
3    { value: 1, symbol: "" },
4    { value: 1E3, symbol: "k" },
5    { value: 1E6, symbol: "M" },
6    { value: 1E9, symbol: "G" },
7    { value: 1E12, symbol: "T" },
8    { value: 1E15, symbol: "P" },
9    { value: 1E18, symbol: "E" }
10  ];
11  var rx = /\.0+$|(\.[0-9]*[1-9])0+$/;
12  var i;
13  for (i = si.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
14    if (num >= si[i].value) {
15      break;
16    }
17  }
18  return (num / si[i].value).toFixed(digits).replace(rx, "$1") + si[i].symbol;
22 * Tests
23 */
24var tests = [
25  { num: 1234, digits: 1 },
26  { num: 100000000, digits: 1 },
27  { num: 299792458, digits: 1 },
28  { num: 759878, digits: 1 },
29  { num: 759878, digits: 0 },
30  { num: 123, digits: 1 },
31  { num: 123.456, digits: 1 },
32  { num: 123.456, digits: 2 },
33  { num: 123.456, digits: 4 }
35var i;
36for (i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) {
37  console.log("nFormatter(" + tests[i].num + ", " + tests[i].digits + ") = " + nFormatter(tests[i].num, tests[i].digits));
25 Jan 2020
1foramtNumber = (num,div=",")=>{
2  return num.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, div);
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how to format string to have comma for numbers javascript return x tostring 28 29 replace 28 2f 5cb 28 3f 3d 28 5cd 7b3 7d 29 2b 28 3f 21 5cd 29 29 2fg 2c 22 2c 22 29 3bjs calculation formatting thousandsset comma for numbers in javascripthow to add a comma for price with js thousand separator in javascriptnumber format javascriptconvert currency format javascript commahow to add comma in integer in javascriptthousands separator javascriptjavascript how to format numbers iwth commashow to add comma to a number in javascriptjs add comma to numberformate price to comma separated with 2 decimal places jsformat number to string with commas javascripthow to put comma after 2 numbers in jsget number with commas from string jsadd commas to number string javascriptjavascript read numbers with commasjs add thousands separatorfor i in k in jshow to format a number with commas in javascripthow to add commas to integer in javascriptjavascript format number with commas and decimaljavascript format 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lodashjavascript format number with commas and 2 decimalnumber comma separator javascriptformat number commojavascriptthousand separator in jshtml number format dot thousand separatorjs make number larger than 1000 k1000 to k in javascriptcomma thousand separator jsdisplay amount comma separated in javascriptformat number thounsand 2b javascriptjavascript reduce large numbers with kjs number after commaadd comma in jsshorten number into k m or billion javascripthow to add comma between numbers in jsjavascript thousands separator to numberhow to add commas to numbers in javascriptjs formatted parse number stringjavascript add m 2c b 2c knumberwithcommas in safari javascriptjavascript input number format comma number format comma function jsjs format number commasjavascript variable in inverted commashow to add comma for thousand and milion in jsset price with commas jsjs number with commasdisplay to display comma separated for prices javascripthow to put commas in numbers in javascriptformat javascript number commajavascript nformatter price with letter denoting thousandsjavascript format number thousands2 numbers after comma javascriptformat number thousands javascript dotjavascript quickly add comma to numberjavascript convert numbers to kjs format to millionsformat numbers with commas jsjavascript format number space thousandjavascript format number with kjavascript to put comma in numbersjs format number millionjavascript with commasinclude comma for number string in javascriptjs number add commashow to add thousands seperator to string in jsjavascritp format number with commasjavascript tostring commasjavascript thousands seperatiorhow to print a number with commas as thousands separators in javascriptnumber withcommas javascript functionjs add commas to numbersreturning strings with commas to a number jsadd commas to currency javascriptformat number in k in nodejs expressjs function m 28a 2cb 2cc 3d3000 29javascript if value is upto 1000 use k valuejavascript integers with commaremove k from 10000 amount in javascriothow to add commas between numbers in javascriptreturn x tostring 28 29 replace 28 2f 5cb 28 3f 3d 28 5cd 7b3 7d 29 2b 28 3f 21 5cd 29 29 2fg 2c 22 2c 22 29 3bnumber with comma in javascriptshow number with comma javascriptjavascript format commasformat number javascript commaadd comma to numbers in javascriptjavascript convert string to number thousand separatorformat number 22k 22 react nativeformat number javascript with comma 27 27ensure a number variable returns commasjavascript set number format commacomma in number javascriptformat number commas javascriptinsert comma in number javascriptjavascript comma functionadd comma to numbers jsjs format thousandshow to convert number to comma formatted nodejs1000 separator in typescriptjquery add k to numbernodejs format numbers with commasthousand separator jsjavascript format number separatorhow to add commas on a string of numbers jsformat an integer with dot 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number millionsjs make integer without comaadd commas to a number javascriptjavascript format number commahow to add comma between digits in jsturning strings with commas to numbers jsjavascript format number with commajavascript parse number with thousands separatorformat number with two decimals and thousand separator javascriptjs thousand separatorjavascript split number with commaformat thousend separator javascriptjavascript format number with thousand commajavascript number format thousands separatoron every thousand number set point jaavascriptcomma separated js numbershow to add tofixed but comma seperated numbers in javascriptrender numbers with commasjavascript convert string with comma to numberjavascript commas after thousandsjavascript format money with commasjavascript number to comma function to put commas javascriptnumber to commas jsjs format number thousandhow to make number have commas in javascriptjs add commas to number format with commas int javascriptif number with comma javascriptjs numeric separatorsjavascript number without separatorsadd comma in number jsjavascript format number with commas es6how to add commas to ints in jsjavascript number comma separatorjavascript format dollars with commasconvert number to k and m javascriptjs format number comma thoundsandformat a number in javascript as k 2fm 2fbformat number in t 120m 2c 120k jsconverting numeric value into comma format in javascriptformat number with commas js replace 28 60 billion 60 26 26 60 60 2c 600 60 29js number commajs add comma numberconvert the number format with commas injsthousands comma in javascript numberjavascript separate money by commaintl numberformat from coma seperated to numbernumberformatter not adding commas jsjavascript format number string with commasnumber to comma function javascriptformat numbers in ms and ks in javascriptjavascript add comma to large numbersnumber format separator javascriptjavascript how to format a number with commajavascript format number to k mjavascript format as number with commasjs number format commacomma separated currency in javascriptformat number in javascript with commadisplay number without commas javascripthow to show number format in thousands in javascriptnumbers with commas javascripthow to format comma of numbers to instead of 2c javascriptconver value to k and m npmthousands space separator numberformat javascriptadd comma to separate thousands javascriptjs number with commajs add comma to numbershow to add commas to a number in javascriptjavascript dollar format commanumber with commas in javascriptjs decimal with commashow to add comma in number javascriptinclude commas in number jsjavascript numbers with commasjs adding commas to large numbersjs format number with commahow to set comma in digits using jsformat number from 2 5k to fulladd comma to price javascriptjavascript currency with commaadding comma in number javascriptjavascript show thousands comma separated thousand jsjavascript intl format with commasjavascript add commas to numberrsmake numbers separrated by comma javascriptjs format money with k 2cmjavascript add comma in numbernumber format with comma in javascriptjavascript display number with commasnumber comma separator in javascriptnumber format with comma javascripthow do i add commas in number to hundreds of thousands jsjavascript format currency amount no commashow to make a long number separated by commas in javascriptadd commas to number in javascriptjavascript convert number to currency with commasjavascript format number decimal separatorjs separate number thousand separatorjavascript separete number by thousandadding formatted thousand in numbers in javascriptes6 format large numbers with commasjs 3 comma to number formatjavascript convert values to k and mjavascript have commas in numbersjavascript thousands separatornumber without commas javascriptadd commas thousands javascript and decimalstring number with commas to number javascripthow to add comma to numbers with javascriptjs place commas in number3 cama in price javascriptmake k and m numbers javascriptjavascript input thousand separatorhow to format number by comma in javascriptadd commas to numbers jsjavascript add commas to numbersadd comma on big numbers javascriptwhat is a string with commas javascriptjavascript add thousand separator to numberhow to add commas into javascriptformat numbers with commas javascript1000 separator in javascriptnumber comma format javascripthow to make thousand separator in javascriptcomma thousands javascriptjavascript add thousand separatorshow no k or m in javascriptplace commas correctly in integer javascripthow to convert number into k thousand m million and billion suffix in javascriptcalculate numbers with commas in javascriptjavascript number format commajavascript comma thousandsformat number to thousands javascriptjavascript no thousand separatorcomma separated javascript every 3 numbershow to separate numbers with coma in javascripthow to add commas to numbers jsthousand separator javascriptjs format number with thousand separator and decimalnumber conversion from digit to k format in nodejsformat number with points javascript2 digit randon number jsfunction to add commas in javascriptjavascript put comma to currencynumberwithcommas jsadd comma to digitis jsjavascript make number have commajavascript show number with commasis number js with commashow to make number comma separated values in jsadd comma to number jsjs parse thousands separatorhow to separate thousandth with comma jsjavascript amount formatter no thousand separatorcomma thousands jsjavascript convert number to dollar with commaget comma in amount javascriptjavascript format number add commasnumber comma separator jsformat thousands k jsnumber with commas jsformat number format based on country dot comma javascript exampleprint a number with commas as thousands separators in javascript input numbernumber format in javascript with commacomma seprated numbers in javascriptsimple thousand and decimal separator javascriptadd thousands separator in javascriptshow numbers with thousand digits javascripttypescript number format commajavascript format number 2 decimals without comma2 number after comma javascriptnumber to comma javascriptformat number to thousands jsjs thousand seperatorsjavascript put piint when its thousandsjs number add commajavascript format number 2 decimals commaadd commas javascripthow to insert commas in numbers javascriptnumber to comma jshow to add commas to numbers in jsjavascript number to string with thousand separatorhow to add dot to number in jskeep the number before comma javascriptjs how to show number with commasformat number javascript with comma 27js thousand to kplace comma in number indian javascriptcomma separator for numbers jsformat number with comma javascriptjavascript format number thousand separator to stringadd comma to numbers javascripthtml comma separated numeric 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with commas to number jshow to add a coma between numbers in javascriptformat number javascript with comma 27 27 27 27 27format thousand separator javascriptadd comma in number in javascriptjavascript formatting numbers with commashow to usd dollar comma showing nodejsadding commas to numbers javascript not stringjavascript number with comma to intjavascript comma numberjavascript commas and dollarnumbers with comma in javascriptjavascript comma format numberfunction for addming comma on numbers javascriptinsert comma to separate thousands jsformat number javascript commasconvert number to numbers with commas in jsjs insert thousands separatorput commas in numbers javascriptthousand comma separator jsnumber with comma jsjavascript get number from string with commajavascript string format number commascomma separate number javascriptseparating a number with comma in thousands jsstrings with commas into numbers javascriptnumber comma seprator in javascriptput commas into number jsjavascript number with thousands separatorhow to dynamically change number units between k 2f m 2f b angularjs insert commas in numberdisplay amount with commas in jshow to add format to numbers javascriptjavascript currency thousand commasjavascript comma separated numberjs integers with comma or javascript set 1000 dotsjs format three commasjavascript number thousand separatorjavascript add comma to number numberjavascript add commas in numbersjavascript format amount thousand seperator 2 decimalsnum to 1k jsjavacript format number with commasjavascript making a text number a number value value contains a commapassing formatted thousand in numbers in javascripthow to set numbers with comma for thousands javascriptformat k m javascriptjavascript convert number to comma separated stringjavascript adding commas to numbersjavascript put comma in numberformat number javascript with commaformat number javascript thousands separatorseparate number with commas typescriptcomma separated number in javascriptjavascript return number with commasadd comma to number for currency in javascripthow to format an integer with a comma in javascriptjavascript format number with thousands separatorjavascript currency format with commainsert comma in number jsnumber separate decimal comma jsjs format number with thousands separator not decimal placesjs how to get commas in numbernumber value with comma javascriptjavascript number commaadd number formatting to number javascripthow to format 1000 22javascript 22javascript one number after commacan a number be over 1 2c000 2c000 in javascript 3fjavascript friendly number format with commasseparate numbers with commas in javascripttypescript format number commadecimal format thousand separator javascriptnumber with commas in jshow to put comma in js numberjavascript number to currency commasimplify large numbers to k jsmake comma separator for numbers in javascriptjavascript format number thousand separatorformat number with commas and milions javascriptadd commas in number with numeral jsto local number without comma jsdisplay number with commas javascriptprovide numbers with commas function jshow to add comma in numbers in javascriptjavascript number format dots thousands and comma decimalsnumber with commas match javascripthow to display thousands with comma jsnumber format thousands separator javascriptjs komma in numbersputing a comma in money in the right spot with jsjavascript add comma in number as per usdmmake thousands with comma jschanging a number with comma in jsjs parse number with comma sort number with commas nodejsjs function format number with commasformat numbers javascript commashow to put commas in numbers javascriptformat comma number javascriptformat number javascript thousand separatores6 format large numbers with commas tolocalestringtolocalestring int with commajavascript format integer with commasjs comma number formatjavascript thousand separator to number with precisionjavascript point number commajavascript number add commasjs number space thousand separatorformat number javascript comma decimalget number separators from given formatted valuejquery format number thousands separatoradd thousand separator javascriptjs add comma in numberseparate number with commas in javascript as thousands separatorjs format numbers with commasis there a way to make thousands separator for an output in js 3fformat long number javascript return x tostring 28 29 replace 28 2fb 28 3f 3d 28d 7b3 7d 29 2b 28 3f 21d 29 29 2fg 2c 26quot 3b 2c 26quot 3b 29 3bjavascript money dividerjavascript number format thousands only integeradding commas in numbers javascripthow to add commas into number javascriptjs comma in numberjavascript making a text number a number value value contains a without commacomma number format javascriptcomma number javascriptoutput dollar value with commas in javascriptconvert string number with commas to number javascriptjavascript number format thousand separatorhow to add commas to numbers in nodejshow to add comma to number in jshow to put comma im number in javascriptadd commas to 1000 numbers in javascriptnumber comma function jshow to format number in javascript with a commaisletter number check jschange float to comma currency format jsinput format number whith separates thousands jsjavascript integer commajavascript tolocalestring money add commajavascript format big numberjs number format to kjs put dots between thousandsjavascript currency thousandcoma for thousand separator with intl jsjavascript add commas to number within a stringjavascript adding thousands separatorjs give a number with thousands separatorchange comma thousand separator javascriptjs format price with commasjs add thousand separatorhwo to get number with commas in javascriptjavascript format amount commajs thousand comma seporatorjavascript decimal format commahow to set comma in number with jshow to show a big number with all commas jsjavascript adding thousands separator to intergerjavascript put comma in numbersconvert 20 2c000 to 20000 in javascriptreverse num tostring 28 29 replace 28 2f 28 5cd 29 28 3f 3d 28 5cd 7b3 7d 29 2b 28 3f 21 5cd 29 29 2fg 2c 27 241 27 29converting number to string with commas in jstext to number with coma html jsformat number with commas and millions javascriptjavascript currency add commajavascript function to format number with commascomma in thousands jshow many commas in a number with javascriptcreate numbers with commas javascripthow to make a commas in number java scriptjavascript conver number into k and mjs separate number with commasshow float with comma jsconver 1000 with comma separator to number jsadd commas in price jsformat number with points separator javascriptnumberwithcommas javascripthtml number formatting k mjavascript truncate number with kjs add commas to a numberjs number separatorhow to separate numbers with commas in javascript prototypeadd a comma to an integer javascriptjavascript thousand separator to number with pricisioncomma separator javascriptadd commas in large numbers jsformat dollar sign and comma javascriptjs format number thousands separator spacethousand separator with decimal javascriptjavascript number format comma and decimaljavascript currency format billion to bnumber with commas indian style javascriptjs format number thousands separator